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115th Congress    }                                 {    Rept. 115-247
                        HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
 1st Session      }                                 {           Part 1




 July 24, 2017.--Committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the 
              State of the Union and ordered to be printed


    Mr. Roe of Tennessee, from the Committee on Veterans' Affairs, 
                        submitted the following

                              R E P O R T

                        [To accompany H.R. 3218]

    The Committee on Veterans' Affairs, to whom was referred 
the bill (H.R. 3218) to amend title 38, United States Code, to 
make certain improvements in the laws administered by the 
Secretary of Veterans Affairs, and for other purposes, having 
considered the same, report favorably thereon with an amendment 
and recommend that the bill as amended do pass.


Amendment........................................................     1
Purpose and Summary..............................................    17
Background and Need for Legislation..............................    17
Hearings.........................................................    33
Subcommittee Consideration.......................................    34
Committee Consideration..........................................    34
Committee Votes..................................................    35
Committee Correspondence.........................................    36
Committee Oversight Findings.....................................    38
Statement of General Performance Goals and Objectives............    38
Earmarks and Tax and Tariff Benefits.............................    38
Committee Cost Estimate..........................................    38
Budget Authority and Congressional Budget Office Estimate........    38
Federal Mandates Statement.......................................    39
Advisory Committee Statement.....................................    39
Constitutional Authority Statement...............................    39
Applicability to Legislative Branch..............................    39
Statement on Duplication of Federal Programs.....................    39
Disclosure of Directed Rulemaking................................    39
Section-by-Section Analysis of the Legislation...................    39
Changes in Existing Law Made by the Bill as Reported.............    54

    The amendment is as follows:
  Strike all after the enacting clause and insert the 


  (a) Short Title.--This Act may be cited as the ``Harry W. Colmery 
Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2017''.
  (b) Table of Contents.--The table of contents for this Act is as 

Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents.
Sec. 2. References to title 38, United States Code.


Sec. 101. Consideration of certain time spent receiving medical care 
from Secretary of Defense as active duty for purposes of eligibility 
for Post-9/11 Educational Assistance.
Sec. 102. Educational assistance under Post-9/11 Educational Assistance 
Program for members of the Armed Forces awarded the Purple Heart.
Sec. 103. Inclusion of Fry Scholarship recipients and Purple Heart 
recipients in Yellow Ribbon G.I. Education Enhancement Program.
Sec. 104. Consolidation of certain eligibility tiers under Post-9/11 
Educational Assistance Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs.
Sec. 105. Eligibility for Post-9/11 Educational Assistance for certain 
members of reserve components of Armed Forces who lost entitlement to 
educational assistance under Reserve Educational Assistance Program.
Sec. 106. Calculation of monthly housing stipend under Post-9/11 
Educational Assistance Program based on location of campus where 
classes are attended.
Sec. 107. Charge to entitlement for certain licensure and certification 
tests and national tests under Department of Veterans Affairs Post-9/11 
Educational Assistance Program.
Sec. 108. Restoration of entitlement to educational assistance and 
other relief for veterans affected by school closure or disapproval.
Sec. 109. Additional authorized transfer of unused Post-9/11 
Educational Assistance benefits to dependents upon death of originally 
designated dependent.
Sec. 110. Edith Nourse Rogers STEM Scholarship.
Sec. 111. Honoring the national service of members of the Armed Forces 
by elimination of time limitation for use of entitlement.
Sec. 112. Monthly stipend for certain members of the reserve components 
of the Armed Forces receiving Post-9/11 Educational Assistance.
Sec. 113. Improvement of information technology of the veterans 
benefits administration of the Department of Veterans Affairs.
Sec. 114. Department of Veterans Affairs high technology pilot program.
Sec. 115. Annual reports to Congress on information on student progress 
submitted by educational institutions.


Sec. 201. Work-study allowance.
Sec. 202. Duration of educational assistance under Survivors' and 
Dependents' Educational Assistance Program.
Sec. 203. Olin E. Teague increase in amounts of educational assistance 
payable under Survivors' and Dependents' Educational Assistance 


Sec. 301. State approving agency funding.
Sec. 302. Authorization for use of Post-9/11 Educational Assistance to 
pursue independent study programs at certain educational institutions 
that are not institutions of higher learning.
Sec. 303. Provision of information on priority enrollment for veterans 
in certain courses of education.
Sec. 304. Limitation on use of reporting fees payable to educational 
institutions and sponsors of programs of apprenticeship.
Sec. 305. Training for school certifying officials.
Sec. 306. Extension of authority for Advisory Committee on Education.
Sec. 307. Department of Veterans Affairs provision of on-campus 
educational and vocational counseling for veterans.
Sec. 308. Provision of information regarding veteran entitlement to 
educational assistance.
Sec. 309. Treatment, for purposes of educational assistance 
administered by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, of educational 
courses that begin seven or fewer days after the first day of an 
academic term.


Sec. 401. Eligibility of reserve component members for Post-9/11 
Educational Assistance.
Sec. 402. Time limitation for training and rehabilitation for veterans 
with service-connected disabilities.

                         TITLE V--OTHER MATTERS

Sec. 501. Repeal inapplicability of modification of basic allowance for 
housing to benefits under laws administered by Secretary of Veterans 
Sec. 502. Reconsideration of previously denied claims for disability 
compensation for veterans who allege full-body exposure to nitrogen 
mustard gas, sulfur mustard gas, or Lewisite during World War II.


   Except as otherwise expressly provided, whenever in this Act an 
amendment or repeal is expressed in terms of an amendment to, or repeal 
of, a section or other provision, the reference shall be considered to 
be made to a section or other provision of title 38, United States 



  (a) In General.--Section 3301(1)(B) is amended by inserting 
``12301(h),'' after ``12301(g),''.
  (b) Retroactive Application.--The amendment made by subsection (a) 
shall apply with respect to service in the Armed Forces occurring on or 
after September 11, 2001.
  (c) Application With Respect to Use of Entitlement.--An individual 
who is entitled to educational assistance by reason of the amendment 
made by subsection (a) may use such entitlement to pursue a course of 
education beginning on or after August 1, 2018.

                    PURPLE HEART.

  (a) Eligibility.--Section 3311(b) is amended by adding at the end the 
following new paragraph:
          ``(10) An individual who is awarded the Purple Heart for 
        service in the Armed Forces occurring on or after September 11, 
        2001, and continues to serve on active duty in the Armed Forces 
        or is discharged or released from active duty as described in 
        subsection (c).''.
  (b) Amount of Assistance.--Section 3313(c)(1) is amended by striking 
``or (9)'' and inserting ``(9), or (10)''.
  (c) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall take 
effect on August 1, 2018.

                    ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM.

  (a) In General.--Section 3317(a) is amended in the second sentence by 
striking ``paragraphs (1) and (2)'' and inserting ``paragraphs (1), 
(2), (9), and (10)''.
  (b) Effective Date.--The amendment made by subsection (a) shall take 
effect on August 1, 2018.

                    VETERANS AFFAIRS.

  (a) Entitlement.--Section 3311(b), as amended by section 102, is 
further amended--
          (1) in paragraph (6)(A), by striking ``12 months'' and 
        inserting ``6 months'';
          (2) by striking paragraph (7); and
          (3) by redesignating paragraphs (8), (9), and (10) as 
        paragraphs (7), (8), and (9), respectively.
  (b) Amount of Educational Assistance.--Section 3313(c) is amended by 
striking paragraph (7).
  (c) Conforming Amendments.--Chapter 33 is further amended as follows:
          (1) In section 3311(f), by striking ``paragraph (9)'' each 
        place it appears and inserting ``paragraph (8)''.
          (2) In section 3313, as amended by section 102--
                  (A) in subsection (c)(1), by striking ``(9), or 
                (10)'' and inserting ``(8), or (9)'';
                  (B) in subsection (d), by striking ``paragraphs (2) 
                through (7)'' each place it appears and inserting 
                ``paragraphs (2) through (6)'';
                  (C) in subsection (e)(2)(C)--
                          (i) by striking ``paragraphs (3) through 
                        (8)'' and inserting ``paragraphs (3) through 
                        (7)''; and
                          (ii) by striking ``paragraphs (2) through 
                        (7)'' and inserting ``paragraphs (2) through 
                  (D) in subsection (f)(2)(A)(ii), by striking 
                ``paragraphs (2) through (7)'' and inserting 
                ``paragraphs (2) through (6)'';
                  (E) in subsection (g)(3)--
                          (i) in subparagraph (A)(iv)--
                                  (I) by striking ``paragraphs (3) 
                                through (8)'' and inserting 
                                ``paragraphs (3) through (7)''; and
                                  (II) by striking ``paragraphs (2) 
                                through (7)'' and inserting 
                                ``paragraphs (2) through (6)'';
                          (ii) in subparagraph (B)(iii)--
                                  (I) by striking ``paragraphs (3) 
                                through (8)'' and inserting 
                                ``paragraphs (3) through (7)''; and
                                  (II) by striking ``paragraphs (2) 
                                through (7)'' and inserting 
                                ``paragraphs (2) through (6)'';
                          (iii) in subparagraph (C)(ii)--
                                  (I) in subclause (I), by striking 
                                ``(9)'' and inserting ``(8)''; and
                                  (II) in subclause (II)--
                                          (aa) by striking ``paragraphs 
                                        (3) through (8)'' and inserting 
                                        ``paragraphs (3) through (7)''; 
                                          (bb) by striking ``paragraphs 
                                        (2) through (7)'' and inserting 
                                        ``paragraphs (2) through (6)''; 
                          (iv) in subparagraph (D)(ii)--
                                  (I) in subclause (I), by striking 
                                ``(9)'' and inserting ``(8)''; and
                                  (II) in subclause (II)--
                                          (aa) by striking ``paragraphs 
                                        (3) through (8)'' and inserting 
                                        ``paragraphs (3) through (7)''; 
                                          (bb) by striking ``paragraphs 
                                        (2) through (7)'' and inserting 
                                        ``paragraphs (2) through (6)''; 
                  (F) in subsection (h), by striking ``paragraphs (2) 
                through (7)'' and inserting ``paragraphs (2) through 
          (3) In section 3316--
                  (A) in subsection (a)(1), by striking ``paragraphs 
                (2) through (7)'' and inserting ``paragraphs (2) 
                through (6)''; and
                  (B) in subsection (b)(1), by striking ``paragraphs 
                (2) through (7)'' and inserting ``paragraphs (2) 
                through (6)''.
          (4) In section 3317(a), in the second sentence, as amended by 
        section 103, by striking ``paragraphs (1), (2), (9), and (10)'' 
        and inserting ``paragraphs (1), (2), (8), and (9)''.
          (5) In section 3321(b)(4), as amended by section 111, by 
        striking ``section 3311(b)(9)'' and inserting ``section 
          (6) In section 3322--
                  (A) in subsection (e), by striking ``3311(b)(9)'' and 
                inserting ``3311(b)(8)'';
                  (B) in subsection (f), by striking ``3311(b)(9)'' and 
                inserting ``3311(b)(8)''; and
                  (C) in subsection (h)(2), by striking ``3311(b)(9)'' 
                and inserting ``3311(b)(8)''.
          (7) In section 3679(c)(2)(B), by striking ``3311(b)(9)'' and 
        inserting ``3311(b)(8)''.
  (d) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall take 
effect on August 1, 2020.


  (a) Election.--Section 16167 of title 10, United States Code, is 
amended by adding at the end the following new subsection:
  ``(c) Eligibility for Post-9/11 Educational Assistance.--A member who 
loses eligibility for benefits under this chapter pursuant to 
subsection (b) shall be allowed to elect (in such form and manner as 
the Secretary of Veterans Affairs may prescribe) to have such service 
previously credited toward this chapter credited towards establishing 
eligibility for educational assistance under chapter 33 of title 38, 
notwithstanding the provisions of section 16163(e) of this title or 
section 3322(h)(1) of title 38.''.
  (b) Qualification of Service.--Section 3301(1) of title 38, United 
States Code, shall be construed to include, in the case of a member of 
a reserve component of the Armed Forces who, before November 25, 2015, 
established eligibility for educational assistance under chapter 1607 
of title 10, United States Code, pursuant to section 16163(a)(1) of 
such title, but lost eligibility for such educational assistance 
pursuant to section 16167(b) of such title, service on active duty (as 
defined in section 101 of such title) that satisfies the requirements 
of section 16163(a)(1) of such title.
  (c) Entitlement.--Section 3311(b)(6) of title 38, United States Code, 
as amended by section 104(a), shall be construed to include an 
individual who, before November 25, 2015, established eligibility for 
educational assistance under chapter 1607 of title 10, United States 
Code, pursuant to section 16163(b) of such title, but lost such 
eligibility pursuant to section 16167(b) of such title.
  (d) Duration.--Notwithstanding section 3312 of title 38, United 
States Code, an individual who establishes eligibility for educational 
assistance under chapter 33 of such title by crediting towards such 
chapter service previously credited towards chapter 1607 of title 10, 
United States Code, is only entitled to a number of months of 
educational assistance under section 3313 of title 38, United States 
Code, equal to the number of months of entitlement remaining under 
chapter 1607 of title 10, United States Code, at the time of conversion 
to chapter 33 of title 38, United States Code.


  (a) In General.--Section 3313(c)(1)(B)(i)(I) is amended by striking 
``the institution of higher learning at which the individual is 
enrolled'' and inserting ``the campus of the institution of higher 
learning where the individual physically participates in a majority of 
  (b) Effective Date.--The amendment made by subsection (a) shall apply 
with respect to initial enrollment in a program of education on or 
after August 1, 2018.


  (a) Licensure and Certification Tests.--Subsection (c) of section 
3315 is amended--
          (1) by striking ``shall be determined at the rate of one 
        month (rounded to the nearest whole month)'' and inserting 
        ``shall be pro-rated based on the actual amount of the fee 
        charged for the test relative to the rate for one month''; and
          (2) by striking ``for each amount paid that equals'' and 
        inserting ``payable''.
  (b) National Tests.--Section 3315A is amended--
          (1) in subsection (a), by adding at the end the following new 
          ``(3) A national test that evaluates prior learning and 
        knowledge and provides an opportunity for course credit at an 
        institution of higher learning as so described.''; and
          (2) in subsection (c)--
                  (A) by striking ``shall be determined at the rate of 
                one month (rounded to the nearest whole month)'' and 
                inserting ``shall be pro-rated based on the actual 
                amount of the fee charged for the test relative to the 
                rate for one month''; and
                  (B) by striking ``for each amount paid that equals'' 
                and inserting ``payable''.
  (c) Tests Included.--Section 3452(b) is amended in the last 
          (1) by striking ``and national tests providing'' and 
        inserting ``, national tests providing''; and
          (2) by inserting before the period at the end the following: 
        ``, and national tests that evaluate prior learning and 
        knowledge and provides an opportunity for course credit at an 
        institution of higher learning''.
  (d) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this Act shall apply to a 
test taken on or after August 1, 2018.

                    CLOSURE OR DISAPPROVAL.

  (a) School Closure or Disapproval.--
          (1) Restoration of entitlement.--Chapter 36 is amended by 
        adding at the end the following new section:

``Sec. 3699. Effects of closure or disapproval of educational 

  ``(a) Closure or Disapproval.--Any payment of educational assistance 
described in subsection (b) shall not--
          ``(1) be charged against any entitlement to educational 
        assistance of the individual concerned; or
          ``(2) be counted against the aggregate period for which 
        section 3695 of this title limits the receipt of educational 
        assistance by such individual.
  ``(b) Educational Assistance Described.--Subject to subsection (c), 
the payment of educational assistance described in this paragraph is 
the payment of such assistance to an individual for pursuit of a course 
or program of education at an educational institution under chapters 
30, 32, 33, or 35 of this title, or chapters 1606 or 1607 of title 10, 
if the Secretary determines that the individual--
          ``(1) was forced to discontinue the pursuit of such course or 
        program as a result of--
                  ``(A) the permanent closure of the educational 
                institution; or
                  ``(B) the disapproval of the course or a course that 
                is a necessary part of that program under this chapter 
                by reason of--
                          ``(i) a provision of law enacted after the 
                        date on which the individual enrolls at such 
                        institution affecting the approval or 
                        disapproval of courses under this chapter; or
                          ``(ii) after the date on which the individual 
                        enrolls at such institution, the Secretary 
                        prescribing or modifying regulations or 
                        policies of the Department affecting such 
                        approval or disapproval; and
          ``(2) did not receive credit or lost training time, toward 
        completion of the program of education being so pursued.
  ``(c) Period Not Charged.--The period for which, by reason of this 
subsection, educational assistance is not charged against entitlement 
or counted toward the applicable aggregate period under section 3695 of 
this title shall not exceed the aggregate of--
          ``(1) the portion of the period of enrollment in the course 
        from which the individual failed to receive credit or with 
        respect to which the individual lost training time, as 
        determined under subsection (b)(2), and
          ``(2) the period by which a monthly stipend is extended under 
        section 3680(a)(2)(B) of this title.
  ``(d) Continuing Pursuit of Disapproved Courses.--(1) The Secretary 
may treat a course of education that is disapproved under this chapter 
as being approved under this chapter with respect to an individual 
described in paragraph (2) if the Secretary determines, on a case-by-
case basis, that--
          ``(A) such disapproval is the result of an action described 
        in clause (i) or (ii) of subsection (b)(1)(B); and
          ``(B) continuing pursuing such course is in the best interest 
        of the individual.
  ``(2) An individual described in this paragraph is an individual who 
is pursuing a course of education at an educational institution under 
chapters 30, 32, 33, or 35 of this title, or chapters 1606 or 1607 of 
title 10, as of the date on which the course is disapproved under this 
          (2) Clerical amendment.--The table of sections at the 
        beginning of such chapter is amended by inserting after the 
        item relating to section 3698 the following new item:

``3699. Effects of closure or disapproval of educational 

  (b) Monthly Housing Stipend.--
          (1) In general.--Subsection (a) section 3680 is amended--
                  (A) by striking the matter after paragraph (3)(B);
                  (B) in paragraph (3), by redesignating subparagraphs 
                (A) and (B) as clauses (i) and (ii), respectively;
                  (C) by redesignating paragraphs (1) through (3) as 
                subparagraphs (A) through (C), respectively;
                  (D) in the matter preceding subparagraph (A), as 
                redesignated, in the first sentence, by striking 
                ``Payment of'' and inserting ``(1) Except as provided 
                in paragraph (2), payment of''; and
                  (E) by adding at the end the following new paragraph 
  ``(2) Notwithstanding paragraph (1), the Secretary may, pursuant to 
such regulations as the Secretary shall prescribe, continue to pay 
allowances to eligible veterans and eligible persons enrolled in 
courses set forth in paragraph (1)(A)--
          ``(A) during periods when educational institutions are 
        temporarily closed under an established policy based on an 
        Executive order of the President or due to an emergency 
        situation, except that the total number of weeks for which 
        allowances may continue to be so payable in any 12-month period 
        may not exceed four weeks; or
          ``(B) solely for the purpose of awarding a monthly housing 
        stipend described in section 3313 of this title, during periods 
        following a permanent closure of an educational institution, or 
        following the disapproval of a course of study described in 
        section 3699(b)(1)(B) of this title, except that payment of 
        such a stipend may only be continued until the earlier of--
                  ``(i) the date of the end of the term, quarter, or 
                semester during which the closure or disapproval 
                occurred; and
                  ``(ii) the date that is 120 days after the date of 
                the closure or disapproval.''.
          (2) Conforming amendment.--Paragraph (1)(C)(ii) of such 
        subsection, as redesignated, is amended by striking ``described 
        in subclause (A) of this clause'' and inserting ``described in 
        clause (i)''.
  (c) Applicability.--
          (1) School closure or disapproval.--
                  (A) In general.--The amendments made by subsection 
                (a) shall take effect on the date that is 90 days after 
                the date of the enactment of this Act, and shall apply 
                with respect to courses and programs of education 
                discontinued as described in section 3699 of title 38, 
                United States Code, as added by subsection (a)(1), 
                after January 1, 2015.
                  (B) Special application.--With respect to courses and 
                programs of education discontinued as described in 
                section 3699 of title 38, United States Code, as added 
                by subsection (a)(1), during the period beginning 
                January 1, 2015, and ending on the date of the 
                enactment of this Act, an individual who is unable to 
                transfer credits from such program of education shall 
                be deemed to be an individual who did not receive such 
                credits, as described in subsection (b)(2) of such 
                section. In carrying out this paragraph, the Secretary 
                of Veterans Affairs, in consultation with the Secretary 
                of Education, shall establish procedures to determine 
                whether credits are unable to be transferred.
          (2) Monthly housing stipend.--The amendments made by 
        subsection (b) shall take effect on August 1, 2018, and shall 
        apply with respect to courses and programs of education 
        discontinued as described in section 3699 of title 38, United 
        States Code, as added by such subsection, on or after the date 
        of the enactment of this Act.


  (a) Transfer Upon Death of Dependent.--Section 3319 is amended--
          (1) in subsection (f)(1), by inserting after ``section 3321'' 
        the following: ``, and except as provided in subsection (k) or 
        (l),''; and
          (2) by adding at the end the following new subsection:
  ``(k) Additional Transfer Upon Death of Dependent.--In the case of a 
dependent to whom entitlement to educational assistance is transferred 
under this section who dies before using all of such entitlement, the 
individual who transferred the entitlement to the dependent may 
transfer any remaining entitlement to a different eligible dependent, 
notwithstanding whether the individual is serving as a member of the 
Armed Forces when such transfer is executed.
  ``(l) Transfer by Dependent.--In the case of an individual who 
transfers entitlement to educational assistance under this section who 
dies before the dependent to whom entitlement to educational assistance 
is so transferred has used all of such entitlement, such dependent may 
transfer such entitlement to another eligible dependent in accordance 
with the provisions of this section.''.
  (b) Effective Dates.--
          (1) Eligible deaths.--The amendments made by this section 
        shall apply with respect to deaths occurring on or after August 
        1, 2009.
          (2) Use of entitlement.--A dependent to whom entitlement to 
        educational assistance is transferred under subsection (k) or 
        (l) of section 3319 of title 38, United States Code, as added 
        by subsection (a), may use such entitlement to pursue a course 
        of education beginning on or after August 1, 2018.


   (a) In General.--Subchapter II of chapter 33 is amended by adding at 
the end the following new section:

``Sec. 3320. Edith Nourse Rogers STEM Scholarship

  ``(a) In General.--Subject to the limitation under subsection (f), 
the Secretary shall provide additional benefits to eligible individuals 
selected by the Secretary under this section. Such benefits shall be 
known as the `Edith Nourse Rogers STEM Scholarship'.
  ``(b) Eligibility.--For purposes of this section, an eligible 
individual is an individual--
          ``(1) who is or was entitled to educational assistance under 
        section 3311 of this title;
          ``(2) who has used all of the educational assistance to which 
        the individual is entitled under this chapter or will, based on 
        the individual's rate of usage, use all of such assistance 
        within 180 days of applying for benefits under this section;
          ``(3) who applies for assistance under this section; and
          ``(4) who--
                  ``(A) is an individual who--
                          ``(i) is enrolled in a program of education 
                        leading to a post-secondary degree that 
                        requires more than the standard 128 semester 
                        (or 192 quarter) credit hours for completion 
                                  ``(I) biological or biomedical 
                                  ``(II) physical science;
                                  ``(III) science technologies or 
                                  ``(IV) computer and information 
                                science and support services;
                                  ``(V) mathematics or statistics;
                                  ``(VI) engineering;
                                  ``(VII) engineering technologies or 
                                an engineering-related field;
                                  ``(VIII) a health profession or 
                                related program;
                                  ``(IX) a medical residency program; 
                                  ``(X) an agriculture science program 
                                or a natural resources science program; 
                          ``(ii) has completed at least 60 standard 
                        semester (or 90 quarter) credit hours in a 
                        field referred to in clause (i); or
                  ``(B) is an individual who has earned a post-
                secondary degree in a field referred to in subparagraph 
                (A)(i) and is enrolled in a program of education 
                leading to a teaching certification.
  ``(c) Priority.--In selecting eligible individuals to receive 
additional benefits under this section, the Secretary shall give 
priority to the following individuals:
          ``(1) Individuals who require the most credit hours described 
        in subsection (b)(4).
          ``(2) Individuals who are entitled to educational assistance 
        under this chapter by reason of paragraph (1), (2), (8), or (9) 
        of section 3311(b) of this title.
  ``(d) Amount of Assistance.--(1) The Secretary shall pay to each 
eligible individual who receives additional benefits under this section 
the monthly amount payable under section 3313 of this title for not 
more than nine months of the program of education in which the 
individual is enrolled (adjusted with respect to the individual 
pursuant to section 3313(c), as appropriate), except that the aggregate 
amount paid to an individual under this section may not exceed $30,000.
  ``(2) The Secretary may not pay to such an individual an amount in 
addition to the amount payable under paragraph (1) by reason of section 
3317 of this title.
  ``(3) An individual who receives additional benefits under this 
section may also receive amounts payable by a college or university 
pursuant to section 3317 of this title.
  ``(e) Prohibition on Transfer.--An individual who receives additional 
benefits under this section may not transfer any amount of such 
additional benefits under section 3319 of this title.
  ``(f) Maximum Amount of Total Assistance.--The total amount of 
benefits paid to all eligible individuals under this section may not 
          ``(1) $25,000,000 for fiscal year 2019;
          ``(2) $75,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2020 through 2022; 
          ``(3) $100,000,000 for fiscal year 2023 and each subsequent 
        fiscal year.''.
  (b) Clerical Amendment.--The table of sections at the beginning of 
such chapter is amended by inserting after the item relating to section 
3319 the following new item:

``3320. Edith Nourse Rogers STEM Scholarship.''.

  (c) Effective Date.--Section 3320 of title 38, United States Code, 
shall take effect on August 1, 2019.


  (a) In General.--Subsection (a) of section 3321 amended--
          (1) by striking ``individual's entitlement'' and all that 
        follows through the period and inserting ``individual's 
        entitlement--''; and
          (2) by adding at the end the following new paragraphs:
          ``(1) in the case of an individual who first becomes entitled 
        to such entitlement before January, 1, 2013, expires at the end 
        of the 15-year period beginning on the date of such 
        individual's last discharge or release from active duty; or
          ``(2) in the case of an individual who first becomes entitled 
        to such entitlement on or after January 1, 2013, shall not 
  (b) Children of Deceased Members.--Subsection (b)(4) of such section 
is amended--
          (1) by inserting ``of this title'' after ``3311(b)(9)'';
          (2) by striking ``child's entitlement'' and all that follows 
        through the period and inserting ``child's entitlement--''; and
          (3) by adding at the end the following new subparagraphs:
                  ``(A) in the case of a child who first becomes 
                entitled to such entitlement before January 1, 2013, 
                expires at the end of the 15-year period beginning on 
                the date of such child's eighteenth birthday; or
                  ``(B) in the case of a child who first becomes 
                entitled to such entitlement on or after January 1, 
                2013, shall not expire.''.


  (a) In General.--Section 3313 is further amended by adding at the end 
the following new subsection:
  ``(j) Determination of Monthly Stipends During Certain Active Duty 
          ``(1) Pro rata basis.--In any month in which an individual 
        described in paragraph (2) is performing active duty service 
        described in section 3301(1)(B) of this title, the Secretary 
        shall determine the amount of monthly stipends payable under 
        this section for such month on a pro rata basis for the period 
        of such month in which the covered individual is not performing 
        such active duty service.
          ``(2) Individual described.--An individual described in this 
        paragraph is an individual who is--
                  ``(A) a member of the reserve components of the Armed 
                Forces; and
                  ``(B) pursuing a program of education using 
                educational assistance under this chapter.''.
  (b) Application.--The amendment made by subsection (a) shall apply 
with respect to a quarter, semester, or term, as applicable, commencing 
on or after August 1, 2018.

                    VETERANS AFFAIRS.

  (a) Processing of Certain Educational Assistance Claims.--The 
Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall, to the maximum extent possible, 
make such changes and improvements to the information technology system 
of the Veterans Benefits Administration of the Department of Veterans 
Affairs to ensure that--
          (1) to the maximum extent possible, all original and 
        supplemental claims for educational assistance under chapter 33 
        of title 38, United States Code, are adjudicated 
        electronically; and
          (2) rules-based processing is used to make decisions with 
        respect to such claims with little human intervention.
  (b) Implementation Plan.--Not later than 180 days after the date of 
the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall 
submit to Congress a plan to implement the changes and improvements 
described in subsection (a).
  (c) Report.--Not later than one year after the date of the enactment 
of this Act, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall submit to Congress 
a report on the implementation of the changes and improvements 
described in subsection (a).
  (d) Authorization of Appropriations.--There is authorized to be 
appropriated to the Secretary of Veterans Affairs $30,000,000 to carry 
out this section during fiscal years 2018 and 2019.


  (a) Pilot Program.--The Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall carry out 
a pilot program under which the Secretary shall provide eligible 
veterans with the opportunity to enroll in high technology programs of 
  (b) Eligibility.--For purposes of the pilot program under this 
section, an eligible veteran is a veteran who is entitled to 
educational assistance under chapter 30, 32, 33, 34, or 35 of title 38, 
United States Code, or chapter 1606 or 1607 of title 10, United States 
  (c) Contracts.--
          (1) In general.--For purposes of carrying out subsection (a), 
        by not later than 180 days after August 1, 2018, the Secretary 
        shall seek to enter into contracts with any number of qualified 
        providers of high technology programs of education for the 
        provision of such programs to eligible veterans under the pilot 
          (2) Payment of contractors.--A contract under this subsection 
        shall provide that the Secretary shall pay to a provider--
                  (A) upon the enrollment of an eligible veteran in the 
                program, 25 percent of the cost of the tuition and 
                other fees for the program of education for the 
                  (B) upon the completion of the program by the 
                veteran, 25 percent of such cost; and
                  (C) upon the employment of the veteran in the field 
                of study of the program following completion of the 
                program, 50 percent of such cost.
          (3) Qualified providers.--For purposes of the pilot program, 
        a provider of a high technology program of education is 
        qualified if--
                  (A) the provider has been operational for at least 
                two years;
                  (B) the provider has successfully provided the high 
                technology program for at least one year; and
                  (C) the provider meets the approval criteria 
                developed by the Secretary under paragraph (4).
          (4) Approval criteria.--The Secretary shall develop criteria 
        for approving providers for purposes of the pilot program. In 
        developing such criteria, the Secretary may consult with State 
        approving agencies. Such criteria is not required to meet the 
        requirements of section 3672 of title 38, United States Code.
          (5) Tuition reimbursement.--In entering into contracts to 
        carry out the pilot program, the Secretary shall give 
        preference to a qualified provider that offers tuition 
        reimbursement for any student who--
                  (A) completes a program of education offered by the 
                provider; and
                  (B) does not find full-time meaningful employment in 
                the field of study of the program within the 180-day 
                period beginning on the date the student completes the 
  (d) Housing Stipend.--The Secretary shall pay to each eligible 
veteran who is enrolled in a high technology program of education under 
the pilot program on a full-time basis a monthly housing stipend equal 
to the product--
          (1) of--
                  (A) in the case of a veteran pursuing resident 
                training, the monthly amount of the basic allowance for 
                housing payable under section 403 of title 37, United 
                States Code, for a member with dependents in pay grade 
                E-5 residing in the military housing area that 
                encompasses all or the majority portion of the ZIP code 
                area in which is located the institution at which the 
                individual is enrolled; or
                  (B) in the case of a veteran pursuing a program of 
                education through distance learning, a monthly amount 
                equal to 50 percent of the amount payable under 
                subparagraph (A), multiplied by
          (2) the lesser of--
                  (A) 1.0; or
                  (B) the number of course hours borne by the 
                individual in pursuit of the program of education 
                involved, divided by the minimum number of course hours 
                required for full-time pursuit of such program of 
                education, rounded to the nearest multiple of 10.
  (e) High Technology Program of Education Defined.--In this section, 
the term ``high technology program of education'' means a program of 
education that--
          (1) is offered by an entity other than an institution of 
        higher learning;
          (2) does not lead to a degree; and
          (3) provides instruction in computer programming, computer 
        software, media application, data processing, or information 
  (f) Reports.--
          (1) Secretary of veterans affairs.--Not later than one year 
        after the date of the enactment of this Act, and annually 
        thereafter, the Secretary shall submit to Congress a report on 
        the pilot program under this section.
          (2) Comptroller general.--
                  (A) Interim report.--Not later than three years after 
                the date on which the Secretary first enters into a 
                contract under this section, the Comptroller General of 
                the United States shall submit to Congress a report 
                containing the results of the interim assessment of the 
                Comptroller General. Such report shall include the 
                recommendations of the Comptroller General for 
                improving the pilot program and an assessment of each 
                of the following:
                          (i) The technology experience of the 
                        directors and instructors of the providers of 
                        high technology programs of education under the 
                        pilot program.
                          (ii) Whether the providers cooperated with 
                        the technology industry to create the 
                        curriculum for the program of education.
                          (iii) Whether the providers use an open 
                        source curriculum for the program of education.
                          (iv) The admittance rate into the pilot 
                          (v) The job placement rate for veterans who 
                        completed a program of education under the 
                        pilot program in the field of study of the 
                          (vi) The average salary of veterans who 
                        completed a program of education under the 
                        pilot program and were subsequently employed.
                          (vii) The average age of veterans who 
                        participated in the pilot program.
                  (B) Final report.--Not later than five years after 
                the date on which the Secretary first enters into a 
                contract under this section, the Comptroller General 
                shall submit to Congress a final report on the pilot 
                program. Such report shall include the recommendation 
                of the Comptroller General with respect to whether the 
                program should be extended and an assessment of each of 
                the following:
                          (i) Each item described in clauses (i) 
                        through (vii) of subparagraph (A).
                          (ii) The percentage of veterans who completed 
                        a program of education under the pilot program 
                        who were subsequently employed for a period of 
                        six months or longer in a field of study of the 
                          (iii) The percentage of veterans who 
                        completed a program of education under the 
                        pilot program who were subsequently employed 
                        for a period of less than six months in a field 
                        of study of the program.
  (g) Authorization of Appropriations.--For each fiscal year during 
which the Secretary carries out a pilot program under this section, 
$15,000,000 shall be made available for such purpose from funds 
appropriated to, or otherwise made available to, the Department for the 
payment of readjustment benefits.
  (h) Termination.--The authority to carry out a pilot program under 
this section shall terminate on the date that is five years after the 
date on which the Secretary first enters into a contract under this 


  Section 3326 is amended--
          (1) by striking ``As a condition'' and inserting ``(a) 
        Submittal of Information by Educational Institutions.--As a 
        condition'' ; and
          (2) by adding at the end the following new subsection:
  ``(b) Reports to Congress.--Not later than March 1 of each year, the 
Secretary shall submit to Congress a report that includes a summary of 
the information provided by educational institutions under subsection 
(a) for the calendar year preceding the year during which such report 
is submitted.''.



  Section 3485(a)(4) is amended by striking ``the period beginning on 
June 30, 2017, and ending on June 30, 2022,'' each place it appears and 
inserting ``any time on or after June 30, 2017,''.


  Section 3511(a)(1) is amended--
          (1) by striking ``chapter for'' and all that follows through 
        the period and inserting ``chapter--''; and
          (2) by adding at the end the following new subparagraphs:
          ``(A) in the case of a person who first enrolls in a program 
        of education using such entitlement before August 1, 2018, for 
        an aggregate period not in excess of 45 months (or to the 
        equivalent thereof in part-time training); or
          ``(B) in the case of a person who first enrolls in a program 
        of education using such entitlement on or after August 1, 2018, 
        for an aggregate period not in excess of 36 months (or to the 
        equivalent thereof in part-time training).''.


  (a) Increase.--Section 3532 is amended--
          (1) in subsection (a)--
                  (A) in paragraph (1)--
                          (i) by striking ``$788'' and inserting 
                          (ii) by striking ``$592'' and inserting 
                        ``$967''; and
                          (iii) by striking ``$394'' and inserting 
                        ``$710''; and
                  (B) in paragraph (2)(B), by striking ``$788'' and 
                inserting ``$1,224''; and
          (2) in subsection (b), by striking ``$788'' and inserting 
  (b) Effective Date.--The amendments made by subsection (a) shall 
apply with respect to a month that begins on or after October 1, 2018.



  (a) Increase.--Section 3674(a) of title 38, United States Code, is 
          (1) in paragraph (2)(A), by striking ``out of amounts 
        available for the payment of readjustment benefits'' and 
        inserting ``out of amounts in the Department of Veterans 
        Affairs readjustment benefits account and amounts appropriated 
        to the Secretary'';
          (2) by redesignating paragraph (4) as paragraph (5);
          (3) by inserting after paragraph (3) the following new 
        paragraph (4):
  ``(4) In addition to amounts made available under paragraph (5), 
there is authorized to be appropriated to carry out this section 
$3,000,000 for fiscal year 2019 and each subsequent fiscal year.''; and
          (4) in paragraph (5), as so redesignated--
                  (A) by striking ``The total'' and inserting ``(A) The 
                  (B) by striking ``for any fiscal year shall be 
                $19,000,000'' and inserting ``for fiscal year 2018 
                shall be $21,000,000 and for fiscal year 2019 and 
                thereafter shall be $23,000,000''; and
                  (C) by adding at the end the following new 
  ``(B) Beginning in fiscal year 2019, whenever there is an increase in 
benefit amounts payable under title II of the Social Security Act (42 
U.S.C. 401 et seq.) as a result of a determination made under section 
215(i) of such Act (42 U.S.C. 415(i)), the Secretary shall, effective 
on the date of such increase in benefit amounts, increase the amount in 
effect under subparagraph (A), as in effect immediately prior to the 
date of such increase in benefit amounts payable under title II of the 
Social Security Act, by the same percentage as the percentage by which 
such benefit amounts are increased.''.

                    OF HIGHER LEARNING.

  Paragraph (4) of section 3680A(a) is amended to read as follows:
          ``(4) any independent study program except an independent 
        study program (including such a program taken over open circuit 
        television) that--
                  ``(A) is accredited by a nationally recognized 
                accrediting agency; and
                  ``(B) leads--
                          ``(i) to a standard college degree;
                          ``(ii) to a certificate that reflects 
                        educational attainment offered by an 
                        institution of higher learning; or
                          ``(iii) to a certificate that reflects 
                        completion of a course of study offered by--
                                  ``(I) an area career and technical 
                                education school (as defined in 
                                subparagraphs (C) and (D) of section 
                                3(3) of the Carl D. Perkins Career and 
                                Technical Education Act of 2006 (20 
                                U.S.C. 2302(3))) that provides 
                                education at the postsecondary level; 
                                  ``(II) a postsecondary vocational 
                                institution (as defined in section 
                                102(c) of the Higher Education Act of 
                                1965 (20 U.S.C. 1002(c))) that provides 
                                education at the postsecondary 


  Section 3698(c)(1)(C) is amended--
          (1) in clause (ix), by striking ``and'' at the end;
          (2) in clause (x), by striking the period and inserting ``; 
        and''; and
          (3) by adding at the end the following new clause:
                  ``(xi) information on whether the institution 
                administers a priority enrollment system that allows 
                certain student veterans to enroll in courses earlier 
                than other students.''.


  (a) In General.--Subsection (c) of section 3684 is amended to read as 
  ``(c)(1) The Secretary may pay to any educational institution, or to 
the sponsor of a program of apprenticeship, furnishing education or 
training under either this chapter or chapter 31, 34, or 35 of this 
title, a reporting fee which will be in lieu of any other compensation 
or reimbursement for reports or certifications which such educational 
institution or sponsor of a program of apprenticeship is required to 
submit to the Secretary by law or regulation.
  ``(2) Such reporting fee shall be computed for each calendar year by 
multiplying $16 by the number of eligible veterans or eligible persons 
enrolled under this chapter or chapter 31, 34, or 35 of this title. The 
reporting fee shall be paid to such educational institution or sponsor 
of a program of apprenticeship as soon as feasible after the end of the 
calendar year for which it is applicable.
  ``(3) No reporting fee payable to an educational institution under 
this subsection shall be subject to offset by the Secretary against any 
liability of such institution for any overpayment for which such 
institution may be administratively determined to be liable under 
section 3685 of this title unless such liability is not contested by 
such institution or has been upheld by a final decree of a court of 
appropriate jurisdiction.
  ``(4) Any reporting fee paid to an educational institution or sponsor 
of a program of apprenticeship after the date of the enactment of the 
Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Improvements Act of 2011 
(Public Law 111-377)--
          ``(A) shall be utilized by such institution or sponsor solely 
        for the making of certifications required under this chapter or 
        chapter 31, 34, or 35 of this title or for otherwise supporting 
        programs for veterans; and
          ``(B) with respect to an institution that has 100 or more 
        enrollees described in paragraph (2) may not be used for or 
        merged with amounts available for the general fund of the 
        educational institution or sponsor of a program of 
  ``(5) The reporting fee payable under this subsection shall be paid 
from amounts appropriated for readjustment benefits.''.
  (b) Effective Date.--The amendment made by subsection (a) shall take 
effect on August 1, 2018.


  (a) Training Requirement.--The Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall, 
in consultation with the State approving agencies, set forth 
requirements relating to training for school certifying officials 
employed by covered educational institutions offering courses of 
education approved under chapter 36 of title 38, United States Code. If 
a covered educational institution does not ensure that a school 
certifying official employed by the educational institution meets such 
requirements, the Secretary may disapprove any course of education 
offered by such educational institution.
  (b) Definitions.--In this section:
          (1) The term ``covered educational institution'' means an 
        educational institution that has enrolled 20 or more 
        individuals using educational assistance under title 38, United 
        States Code.
          (2) The term ``school certifying official'' means an employee 
        of an educational institution with primary responsibility for 
        certifying veteran enrollment at the educational institution.
          (3) The term ``State approving agency'' means a department or 
        agency of a State designated under section 3671 of title 38, 
        United States Code.
  (c) Effective Date.--This section shall take effect on August 1, 


  Section 3692 is amended by striking ``December 31, 2017'' and 
inserting ``December 31, 2022''.


  (a) In General.--Chapter 36 is amended by inserting after section 
3697A the following new section:

``Sec. 3697B. On-campus educational and vocational counseling

  ``(a) In General.--The Secretary shall provide educational and 
vocational counseling services for individuals described in section 
3697A(b) of this title at locations on the campuses of institutions of 
higher learning selected by the Secretary. Such counseling services 
shall be provided by employees of the Department who provide such 
services under section 3697A of this title.
  ``(b) Selection of Locations.--(1) To be selected by the Secretary 
under this section, an institution of higher learning shall provide an 
appropriate space on the campus of the institution where counseling 
services can be provided under this section.
  ``(2) In selecting locations for the provision of counseling services 
under this section, the Secretary shall seek to select locations where 
the maximum number of veterans would have access to such services.
  ``(c) Annual Report.--Not later than 180 days after the date of the 
enactment of this section, and each year thereafter, the Secretary 
shall submit to Congress a report on the counseling services provided 
under this section. Such report shall include, for the year covered by 
the report--
          ``(1) the average ratio of counselors providing such services 
        to individuals who received such services at each location 
        where such services were provided;
          ``(2) a description of such services provided;
          ``(3) the recommendations of the Secretary for improving the 
        provision of such services; and
          ``(4) any other matters the Secretary determines 
  (b) Clerical Amendment.--The table of sections at the beginning of 
such chapter is amended by inserting after the item relating to section 
3697A the following new item:

``3697B. On-campus educational and vocational counseling.''.

                    EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANCE.

  (a) In General.--Subchapter II of chapter 36 is further amended by 
adding at the end the following new section:

``Sec. 3699A. Provision of certain information to educational 

  ``(a) In General.--For each veteran or other individual pursuing a 
course of education that has been approved under this chapter using 
educational assistance to which the veteran or other individual is 
entitled under chapter 30, 32, 33, or 35 of this title, the Secretary 
shall make available to the educational institution offering the course 
information about the amount of such educational assistance to which 
the veteran or other individual is entitled. Such information shall be 
provided to such educational institution through a secure information 
technology system accessible by the educational institution and shall 
be regularly updated to reflect any amounts used by the veteran or 
other individual.
  ``(b) Election.--A veteran or other individual pursuing a course of 
education described in subsection (a) may elect not to provide the 
information described in such subsection to an educational institution 
in a manner prescribed by the Secretary.''.
  (b) Clerical Amendment.--The table of sections at the beginning of 
such chapter is further amended by inserting after the item relating to 
section 3699 the following new item:

``3699A. Provision of certain information to educational 

  (c) Effective Date.--Section 3699A of title 38, United States Code, 
as added by this section, shall take effect on August 1, 2018.


  Section 3684(a) is amended--
          (1) by redesignating paragraph (4) as paragraph (5); and
          (2) by inserting after paragraph (3) the following new 
        paragraph (4):
  ``(4) A course offered by an educational institution that does not 
begin on the first day of an academic term, but does begin seven or 
fewer days after such day, shall be treated as beginning on such day 
for purposes of this section.''.


                    EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANCE.

  (a) In General.--Section 3301(1)(B) is amended by striking ``or 
12304'' and inserting ``12304, 12304a, or 12304b''.
  (b) Retroactive Application.--The amendment made by subsection (a) 
shall apply with respect to service in the Armed Forces occurring on or 
after the date of the enactment of the Post-9/11 Veterans Educational 
Assistance Act of 2008 (Public Law 110-252).
  (c) Application With Respect to Use of Entitlement.--An individual 
who is entitled to educational assistance by reason of the amendment 
made by subsection (a) may use such entitlement to pursue a course of 
education beginning on or after August 1, 2018.


  Section 3103(f) is amended by striking ``or 12304'' and inserting 
``12304, 12304a, or 12304b''.

                         TITLE V--OTHER MATTERS


  (a) Repeal.--Subsection (b) of section 604 of the Carl Levin and 
Howard P. ``Buck'' McKeon National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal 
Year 2015 (Public Law 113-291; 37 U.S.C. 403 note) is repealed.
  (b) Effective Date.--The amendment made by subsection (a) shall take 
effect on January 1, 2018, and shall apply with respect to individuals 
who first use their entitlement to educational assistance under chapter 
33 of title 38, United States Code, on or after such date.


  (a) In General.--
          (1) Reconsideration required.--The Secretary of Veterans 
        Affairs shall reconsider all claims for compensation described 
        in paragraph (2) and make a new determination regarding each 
        such claim.
          (2) Claims for compensation described.--A claim for 
        compensation described in this paragraph is a claim for 
        compensation under chapter 11 of title 38, United States Code, 
        that the Secretary determines--
                  (A) arose from the alleged full-body exposure of a 
                veteran to a covered substance--
                          (I) during active military, naval, or air 
                        service during World War II; and
                          (ii) at a site listed in paragraph (3); and
                  (B) was denied before the date of the enactment of 
                this Act.
          (3) Sites.--The sites listed in this paragraph are the 
                  (A) Camp Siebert, Alabama.
                  (B) Fort McClellan, Alabama.
                  (C) Huntsville Arsenal, Alabama.
                  (D) Rocky Mountain Arsenal, Colorado.
                  (E) Naval Research Laboratory, D.C.
                  (F) Bushnell Field, Florida.
                  (G) Great Lakes Naval Training Center, Illinois.
                  (H) Edgewood Arsenal, Maryland.
                  (I) Fort Detrick, Maryland.
                  (J) Naval Research Laboratory, Maryland.
                  (K) Naval Training Center, Bainbridge, Maryland.
                  (L) Horn Island Installation, Mississippi.
                  (M) Camp Crowder, Missouri.
                  (N) Hart's Island, New York.
                  (O) Camp Lejeune, North Carolina.
                  (P) Charleston, South Carolina.
                  (Q) Dugway Proving Ground, Utah.
                  (R) Toole Army Depot, Utah.
                  (S) Naval Research Laboratory, Virginia.
                  (T) U.S.S. Eagle Boat No. 58.
                  (U) Ondal, India.
                  (V) Fort Clayton, San Jose Island, Panama.
                  (W) Any site the Secretary of Veterans Affairs 
                determines is appropriate.
          (4) Factors of consideration.--In making a determination 
        under paragraph (1), the Secretary--
                  (A) shall consider--
                          (i) that contemporaneous records of testing 
                        of full-body exposure to a covered substance 
                        frequently may be unavailable because such 
                        tests were classified or such records were lost 
                        or destroyed;
                          (ii) that many veterans were sworn to secrecy 
                        following testing described in clause (i);
                          (iii) each statement based on personal 
                        knowledge of a veteran who served at a site 
                        listed in paragraph (3);
                          (iv) information in the report from the 
                        Secretary of Defense under subsection (b)(2); 
                          (v) any evidence the Secretary considers 
                        relevant; and
                  (B) may not determine that testing of full-body 
                exposure to a covered substance did not occur at a site 
                based solely on--
                          (i) information contained in the Department 
                        of Defense and Department of Veterans Affairs 
                        Chemical Biological Warfare Database; or
                          (ii) any list of known sites of testing of 
                        full-body exposure to a covered substance 
                        maintained by the Department of Veterans 
                        Affairs or the Department of Defense.
          (5) Presumption of exposure.--In carrying out paragraph (1), 
        when the Secretary of Veterans Affairs makes a determination 
        regarding whether a veteran experienced full-body exposure to a 
        covered substance, the Secretary--
                  (A) shall presume, unless there is affirmative 
                evidence to establish otherwise, that the veteran 
                experienced such exposure by reason of the service of 
                the veteran in World War II--
                          (i) based on the locations listed in 
                        paragraph (3); and
                          (ii) consistent with the places, types, and 
                        circumstances of service of the veteran in 
                        accordance with section 1154 of title 38; and
                  (B) shall resolve each reasonable doubt in favor of 
                the veteran.
          (6) Effective date of award.--The effective date of any award 
        of disability compensation resulting from reconsideration of a 
        claim under paragraph (1) shall be fixed in accordance with the 
        facts found, but shall not be earlier than the date of the 
        receipt of the claim for compensation described in paragraph 
  (b) Investigation and Report by the Secretary of Defense.--Not later 
than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the 
Secretary of Defense shall--
          (1) investigate and assess each site--
                  (A) where the Army Corps of Engineers has uncovered 
                evidence of testing conducted by the Department of 
                Defense during World War II to assess the effects of 
                full-body exposure to a covered substance on humans; or
                  (B) with regards to which more than two veterans have 
                been denied claims for compensation under chapter 11 of 
                title 38, United States Code, in connection with 
                exposure to a covered substance at such site; and
          (2) submit to the appropriate congressional committees and 
        the Secretary of Veterans Affairs a report on testing described 
        in paragraph (1)(A), including--
                  (A) a list of each location where such testing 
                occurred, including locations investigated and assessed 
                under paragraph (1);
                  (B) the dates of each such testing; and
                  (C) the number of members of the Armed Forces who 
                experienced full-body exposure to a covered substance 
                in each such testing.
  (c) Investigation and Report by Secretary of Veterans Affairs.--Not 
later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the 
Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall--
          (1) investigate and assess--
                  (A) the actions taken by the Secretary to contact 
                individuals who experienced full-body exposure to a 
                covered substance in the course of testing described in 
                subsection (b)(1)(A);
                  (B) the number of claims filed with the Secretary for 
                disability compensation under chapter 11 of title 38, 
                United States Code, arising from testing described in 
                subsection (b)(1)(A); and
                  (C) the percentage of claims described in 
                subparagraph (B) that the Secretary denied.
          (2) submit to the appropriate congressional committees and 
        the Secretary of Defense a report regarding the investigations 
        and assessments carried out under paragraph (1).
  (d) Definitions.--In this section:
          (1) The terms ``active military, naval, or air service'', 
        ``veteran'', and ``World War II'' have the meanings given such 
        terms in section 101 of title 38, United States Code.
          (2) The term ``appropriate congressional committees'' means--
                  (A) the Committees on Armed Services of the House of 
                Representatives and the Senate; and
                  (B) the Committees on Veterans' Affairs of the House 
                of Representatives and the Senate.
          (3) The term ``covered substance'' means--
                  (A) nitrogen mustard gas;
                  (B) sulfur mustard gas; or
                  (C) Lewisite.
          (4) The term ``full-body exposure'', with respect to a 
        covered substance, has the meaning given that term by the 
        Secretary of Defense.

                          Purpose and Summary

    H.R. 3218, the ``Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational 
Assistance Act of 2017,'' was introduced by Representative 
David P. Roe, M.D. of Tennessee, Chairman of the Committee on 
Veterans' Affairs, on July 13, 2017. H.R. 3218, as amended, 
would improve education benefits provided to veterans, 
servicemembers, dependents, and survivors. H.R. 3218, as 
amended, incorporates the text of the following bills: H.R. 43, 
introduced by Representative Markwayne Mullin of Oklahoma 
introduced on January 3, 2017; H.R. 245, introduced by 
Representative Paul Cook of California on January 4, 2017; H.R. 
1104, introduced by Representative Susan Brooks of Indiana on 
February 16, 2017; H.R. 1112, introduced by Representative Raul 
Labrador of Idaho on February 16, 2017; H.R. 1216, introduced 
by Representative Luke Messer of Indiana introduced on February 
24, 2017; H.R. 2068, introduced by Representative Mark Takano 
of California on April 6, 2017; H.R. 1331, introduced by 
Representative Jim Banks of Indiana on March 2, 2017; H.R. 
1379, introduced by Representative Scott Peters of California 
on March 7, 2017; H.R. 1384, introduced by Representative 
Steven Palazzo of Mississippi on March 7, 2017; H.R. 1793, 
introduced by Representative Tim Ryan of Ohio on March 29, 
2017; H.R. 1956, introduced by Representative Phil Roe of 
Tennessee on April 5, 2017; H.R. 1989, introduced by 
Representative Kevin McCarthy of California on April 6, 2017; 
H.R. 1994, introduced by Gus Bilirakis of Florida on April 6, 
2017; H.R. 2099, introduced by Representative Mark Takano of 
California on April 14, 2017; H.R. 2100, introduced by 
Representative Mark Takano of California on April 14, 2017; 
H.R. 2103, introduced by Representative John Rutherford of 
Florida on April 17, 2017; H.R. 2108, introduced by 
Representative David McKinley of West Virginia on April 20, 
2017; H.R. 2257, introduced by Representative Brad Wenstrup of 
Ohio on April 28, 2017; and H.R. 2549 introduced by 
Representative Mike Coffman of Colorado on May 19, 2017.

                  Background and Need for Legislation


Section 101. Consideration of Certain Time Spent Receiving Medical Care 
        From Secretary of Defense as Active Duty for Purposes of 
        Eligibility for Post-9/11 Educational Assistance

    Under current law, Guardsmen and Reservists wounded in 
combat receive orders under section 12301(h) of title 10, 
U.S.C., to serve time for medical and recovery purposes upon 
their return from deployment. However, federal law does not 
recognize such orders as creditable for Post-9/11 GI Bill 
education assistance, meaning that while these Guardsmen and 
Reservists are on orders under section 12301(h) of title 10, 
U.S.C., and receiving medical treatment, they do not accrue any 
time towards their Post-9/11 GI Bill eligibility. Under this 
scenario, a Guardsman or Reservist who serves on active duty 
but was never injured could accrue more Post-9/11 GI Bill 
benefits than one who is still active duty but recovering from 
injuries sustained in combat. Guardsmen and Reservists who 
deploy on active duty are no less vulnerable to injury in 
combat than full-time active duty servicemembers.
    This section would end this unequal treatment and ensure 
that Guardsmen and Reservists are able to accrue eligibility 
for Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits while on orders under section 
12301(h) of title 10, U.S.C. The Committee believes this policy 
would fairly reflect the time that Guardsmen and Reservists 
spend serving our nation for the purposes of their education 
assistance benefits.

Section 102. Educational assistance under Post-9/11 Educational 
        Assistance Program for Members of the Armed Forces Awarded the 
        Purple Heart

    Since September 11, 2001 the mission of members of the 
National Guard and Reserve has moved from strategic reserve to 
a truly operational force. This change has meant an increased 
number of members of the National Guard and Reserve have been 
deployed overseas and have served in combat. As a result, a 
number of these servicemembers have been awarded the Purple 
Heart, an honor bestowed to those servicemembers who have been 
wounded in combat. However, some servicemembers who have 
received the Purple Heart do not meet active duty activation 
requirements to receive the full benefits provided by the Post-
9/11 GI Bill.
    This section would address this inequity and extend full 
eligibility for the Post-9/11 GI Bill to any Purple Heart 
recipient since September 11, 2001. The Committee believes 
there could be at least 3,000 that will be impacted by this 
change over the next ten years, and that this change is an 
appropriate acknowledgement of their sacrifice for this 

Section 103. Inclusion of Fry Scholarship Recipients and Purple Heart 
        Recipients in Yellow Ribbon GI Education Enhancement Program

    The Post-9/11 GI Bill covers a large amount of school 
costs, but many private schools cost more than authorized in 
statute. In cases where a veteran is not eligible for the in-
state tuition rate, the cost to attend public school can also 
exceed what is allowable by law. Section 3317 of title 38, 
U.S.C., authorizes the Yellow Ribbon Program, which authorizes 
the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to enter into 
agreements with private and public schools to pay a dollar-for-
dollar matching grant to cover the additional tuition costs 
beyond what is provided in the tuition and fee cap for the 
Post-9/11 GI Bill in section 3313(c) of title 38, U.S.C.
    Under current law, individuals using the Fry Scholarship 
and those who do not have full Post-9/11 GI eligibility are not 
also eligible to use the Yellow Ribbon Program to pay for the 
rest of their tuition amount beyond what is provided in the 
Post-9/11 GI Bill. The Committee believes it was not the 
intention of Congress to limit the Fry Scholarship to exclude 
children and spouses of servicemembers who have died in the 
line of duty from being able to utilize the Yellow Ribbon 
program. Additionally, as stated in the previous section, the 
Committee recognizes the sacrifice of those who have received 
the Purple Heart and believes that recipients should also be 
eligible for the Yellow Ribbon Program. This section would 
amend section 3317(a) of title 38, U.S.C., to allow individuals 
eligible for the Fry Scholarship and those servicemembers who 
have received the Purple Heart to also be eligible to use the 
Yellow Ribbon Program while they attend school. The Committee 
believes that by making this change, an inequity for those who 
have sacrificed will be corrected.

Section 104. Consolidation of Eligibility Tiers Under Post-9/11 
        Educational Assistance Program of the Department of Veterans 

    Section 3311(b) of title 38, U.S.C., provides eligibility 
for the Post-9/11 GI Bill based on active duty service. After 
90 days of active service duty service, other than for 
training, the servicemember is eligible for 40% of the benefit 
and this percentage goes up by 10% with an additional six 
months of service and continues to gradually increase until an 
individual reaches 36 months of active service, which then 
makes them eligible for the full amount available under the GI 
Bill. At the legislative hearing on this bill on July 17, 2017, 
Mr. John Kamin with The American Legion testified that these 
tiers of benefits make it so many members of the National Guard 
and Reserve have to incur, ``large sums of educational debt due 
to partial eligibility of GI Bill benefits.''
    As previously discussed, the National Guard and Reserve 
forces are bearing a larger share of active duty missions than 
in previous years. As such, the Committee believes it is 
important to reduce the burden on those student veterans with 
less than full eligibility for the Post-9/11 GI Bill. 
Therefore, this section would authorize additional GI Bill 
funding for members of the National Guard and Reserve. This 
section would increase the amount of money/eligibility that 
individuals receive who serve at least 90 days but less than 6 
months on active duty--it would increase from 40% to 50% 
benefit payable. It would also increase the amount of money/
eligibility that individuals receive who serve at least 6 
months but less than 12 months--it would increase from 50% to 
60% benefit payable. A chart comparing the old and new tier 
structure is listed below. The Committee believes this increase 
is needed to assist these servicemembers attend school and for 
a student attending a private school, this would result in 
approximately $2,300 more a year in tuition than they are 
receiving now and would receive additional money for their 
housing allowance.

                           OLD TIER STRUCTURE
                                                           Percentage of
                      Member Serves                           Benefit
At least 36 months......................................            100%
At least 30 continuous days on active duty and must be              100%
 discharged due to service-connected disability.........
At least 30 months, but less than 36 months.............             90%
At least 24 months, but less than 30 months.............             80%
At least 18 months, but less than 24 months.............             70%
At least 12 months, but less than 18 months.............             60%
At least 6 months, but less than 12 months..............             50%
At least 90 days, but less than 6 months................             40%

                           NEW TIER STRUCTURE
                                                           Percentage of
                      Member Serves                           Benefit
At least 36 months......................................            100%
At least 30 continuous days on active duty and must be              100%
 discharged due to service-connected disability.........
At least 30 months, but less than 36 months.............             90%
At least 24 months, but less than 30 months.............             80%
At least 18 months, but less than 24 months.............             70%
At least 6 months, but less than 18 months..............             60%
At least 90 days, but less than 6 months................             50%

Section 105. Eligibility for Post-9/11 Educational Assistance for 
        Certain Members of Reserve Components of Armed Forces who Lost 
        Entitlement to Educational Assistance under Reserve Educational 
        Assistance Program

    The Reserve Education Assistance Program (REAP) sunsetted 
in November of 2015. Reservists who had eligibility for REAP, 
but had not used any of these benefits before this date lost 
eligibility. Many of these servicemembers lost such eligibility 
due to no fault of their own, and the Committee believes it is 
important to provide a bridge for these servicemembers to the 
Post-9/11 GI Bill. This section would allow certain members of 
the Reserve component to transfer into the Post-9/11 GI Bill 
who lost educational assistance under REAP.

Section 106. Calculation of Monthly House Stipend under Post-9/11 
        Educational Assistance Program Based on Location of Campus 
        where Classes are Attended

    Current law, section 3313(c)(1)(B)(i)(I) of title 38 
U.S.C., authorizes VA to pay a Monthly House Allowance (MHA) to 
beneficiaries of the Post-9/11 GI Bill, which is based on the 
Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) paid to active duty 
servicemembers at the E-5 with dependents rate. This MHA is 
based on the BAH rate for the ZIP code that the student's 
school or training program enrollment is certified, which, in 
some cases, is not necessarily where the school is actually 
located or where the student takes their training. This creates 
an inequity where a student could be receiving an MHA based on 
the school's headquarters' location instead of where they are 
attending the majority of their classes. The Committee believes 
the intention of the drafters of the Post-9/11 GI Bill and the 
MHA benefit was to meet the actual living expenses at the E-5 
with dependents rate of where the student was living and 
    This section would address this issue and would require VA 
to pay the MHA based on where the student attends the majority 
of their classes and not where the school or training programs 
actually certifies their enrollment. This section would 
grandfather in current students and would apply such a change 
to initial enrollments on or after August 1, 2018. The 
Committee's intent is to give VA a methodology that is 
administratively workable and also cannot be taken advantage of 
by schools. If VA finds that the new methodology is not 
workable or is still being taken advantage of, then it is the 
Committee's expectation that VA will alert the Committee.

Section 107. Charge to Entitlement for Certain Licensure and 
        Certification Tests and National Tests under Department of 
        Veterans' Affairs Post-9/11 Educational Assistance

    Section 3315 and 3315A of title 38, U.S.C., authorizes VA 
pay for the costs associated with a beneficiary taking national 
tests, such as Graduate Record Exam (GRE), Graduate Management 
Admission Test (GMAT), and other tests that lead to a specific 
license or credential. However, in order to have VA pay for 
these tests, a beneficiary must use an entire month's worth of 
entitlement, regardless of how much this test costs. Current 
law authorizes those eligible for the Post-9/11 GI Bill at the 
100% level with 36 months of education benefits. These months 
are finite and the Committee believes that they should be used 
judiciously to maximize the beneficiary's education and 
training goals.
    This section, therefore, would change the current rules 
that require that a beneficiary be charged a whole month of 
entitlement to pay for any national test or licensing 
credentialing test and would instead require VA to prorate 
entitlement to the amount of the actual cost of the test. The 
Committee believes this is a common sense change that will help 
students achieve academic success by making it easier to pay 
for these important tests in an equitable fashion that does not 
deplete their valuable months of entitlement to the GI Bill.

Section 108. Restoration of Entitlement to Post-9/11 Educational 
        Assistance for Veterans Affected by Closures of Educational 

    When institutions of higher education abruptly close due to 
financial trouble, federal investigations, lawsuits, or other 
factors, GI Bill beneficiaries in attendance at the time of the 
closure often lose education benefits because they are unable 
to complete their courses and gain or transfer credits. This is 
also the case when VA initially approves a course of study and 
then disapproves of it at a later date, often because it 
changed its regulations or changed how it enforces its 
regulations. Many of these veterans and their dependents also 
suddenly lose access to vital supplemental income benefits, 
like the MHA.
    This section would restore some of those GI Bill benefits 
and continue educational assistance payments in these 
situations. Specifically, veterans whose schools closed or were 
disapproved would not have the term during which their studies 
were interrupted count toward the aggregate of their GI Bill 
entitlement. Under this section they would also continue 
receiving monthly education assistance payments, including the 
MHA, through the end of the term, quarter, or semester in which 
the school closes, or for up to 120 days from the date of the 
school closure, whichever is less. This section would also 
provide the VA Secretary with the ability to waive disapproval 
of a course of study on a case-by-case basis to allow veterans 
already pursuing that course of study to complete their 
    Additionally, those veterans whose schools closed between 
January 1, 2015 and the date of enactment of this Act who are 
unable to transfer their already-earned credits to another 
eligible institution would not have the terms during which they 
earned those credits count toward the aggregate of their GI 
Bill entitlement.
    To the maximum extent possible, the Committee also expects 
the VA Secretary to coordinate with the Secretary of Education 
on matters relating to outreach to students, transferring 
credits for courses completed, teach-out plans (as defined in 
section 487(f)(2) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 
U.S.C. 1094(f)(2))), discharging student loans, and carrying 
out section 3312(d) of title 38, U.S.C., as added by this 

Section 109. Additional Authorized Transfer of Unused Post-9/11 
        Educational Assistance Benefits to Dependents upon Death of 
        Originally Designated Dependent

    Section 3319 of title 38, U.S.C., provides for the ability 
for eligible Post-9/11 GI Bill users to transfer some, or all, 
of their 36 months of benefits to a dependent spouse or child. 
In order to be eligible to transfer this benefit, a 
servicemember must serve for six years on active duty and agree 
to serve an additional four years on active duty. A 
servicemember must make the decision to transfer these benefits 
while on active duty and provide at least one month to each 
dependent before the servicemember separates or retires from 
active duty for their dependents to be eligible. The 
servicemember is authorized to make changes to the allotment of 
their 36 months of benefits at any point in their life, but 
they are the only ones who may make such a change. While such 
stringent requirements were put in place with the enactment of 
the Post-9/11 GI Bill to ensure this benefit was not abused, 
the Committee believes that situations have arisen since the 
enactment of the law that need to be addressed to provide 
fairness to certain groups of survivors when either the 
servicemember or a dependent dies.
    At the July 17, 2017 legislative hearing on this bill, Ms. 
Ashlynne Haycock with Tragedy Assistance Providers for 
Survivors (TAPS) highlighted two real-life cases where current 
law is blocking common sense usage of the transferability 

          From Coleen Bowman, surviving spouse:

          ``I am the widow of SGM Robert Bowman. Realizing the 
        importance of education, when the opportunity for 
        transferring the Post 9/11 GI bill arose, my husband 
        took advantage of the opportunity and designated myself 
        and our 4 daughters to be recipients of the benefit, 
        being told he could reapportion the benefit when the 
        time for their education came about. Unfortunately, 
        after exposure to environmental toxins, my husband 
        succumbed to cancer in January 2013. Before he died, 
        our then 13 year old daughter told him ``Dad, I promise 
        you I am going to go to college and do great things and 
        make you proud.'' This daughter is now almost 18 years 
        old, in her junior year of high school and doing very 
        well. She is in the top 20 percent of her class and 
        talks almost daily about how excited she is to go to 
        college and the things she needs to do in order to get 
          I called the VA about 8 to 10 months ago and spoke to 
        someone about changing the allotted months from one 
        child to another, or myself to my daughters. We had 19 
        months of benefits that neither I nor her sister would 
        use. I was told ``The only person that can move the 
        months of benefits around is the service member/
        veteran.'' I said ``You do understand he passed away in 
        2013?'' She said to me again ``Yes, ma'am, I understand 
        but again the only person who can move the months is 
        Robert Bowman.''
          I was able to deal with all of my late husband's 
        estate, I am entrusted with all financial benefits for 
        our two youngest daughters, I certainly should be able 
        to manage their education benefits as well. My hope is 
        that this issue can be resolved and survivors like me 
        will be able to have some relief of stress in this 

          From Tammy McCracken, surviving spouse:

          ``Colonel David McCracken served honorably in the 
        Army and Army Reserves for over 20 years. During his 
        military career, he was deployed multiple times; during 
        his last tour he was activated as a reservist to deploy 
        to the Middle East. Upon return from his deployment, he 
        was diagnosed with brain cancer which was found to be 
        service-connected by the VA because of the link to burn 
        pit exposure in the Middle East. He was not on active-
        duty orders nor training at the time of his death due 
        to illness, and his children are not eligible for the 
        Fry Scholarship. As he already had a Masters degree, 
        Col. McCracken knew he was never going to use his own 
        GI Bill benefits so when transferability became an 
        option he immediately transferred it to his 2 young 
        children. He transferred 35 months to his son and 1 
        month to his daughter thinking he could go back and 
        split it as they needed it later, but because he died 
        of wounds from his service it is stuck split that way. 
        Col. McCracken's son, Connor has received an ROTC 
        scholarship to Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University and 
        would like to give all 35 of his months to his sister 
        to use but because only the service member can make 
        adjustments to the amount of months each dependent 
        receives, Connor will have to let the 35 months he has 
        go to waste.''

    This section would authorize a servicemember to transfer 
remaining months of GI Bill entitlement to another dependent if 
the dependent who originally received the transferred benefits 
dies before they can use all of the benefits. The section would 
also allow a dependent to transfer remaining months of GI Bill 
entitlement to another dependent after the death of the 
servicemember or veteran.

Section 110. Edith Nourse Rogers STEM Scholarship.

    As the workforce needs of the country continue to evolve, 
there has been a national emphasis placed on preparing American 
students for the expected growth in the fields of Science, 
Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM). The U.S. Department 
of Education expects the growth in these fields to 
significantly outpace the growth of all other occupations 
through the year 2020.\1\ At the July 17, 2017 legislative 
hearing on H.R. 3218, Student Veterans of America cited a 
report from Georgetown University's Center of Education and the 
Workforce, ``The Economic Value of College Majors'', that found 
that top-paying college majors earn a total $3.4 million more 
than the lowest-paying majors over a lifetime and the top ten 
highest paying majors are all in STEM fields, eight of which 
are in engineering.\2\
    \1\U.S. Department of Education, ``Science, Technology, 
Engineering, and Math (STEM): Education for Global Leadership.''
    \2\Carnevale, Anthony, ``The Economic Value of College Majors'', 
Georgetown University Center for Education and the Workforce, 2015, 2--
    This data shows that there is a demand for high paying STEM 
occupations. The Committee believes that we should encourage 
veterans to pursue these positions. To meet this obstacle, 
there is clearly a need to increase the types of education 
programs and opportunities that lead to STEM careers. The 
difficulty that arises is that many of the programs that lead 
to a degree in the STEM field can take longer to complete than 
the current 36 months of eligibility provided to students under 
the GI Bill. This section, therefore, would authorize VA to 
provide a scholarship to provide additional GI Bill funds to 
help a student veteran complete a STEM degree. Certain eligible 
students would be eligible to apply for the program if they are 
at least half way through a STEM degree and expect their GI 
Bill benefits to be exhausted before completing their program. 
The scholarship would pay for nine additional months of the 
Post-9/11 GI Bill benefit, up to a maximum payment of $30,000. 
The amount of money that could be spent on this program would 
not exceed $100,000,000 in any one fiscal year and would be 
phased in over time by authorizing $25,000,000 in fiscal year 
2019; $75,000,000 for each of the fiscal years 2020 through 
2022; and $100,000,000 for fiscal year 2023 and each subsequent 
year. The scholarship would be known as the `Edith Nourse 
Rogers STEM Scholarship' and is named for the late 
Congresswoman Edith Norse Rogers, former Chairwoman of the 
House Committee on Veterans' Affairs.
    The Committee believes this extra benefit would help 
student veterans and provide a positive return on investment 
for the country and the country's national needs. Additionally, 
the Committee expects VA to use this authority judiciously and 
ensure that schools are not expanding the number of credit 
hours needed to complete a STEM program so they can receive 
additional tuition and fee payments.

Section 111. Honoring National Service of the Members Elimination of 
        Time Limitation for use of Entitlement

    Section 3321(a) of title 38, U.S.C., limits the amount of 
time that a beneficiary under the Post-9/11 GI Bill has to use 
their entitlement to the date that is 15 years after the 
servicemember's last discharge from active duty. This provision 
is in line with past versions of the GI Bill that also included 
a delimiting date for usage, albeit that those programs had a 
10-year delimiting date. The Committee believes that these 
restrictions on usage of the GI Bill are outdated and that the 
benefit should be viewed as a lifetime benefit that could be 
used by a beneficiary throughout their entire life. This 
section, therefore, would eliminate the current time limitation 
to use the GI Bill for new members of the Armed Forces and any 
servicemember who first becomes entitled to this benefit on or 
after January 1, 2013. This section would also eliminate the 
15-year delimiting date for any child of a deceased 
servicemember who first becomes entitled to such entitlement on 
or after January 1, 2013.

Section 112. Monthly Stipend for Certain Members of the Reserve 
        Components of the Armed Forces Receiving Post-9/11 Educational 

    Under current law, if a beneficiary of the Post-9/11 GI 
Bill is serving as a Reservist and is called up for active duty 
under title 10, U.S.C., they can lose an entire month's worth 
of MHA payments even if they were only on active duty for one 
day of the affected month. This leaves the Reservist at a 
disadvantage as they do not receive payment from the U.S. 
Department of Defense (DoD) when they are not on active duty 
and with no MHA for the entire month they have to find some 
other way to pay for their living expenses. The Committee 
believes this inequity can be a disincentive to students from 
continuing to serve in the Guard and Reserve and should be 
addressed. This section, therefore, would require VA to prorate 
the GI Bill MHA provided to Reservists who get called up for 
active duty during the middle of a month to ensure that they 
continue to receive their housing allowance.

Section 113. Improvement of Information Technology of the Veterans 
        Benefits Administration of the Department of Veterans Affairs

    When VA began implementing the Post-9/11 G.I. Bill in 2009, 
there were considerable processing delays due to an outdated 
Information and Technology (IT) system that required VA to 
process many claims manually. As VA found short-term 
workarounds, Congress approved funding for VA to automate 
processing through a system called the ``Long Term Solution'' 
(LTS). The goal of LTS was for most, if not all, claims to be 
completed electronically without any human intervention.
    VA took years and expended millions of dollars to complete 
six different releases of the LTS. At a March 24, 2015 
Subcommittee on Economic Opportunity legislative hearing, VA 
stated that LTS activated the capability for end-to-end 
automation of supplemental claims in September 2012. VA also 
stated that currently over 80 percent of supplemental claims 
are now completed without any human intervention; supplemental 
claims are for current students who are simply re-certifying 
that they are going to continue with their training or 
education program. Furthermore, VA stated in their testimony 
the following:

          Currently, LTS is in a sustainment phase with only 
        minimal increases in functionality. Further development 
        would allow LTS to automate certificates of eligibility 
        and provide very fast service (possibly one day) for 
        some Veterans who apply for the Post-9/11 GI Bill, as 
        opposed to the current 16-day average processing time. 
        In addition, further development for supplemental 
        claims would allow LTS to produce increased 
        efficiencies in processing through additional 
        automation, while ensuring consistent and timely 
        service to Veterans.

    Although VA has made progress processing supplemental 
claims, LTS is now in sustainment mode, and VA has told the 
Committee that there are no plans to automate the processing of 
original or first time claims. The President's budget for FY 
2018 did not include any new funding for LTS or additional 
staff to process original claims, and predicted that it will 
take, on average, 21 days to process an original claim; that is 
three days longer than it took VA in FY 2015. The Committee is 
pleased that supplemental claims are being adjudicated quickly, 
but remains concerned that there is no plan to also fully 
automate original claims. This is problematic, because housing 
allowance checks and tuition payments to schools are critically 
important for Post-9/11 GI Bill participants.
    This section would require the Secretary, to the maximum 
extent possible, to complete all Post-9/11 GI Bill benefit 
claims electronically using rules-based processing with little, 
to no, human intervention. Under this Section, VA would be 
required to provide to the Committee a report on its plan to 
implement new IT systems within 180 days of enactment. This 
section would also authorize $30 million to fund these system 

Section 114. Department of Veterans Affairs High Technology Pilot 

    As the jobs market for the country continues to change, the 
education benefits provided to servicemembers should change 
with it as well. In recent years, there has been a growth rate 
in the need for high technology jobs. In a support letter from 
the Technology Industry Council, they stated that, ``as of 
today, there are approximately half a million open computing 
jobs across the United States, with additional technology jobs 
projected to grow at double the rate of all other fields in the 
upcoming years.'' In order to fill these jobs there has been a 
growth in high technology education programs or coding boot 
camps. These are educational programs that are outside the 
definition of traditional higher education as they are usually 
short term in nature and focus on the core skills that are 
needed to receive a job in the growing technology sector. The 
problem is that many of these programs or boot camps don't meet 
the requirements for eligibility for the GI Bill. The Committee 
believes that there should be a way to allow veterans the 
opportunity to take advantage of these programs and gain access 
to high technology jobs.
    This section would authorize VA to conduct a 5-year pilot 
program that would provide veterans the opportunity to enroll 
in high technology courses. VA would enter into contracts with 
these schools or programs and would provide tuition and fees 
payments on a sliding scale that incentivizes the schools to 
graduate the student and ensure they find a job in their field 
of study. The section would also authorize a living stipend 
payment equal to the Post-9/11 rate to students while they are 
using the benefit. The Committee believes that such a limited 
pilot program is warranted to help these students find jobs in 
this growing sector of the American economy. The Committee 
expects VA to ensure when entering into contracts with 
providers of these programs that it seeks providers who are 
respected by leading technology employers, and to ensure that 
employment lasts at least 6 months following program 
completion. In doing so, the Committee expects VA to properly 
administer this program so as not to allow subpar providers to 
benefit from the funding without benefiting the veterans taking 
part in the pilot program.

Section 115. Annual reports to Congress on information on student 
        progress submitted by educational institutions

    Section 3326 of title 38, U.S.C., requires schools and 
training programs authorized for GI Bill benefits to annually 
provide information to VA on the academic progress of 
beneficiaries using Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits. The Committee 
believes it is important for Congress, and the public, to have 
visibility on the success of student veterans at GI Bill 
approved programs. This section, therefore, would simply 
require an annual report to Congress on the results of the data 
collection required by section 3326 of title 38, U.S.C.


Section 201. Work Study Allowance

    VA's work-study program allows certain veterans and 
dependents enrolled in school through a VA educational program 
to perform a certain number of hours of work in exchange for 
compensation through VA's work study program. Eligible 
individuals are able to work for up to 25 hours times the 
number of weeks contained in an enrollment period. Participants 
receive the greater of the State's minimum wage rate or the 
national minimum wage rate under section 6(a) of the Fair Labor 
Standards Act of 1938 (section 206(a) of title 29, U.S.C.). 
Eligible work-study activities were expanded to the following 
positions: (1) VA outreach services programs or outreach 
services to servicemembers and veterans furnished by employees 
of a SAA; (2) Hospital and domiciliary care and medical 
treatment at VA facilities, and care to veterans in a state 
home; and (3) Activities relating to the administration of a 
national cemetery or a state veterans' cemetery.
    This program gives veterans and dependents an alternative 
means to supplement their income as they attend an institution 
of higher learning. In recent years, the average student has 
been leaving college with an average debt of $24,000 to cover 
all college expenses. This program would help veterans mitigate 
this debt while also getting work experience as they attend 
school. This section, therefore, would amend section 3485(a)(4) 
of title 38, U.S.C., by striking the expiration date of June 
30, 2022 in each case that it appears and inserting ``any time 
on or after June 30, 2017,'' to make the Work Study program 

Section 202. Duration of Educational Assistance under Survivors' and 
        Dependent' Educational Assistance Program

    Section 3511(a) of title 38, U.S.C., authorizes 
beneficiaries of the Survivors' and Dependents' Educational 
Assistance Program up to 45 months of educational assistance. 
This is in contrast to other GI Bill programs that provide 36 
months of eligibility for educational assistance.
    This section would change the number of months of 
entitlement for individuals who become eligible for this 
program from 45 months to 36 months. This change would only 
apply to individuals that become entitled to this program on or 
after August 1, 2018, to ensure current beneficiaries will not 
be affected by this change. The Committee believes this re-
alignment is necessary and appropriate offset to pay for a 
portion of the changes to this program that would be made by 
section 203 of this bill.

Section 203. Olin E. Teague Increase in the Amounts of Educational 
        Assistance Payable Under Survivors' and Dependent' Educational 
        Assistance Program

    Chapter 35 of title 38, U.S.C., the Survivors' and 
Dependents' Educational Assistance Program, provides education 
benefits to eligible surviving spouses and children. This 
education benefit is paid directly to the beneficiary monthly 
and is a flat amount. This program currently pays $1,224 per 
month to eligible beneficiaries and, outside of minor 
adjustments for cost of living adjustments, this payment amount 
has not been increased since 2003.
    At the July 17, 2017 legislative hearing on this bill, Ms. 
Ashlynne Haycock with Tragedy Assistance Providers for 
Survivors (TAPS) highlighted an example of one survivor who 
could benefit from a change in the monthly rate provided by 
Chapter 35:

          From Carla Stumpf Patton, surviving spouse:

          ``As a surviving family of an active duty Marine who 
        died prior to 9/11, an increase in Chapter 35 benefits 
        would make a dramatic a difference in alleviating the 
        financial strain associated with the increasing rates 
        of college expenses for families of the fallen. 
        Families like ours are often excluded from other 
        funding programs that offer tremendous assistance to 
        families post 9/11; on top of the loss we have 
        experienced, this financial burden can be overwhelming. 
        Because I was pregnant at the time of my husband's 
        death and our child was born posthumously, it would be 
        eighteen years before our child needed educational 
        assistance and while there was some funding, it was not 
        nearly enough to cover tuition rates associated with 
        his school. We were excluded from other sources of 
        funding either due to the date of death or due to the 
        manner of death, leaving very few options for financial 
        assistance other than private scholarships and having 
        to take out large personal loans. Increasing the 
        current benefit will address the cost of living and 
        sky-rocketing college expenses our families our facing 
        in the 21st century.''

    The Committee believes the monthly payments for this 
program have clearly not kept pace with the true cost of 
attending post-secondary education or training and they should 
be increased. This section, therefore, would increase the 
monthly payment for educational assistance provided under 
Survivors' and Dependent' Educational Assistance Program by 
$200 a month.

Section 301. State Approving Agency Funding

    State Approving Agencies (SAAs) are authorized under 
Chapter 36 of title 38, U.S.C., with the mission of approving 
and monitoring education and training programs that use VA 
education benefits. SAAs employ state employees and are 
reimbursed for their expenses by VA out of the mandatory re-
adjustment account of VA's budget. Despite the additional 
workload that SAA's have been tasked with, such as completing 
compliance surveys and increased usage of the Post-9/11 GI 
Bill, the funding for their reimbursement has been flat lined 
since 2007. The Committee believes the work of the SAA's is 
vital to the success of all VA education programs as they are 
the front line staff tasked with ensuring veterans attend 
quality education and training programs.
    To help SAAs complete their mission, this section would 
increase the funding out of VA's mandatory re-adjustment 
account for SAAs from $19 million a year to $21 million for 
fiscal year 2018 and to $23 million a year for each subsequent 
fiscal year. This section would also authorize VA to provide an 
additional $3 million in appropriations a year to the SAAs out 
of the Department's general operating account. This section 
would also, beginning in fiscal year 2019, require VA to 
provide a cost of living adjustment increase to the SAAs budget 
in an amount that equals the same percentage increase as 
benefits provided under the Social Security Act.

Section 302. Authorization for Use of Post-9/11 Educational Assistance 
        to Pursue Independent Study Programs at Certain Educational 
        Institutions that are Not Institutions of Higher Learning

    One of the historical values of GI Bill is the ability to 
use education benefits at training and education programs like 
career and technical education that are not at traditional 
institutions of higher education. Due to recent changes in how 
these types of schools provide training, several of them have 
been disapproved for GI Bill benefits. The Committee believes 
these programs provide another avenue for training for GI Bill 
users to receive an education and the growth in use of online 
education at these schools should be approved if the program is 
appropriately accredited. This section would address this issue 
and would authorize an eligible individual to use their GI Bill 
benefits at an accredited independent study program (including 
open circuit television) that is an area career and technical 
education school or a postsecondary vocational school providing 
postsecondary level education.
    The Committee expects that VA will ensure that any 
independent study program that would be authorized by this 
section is recognized and accepted by employers in the 
student's regional area as meeting employers' expectations for 
employment in the student's field of study. The Committee also 
expects that VA will properly administer this program so as not 
to allow subpar providers to benefit from the GI Bill without 
benefiting the GI Bill beneficiaries.

Section 303. Provision of Information on Priority Enrollment for 
        Veterans in Certain Courses of Education

    Section 3698 of title 38, U.S.C., requires that VA create a 
comprehensive policy to easily provide information to veterans 
and other beneficiaries on GI Bill eligible schools. Through 
this requirement, VA has created the GI Bill Comparison Tool, 
which allows users to compare GI Bill eligible schools using 
key measures that include affordability, performance data, and 
other factors. The Committee believes this tool is a valuable 
asset to students so they can make informed choices on which 
school or training program will best suit their needs. It has 
recently come to the Committee's attention that some schools 
are voluntarily offering priority enrollment in classes to 
    The Committee believes this is an invaluable benefit that 
will assist student veterans so they are not closed out of 
needed classes to complete their course of study in a finite 
amount of time that they have before their benefits are 
depleted. This section, therefore, would require VA to include 
on its GI Bill Comparison Tool, information on whether a school 
has a priority enrollment system in place that allows veterans 
to enroll in courses earlier than other students attending the 

Section 304. Limitation on Use of Reporting Fees Payable to Educational 
        Institutions and Sponsors of Programs of Apprenticeship

    Each GI Bill eligible institution or training program 
designates a staff member, known as a School Certifying 
Official (SCO), to certify the beneficiary's enrollment at 
their school or program and handles all of the paperwork 
associated with this enrollment. Current law authorizes VA to 
pay $12 per certification directly to the school to help offset 
the costs associated with submitting this paperwork. This 
certification was reduced from $15 per certification to the $12 
amount by section 412 of by P.L. 113-315, the Jeff Miller and 
Richard Blumenthal Veterans Health Care and Benefits 
Improvement Act of 2016.
    The Committee believes that as more beneficiaries access 
the Post-9/11 GI Bill and the cost of administering this 
benefit at the institutional level increases, there is a need 
to increase these reporting fees. This section would require VA 
to provide $16 to the institution for each individual that they 
certify as using GI Bill benefits at their institution. 
Additionally, this section would also require that schools with 
100 or more enrollees using GI Bill benefits, may not use the 
funds received by the institution from the reporting fees for 
the institution's general fund and that these funds may only be 
used for veterans programs at that institution.

Section 305. Training for School Certifying Officials

    There is high turnover in SCO positions at many schools and 
training programs, which results in a lack of training on 
complicated GI Bill information technology systems. Lack of an 
SCO's training on these systems often leads to incorrect 
certifications and overpayments. The U.S. Government 
Accountability Office highlighted and recommended the need to 
improve SCO training to reduce overpayments in their 2015 
report entitled, ``Additional Actions Needed to Help Reduce 
Overpayments and Increase Collections.\3\''
    \3\U.S. Government Accountability Office. ``Additional Actions 
Needed to Help Reduce Overpayments and Increase Collections.'' October 
21, 2015.
    This section would address the lack of training and would 
require VA, in consultation with the SAAs, to provide 
requirements for training for school certifying officials at 
educational institutions that are approved for GI Bill 
benefits. This section would also allow VA to disapprove a 
course of education if a school does not ensure that the SCO 
meets the training requirements.

Section 306. Extension of Authority for Advisory Committee on Education

    Section 3692 of title 38, U.S.C., authorizes the Veterans 
Advisory Committee on Education. This committee provides advice 
to the Secretary on the administration of education and 
training programs provided by VA. The Committee values the 
input of this advisory committee and therefore this section 
would extend the authority for this committee from December of 
2017 through to December of 2022.

Section 307. Department of Veterans Affairs Provision of On-Campus 
        Educational and Vocational Counseling for Veterans

    In 2009, VA began a pilot program at the University of 
South Florida to provide a trained Vocational Rehabilitation 
and Employment (VR&E;) counselor on this school's campus to 
assist veterans with their transition from military to college 
life, as well as to provide the student veterans with the 
support and assistance needed to pursue their educational and 
employment goals. In return, the school provided this counselor 
an office and other office equipment to help them complete 
their mission.
    This pilot program has since been expanded to 94 campuses 
nationwide and is known as the Veterans Success of Campus 
Program (VSOC). Since the program's inception, the Committee 
has been impressed with the results of the collaborative effort 
between VA and these 94 campuses and believes this program 
should be made a permanent program at VA. This section, 
therefore, would simply codify this program into a new section 
3697B of title 38, U.S.C.

Section 308. Provision of Information Regarding Veteran Entitlement to 
        Educational Assistance

    One of the most common concerns that the Committee receives 
from SCOs at GI Bill eligible schools, is that VA's current IT 
system does not allow them to view a student veteran's 
remaining GI Bill entitlement. This flaw in VA's system makes 
it difficult for an SCO to quickly and properly advise a 
student veteran on which educational programs they are eligible 
to receive.
    This section would address this issue and would require 
that VA provide access to IT systems that would allow SCOs to 
view a student veteran's eligibility for educational assistance 
under title 38, U.S.C. This section would also allow the 
veteran or their dependent (if they are a beneficiary of their 
GI Bill benefits) to opt out of the school's ability to receive 
such information from VA.

Section 309. Treatment, for Purposes of Educational Assistance 
        Administered by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, of 
        Educational Courses that Begin Seven or Fewer Days after the 
        First Day of an Academic Year

    The administration of the Post 9/11 GI bill can be 
cumbersome and the Committee is always open to suggestions from 
SCOs and other stakeholders on how to simplify administration 
of this generous benefit. This section would implement a 
suggestion provided to the Committee by SCOs that would provide 
more flexibility to the SCOs if the first day of a course does 
not start on the first day of an academic term. This section 
would allow the SCO to certify the course as beginning on the 
first day of the academic term for purposes of certifying a 
veteran for GI Bill benefits.


Section 401. Eligibility of Reserve Component Members for Post 
        9/11 Educational Assistance

    When Congress expanded the authority of the DoD to deploy 
National Guard and Reserve component forces on active duty 
missions to support the combatant commands, it did not make 
corresponding changes in the benefits for which these National 
Guard and Reserve component service members are eligible. As 
such, health, education, leave, pay, and retirement benefits 
that active duty component troops are entitled to who are 
serving the same functions have been denied to Guard and 
Reserve component soldiers serving under section 12304 of title 
10, U.S.C., authority.
    Since the expansion of that authority, Guard and Reserve 
components have been deployed on operations to support the 
Multinational Force Observers mission in the Sinai, Egypt, 
NATO's Operation Joint Guardian in Kosovo, and most recently, 
the European Reassurance Initiative countering Russian 
aggression in Eastern Europe. Utilization of Guard and Reserve 
forces have provided a cost-effective means of meeting the 
needs of combatant commanders with forces bringing important 
experience and expertise.
    This section rectifies part of the unequal treatment of 
Guard and Reserve component soldiers serving on active duty 
orders and would allow them to earn GI Bill eligibility while 
serving on active duty orders in section 12304 of title 10, 
U.S.C. The Committee believes this is a vital change to the 
readiness, morale, and welfare of our Guard and Reserve 
component service members.

Section 402. Time Limitation for Training and Rehabilitation for 
        Veterans with Service-Connected Disabilities

    Section 3103(f) of title 38, U.S.C., extends the period of 
eligibility for a veteran to use Vocational Rehabilitation and 
Employment (VR&E;) benefits when they are called up for certain 
types of active duty orders. Similar to the situation with 
section 401 of this bill, 12304, 12304(a) and 12304(b) orders 
are currently not included in the types of orders that can 
extend VR&E; eligibility. To address this inequity similar to 
the provisions of section 401, this section would add these 
sections of title 10, U.S.C., orders to this list or approved 
orders that extend VR&E; eligibility.

                         TITLE V--OTHER MATTERS

Section 501. Repeal Inapplicability of Modification of Basic Allowance 
        for Housing to Benefits under Laws Administered by Secretary of 
        Veterans Affairs

    In the Carl Levin and Howard P. ``Buck'' McKeon National 
Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2015 (P.L. 113-291), 
the annual percentage increase to active duty BAH payments was 
reduced by 1% a year for five years, but GI Bill living 
allowance payments (tied to the E-5 with dependents rate) were 
exempt. This section would provide equity to the living stipend 
payments for those using the Post-9/11 GI Bill (E-5 with 
dependents rate) to the same BAH payments currently paid to 
active duty servicemembers at the E-5 with dependents rate. 
This section would also stipulate that these decreases to the 
annual percentage increase would only be in effect for 
individuals who first begin using their education benefits on 
or after January 1, 2018. The Committee believes this provides 
true equity between MHA for GI Bill users and BAH payments to 
active duty servicemembers. The Committee believes that 
Congress did intend such inequity and believes this change is 
appropriate with the grandfather clause to ensure current 
students do not experience a drop in their own MHA.

Section 502. Reconsideration of Previously Denied Claims for Disability 
        Compensation for Veterans who Allege Full-Body Exposure to 
        Nitrogen Mustard Gas, Sulfur Mustard Gas, or Lewisite During 
        World War II

    According to VA and DoD, the DoD subjected approximately 
4,000 servicemembers to full-body exposure to mustard gas or 
Lewisite in the 1940s.\4\ As a result of such exposure, these 
veterans may have developed serious diseases and conditions 
and, therefore, would be eligible for veterans disability 
    \4\ (last 
accessed July 19, 2017).
    Under current VA policy, former servicemembers who develop 
a health condition\5\ that VA recognizes as linked to mustard 
gas or Lewisite exposure must demonstrate that they were 
subjected to full-body exposure during service to qualify for 
compensation. Unfortunately, it may be difficult for veterans 
to prove exposure because of the potential classified nature of 
these experiments, in addition to the fact that many of the 
paper records from the 1940s may have been lost or destroyed 
since that time.
    \5\Such health conditions are enumerated in 38 C.F.R. 3.316(a).
    To make it easier for these veterans to receive benefits, 
this section would require that VA review previously denied 
claims of former servicemembers who allege that they were 
subjected to full-body exposure to mustard gas or Lewisite. 
Under the section, VA must presume that such veterans who had 
filed applications for benefits prior to the enactment of this 
bill were exposed to mustard gas or Lewisite, if he or she 
served in specific locations where VA acknowledges that mustard 
gas or Lewisite was tested. Furthermore, such exposure must be 
consistent with the places, types, and circumstances of the 
veteran's service. Lastly, any reasonable doubt in determining 
the presumption must be resolved in favor of the veteran's 
claim. However, the section clarifies that if there is 
affirmative evidence that the veteran was not subjected to 
full-body exposure to such chemicals, the veteran would not 
receive the presumption. The section further states that the 
Secretary may not determine that the testing of full-body 
exposure did not occur solely based on information contained in 
the DoD and VA Chemical Biological Warfare Database or any list 
of known testing sites maintained by DoD or VA. The section 
would also require DoD and VA to issue certain reports to 
appropriate Congressional committees within 180 days of 
enactment of this Act.


    On July 17, 2017, the full Committee held a legislative 
hearing on H.R. 3218. The following witnesses testified:

          The Honorable Kevin McCarthy, U.S. House of 
        Representatives, 23rd Congressional District, 
        California; The Honorable Mark Takano, U.S. House of 
        Representatives, 41st Congressional District, 
        California; The Honorable Gus Bilirakis, U.S. House of 
        Representatives, 12th Congressional District, Florida; 
        The Honorable Scott Peters, U.S. House of 
        Representatives, 52nd Congressional District, 
        California; The Honorable Mike Coffman, U.S. House of 
        Representatives, 6th Congressional District, Colorado; 
        The Honorable Brad Wenstrup, U.S. House of 
        Representatives, 2nd Congressional District, Ohio; The 
        Honorable John Rutherford, U.S. House of 
        Representatives, 4th Congressional District, Florida; 
        The Honorable Jim Banks, U.S. House of Representatives, 
        3rd Congressional District, Indiana; The Honorable Luke 
        Messer, U.S. House of Representatives, 6th 
        Congressional District, Indiana; The Honorable Paul 
        Cook, U.S. House of Representatives, 8th Congressional 
        District, California; Mr. Curtis L. Coy,Deputy Under 
        Secretary for Economic Opportunity, Veterans Benefits 
        Administration, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs; 
        Mr. Patrick D. Murray, Associate Director, National 
        Legislative Service, Veterans of Foreign Wars of the 
        United States; Mr. William Hubbard, Vice President of 
        Government Affairs, Student Veterans of America; Mr. 
        John Kamin, Assistant Director, Veteran Employment and 
        Education, The American Legion; and Ms. Ashlynne 
        Haycock, Senior Coordinator, Education Support 
        Services, Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors.
    The following individuals and organizations submitted 
statements for the record:
          The Honorable David McKinley, U.S. House of 
        Representatives, 1st Congressional District, West 
        Virginia; The Honorable Markwayne Mullin, U.S. House of 
        Representatives, 2nd Congressional District, Oklahoma; 
        The Honorable Tim Ryan, U.S. House of Representatives, 
        13th Congressional District, Ohio; The Honorable Susan 
        Brooks, U.S. House of Representatives, 5th 
        Congressional District, Indiana; The Military Order of 
        the Purple Heart; the National Guard Association of the 
        United States; Veterans Education Success; Captain 
        Edward H. Hill; Vietnam Veterans of America; High 
        Ground Veterans Advocacy; and Iraq and Afghanistan 
        Veterans of America.

                       Subcommittee Consideration

    There was no subcommittee consideration of H.R. 3218, as 

                        Committee Consideration

    On July 19, 2017, the full Committee met in open markup 
session, a quorum being present, and ordered H.R. 3218, as 
amended, be reported favorably to the House of Representatives 
by voice vote. During consideration of the bill, the following 
amendments were considered:
          An amendment in the nature of a substitute offered by 
        Chairman Roe of Tennessee made several technical and 
        conforming changes to the underlying bill. It also 
        changed some effective dates, including an initial 
        effective date for section 110 to August 1, 2019. These 
        changes were made to remain in line with budget 
        requirements. The amendment in the nature of a 
        substitute also made changes to the school closure 
        section (section 108) by ensuring that veterans 
        affected by the ITT Tech and Corinthian closures, would 
        receive full entitlement back for any credits they were 
        unable to transfer to another school. It would also 
        ensure that, going forward, any veterans affected by a 
        school closure would receive entitlement back for that 
        semester they are enrolled in when the school closes, 
        as well as a bridge payment of up to 4 months' worth of 
        housing allowances. The amendment in the nature of 
        substitute, as amended, was approved by voice vote.
          An amendment to the amendment in the nature of a 
        substitute offered Representative Kathleen Rice of New 
        York added a new section 502 to require VA to make a 
        new determination regarding each claim for disability 
        compensation in connection with exposure to mustard gas 
        or Lewisite during active military, naval, or air 
        service during World War II that was denied before this 
        bill's enactment. The amendment to the amendment in the 
        nature of a substitute was agreed to by voice vote.
          An amendment to the amendment in the nature of 
        substitute offered by Representative Jodey Arrington of 
        Texas would require VA to submit a report to Congress, 
        not later than March 1st of each year, summarizing the 
        information provided by educational institutions on 
        student progress for the preceding calendar year. This 
        information on student progress was included in PL 114-
        315, the ``Jeff Miller and Richard Blumenthal Veterans 
        Health Care and Benefits Improvement Act of 2016.'' The 
        amendment to the amendment in the nature of a 
        substitute was agreed to by voice vote.
    A motion by Ranking Member Tim Walz of Minnesota to report 
H.R. 3218, as amended, favorably to the House of 
Representatives was agreed to by voice vote.

                            Committee Votes

    In compliance with clause 3(b) of rule XIII of the Rules of 
the House of Representatives, no recorded votes were taken on 
amendments or in connection with ordering H.R. 3218, as 
amended, reported to the House.


                      Committee Oversight Findings

    In compliance with clause 3(c)(1) of rule XIII and clause 
(2)(b)(1) of rule X of the Rules of the House of 
Representatives, the Committee's oversight findings and 
recommendations are reflected in the descriptive portions of 
this report.

         Statement of General Performance Goals and Objectives

    In accordance with clause 3(c)(4) of rule XIII of the Rules 
of the House of Representatives, the Committee's performance 
goals and objectives of H.R. 3218, as amended, are to provide 
improvements to educational benefits provided to veterans.

                  Earmarks and Tax and Tariff Benefits

    H.R. 3218, as amended, does not contain any Congressional 
earmarks, limited tax benefits, or limited tariff benefits as 
defined in clause 9 of rule XXI of the Rules of the House of 

                        Committee Cost Estimate

    Clause 3(d)(2) of rule XIII of the Rules of the House of 
Representatives requires an estimate and a comparison by the 
Committee of the costs that would be incurred in carrying out 
this bill. However, clause 3(d)(3)(B) of that Rule provides 
that this requirement does not apply when the Committee has 
included in its report a timely submitted cost estimate of the 
bill prepared by the Director of the Congressional Budget 
Office under section 402 of the Congressional Budget Act of 
1974. The Committee has requested but not received a cost 
estimate for this bill from the Director of the Congressional 
Budget Office. The Committee believes, and according to a 
preliminary score from the Congressional Budget Office, that 
enactment of this bill would result in a savings of $205 
million over the 2018-2027 period. Assuming the appropriation 
of authorized amounts, the Committee estimates that the 
legislation would also have a discretionary cost of $111 
million over the 2018-2022 period.

     Budget Authority and Congressional Budget Office Cost Estimate

    With respect to the requirements of clause 3(c)(2) of rule 
XIII of the Rules of the House of Representatives and section 
308(a) of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 and with respect 
to requirements of clause (3)(c)(3) of rule XIII of the Rules 
of the House of Representatives and section 402 of the 
Congressional Budget Act of 1974, the Committee has requested 
but not received a cost estimate for this bill from the 
Director of the Congressional Budget Office. The Committee has 
requested but not received from the Director of the 
Congressional Budget Office a statement as to whether this bill 
contains any new budget authority, spending authority, credit 
authority, or an increase or decrease in revenues or tax 

                       Federal Mandates Statement

    With respect to the requirements of Section 423 of the 
Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act (as amended by 
Section 101(a)(2) of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act, P.L. 
104-4), the Committee has requested but not received from the 
Director of the Congressional Budget Office a statement as to 
whether the provisions of the reported bill include unfunded 

                      Advisory Committee Statement

    No advisory committees within the meaning of section 5(b) 
of the Federal Advisory Committee Act would be created by H.R. 
3218, as amended.

                   Constitutional Authority Statement

    Pursuant to Article I, section 8 of the United States 
Constitution, H.R. 3218, as amended, is authorized by Congress' 
power to ``provide for the common Defense and general Welfare 
of the United States.''

                  Applicability to Legislative Branch

    The Committee finds that H.R. 3218, as amended, does not 
relate to the terms and conditions of employment or access to 
public services or accommodations within the meaning of section 
102(b)(3) of the Congressional Accountability Act.

              Statement on Duplication of Federal Programs

    Pursuant to clause 3(c)(5) of rule XIII of the Rules of the 
House of Representatives, the Committee finds that no provision 
of H.R. 3218, as amended, establishes or reauthorizes a program 
of the Federal Government known to be duplicative of another 
Federal program, a program that was included in any report from 
the Government Accountability Office to Congress pursuant to 
section 21 of Public Law 111-139, or a program related to a 
program identified in the most recent Catalog of Federal 
Domestic Assistance.

                   Disclosure of Directed Rulemaking

    Pursuant to section 3(i) of H. Res. 5, 115th Cong. (2017), 
H.R. 3218, as amended, would require the Secretary of Veterans 
Affairs to prescribe new regulations in regards to the 
provisions of the school closure provision in section 108.

             Section-by-Section Analysis of the Legislation


Section 101. Consideration of Certain Time Spent Receiving Medical Care 
        from Secretary of Defense as Active Duty for Purposes of 
        Eligibility for Post-9/11 Educational Assistance

    Section 101(a) would amend section 3301(1)(B) by inserting 
``12301(h)'' after ``12301(g),''.
    Section 101(b) would apply the amendment made in section 
101(a) to any service in the Armed Forces occurring on or after 
September 11, 2001.
    Section 101(c) would authorize any individual who is 
entitled to educational assistance by reason of the amendment 
made by subsection 101(a) to use such entitlement to pursue a 
course of education beginning on or after August 1, 2018.

Section 102. Educational Assistance under Post-9/11 Educational 
        Assistance Program for Members of the Armed Forces Awarded the 
        Purple Heart

    Section 102(a) would amend section 3311(b) of title 38, 
U.S.C., by adding at the end the following new paragraph: 
``(10) An individual who is awarded the Purple Heart for 
service in the Armed Forces occurring on or after September 11, 
2001, and continues to serve on active duty in the Armed Forces 
or is discharged or released from active duty as described in 
subsection (c).''.
    Section 102(b) would amend section 3313(c)(1) of title 38, 
U.S.C., by striking ``or (9)'' and inserting ``(9), or (10)''.
    Section 102(c) would require the amendments made by the new 
section 102 to take effect on August 1, 2018.

Section 103. Inclusion of Fry Scholarship Recipients and Purple Heart 
        Recipients in Yellow Ribbon G.I. Education Enhancement Program

    Section 103(a) would amend the second sentence of section 
3317(a) of title 38, U.S.C., by striking ``paragraphs (1) and 
(2)'' and inserting ``paragraphs (1), (2), (9), and (10).
    Section 103(b) would require the amendment made by the new 
section 103(a) to take effect on August 1, 2018.

Section 104. Consolidation of Certain Eligibility Tiers under Post-9/11 
        Educational Assistance Program of the Department of Veterans 

    Section 104(a) would further amend section 3311(b) of title 
38, U.S.C., as amended by the new section 102, by striking ``12 
months'' and inserting ``6 months'' in paragraph 6(A); by 
striking paragraph (7); and by redesignating paragraphs (8), 
(9), and (10) as paragraphs (7), (8), and (9), respectively.
    Section 104(b) would amend section 3313(c) of title 38, 
U.S.C., by striking paragraph (7).
    Section 104(c) would make several conforming amendments to 
Chapter 33 of title 38, U.S.C.
    Section 104(d) would require the amendment made by this 
section to take effect on August 1, 2020.

Section 105. Eligibility for Post-9/11 Educational Assistance for 
        Certain Members of Reserve Components of Armed Forces who Lost 
        Entitlement to Educational Assistance under Reserve Educational 
        Assistance Program

    Section 105(a) would amend section 16167 of title 10, 
U.S.C., by adding at the end the following new subsection: 
``(c) Eligibility for Post-9/11 Educational Assistance--A 
member who loses eligibility for benefits under this chapter 
pursuant to subsection (b) shall be allowed to elect (in such 
form and manner as the Secretary of Veterans Affairs may 
prescribe) to have such service previously credited toward this 
chapter credited towards establishing eligibility for 
educational assistance under Chapter 33 of title 38, 
notwithstanding the provisions of section 16163(e) of this 
title or section 3322(h)(1) of title 38.''.
    Section 105(b) would require that section 3301(1) of title 
38, U.S.C., shall be construed to include, in the case of a 
member of the Armed Forces who, before November 25, 2015, 
established eligibility for educational assistance under 
Chapter 1607 of title 10, U.S.C., pursuant to section 
16163(a)(1) of such title, but lost eligibility for such 
educational assistance pursuant to section 16167(b) of such 
title, service on active duty (as defined in section 101 of 
such title) that satisfies the requirements of section 
16163(a)(1) of such title.
    Section 105(c) would require that section 3311(b)(6) of 
title 38, U.S.C., as amended by section 104(a) of this bill, 
shall be construed to include an individual who, before 
November 25, 2015, established eligibility for educational 
assistance under Chapter 1607 of title 10, U.S.C., pursuant to 
section 16163(b) of such title, but lost such eligibility 
pursuant to section 16167(b) of such title.
    Section 105(d) would require that, notwithstanding section 
3312 of title 38, U.S.C., an individual who establishes 
eligibility for educational assistance under Chapter 33 of such 
title by crediting towards such chapter service previously 
credited towards Chapter 1607 of title 10, U.S.C., is only 
entitled to a number of months of educational assistance under 
section 3313 of title 38, U.S.C., equal to the number of months 
of entitlement remaining under Chapter 1607 of title 10, 
U.S.C., at the time of conversion to Chapter 33 of title 38, 

Section 106. Calculation of Monthly Housing Stipend under Post-9/11 
        Educational Assistance Program Based on Location of Campus 
        Where Classes are Attended

    Section 106(a) would amend section 3313(c)(1)(B)(i)(I) of 
title 38, U.S.C., by striking ``the institution of higher 
learning at which the individual is enrolled'' and inserting 
``the campus of the institution of higher learning where the 
individual physically participates in a majority of classes''.
    Section 106(b) would require that the amendment made by the 
new section 106(a) shall apply with respect to initial 
enrollment in a program of education on or after August 1, 

Section 107. Charge to Entitlement for Certain Licensure and 
        Certification Tests and National Tests under Department of 
        Veterans Affairs Post-9/11 Educational Assistance Program

    Section 107(a) would amend subsection (c) of section 3315 
of title 38, U.S.C., by striking ``shall be determined at the 
rate of one month (rounded to the nearest whole month)'' and 
inserting ``shall be pro-rated based on the actual amount of 
the fee charged for the test relative to the rate for one 
month''; and by striking ``for each amount paid that equals'' 
and inserting ``payable''.
    Section 107(b) would amend section 3315A of title 38, 
U.S.C., by adding at the end of subsection (a) the following 
new paragraph: ``(3) A national test that evaluates prior 
learning and knowledge and provides an opportunity for course 
credit at an institution of higher learning as so described.'' 
Section 108(b) would also amend subsection (c) of 3315A of 
title 38, U.S.C., by striking ``shall be determined at the rate 
of one month (rounded to the nearest whole month)'' and 
inserting ``shall be prorated based on the actual amount of the 
fee charged for the test relative to the rate for one month''; 
and by striking ``for each amount paid that equals'' and 
inserting ``payable''.
    Section 107(c) would amend section 3452(b) of title 38, 
U.S.C., by striking ``and national tests providing'' and 
inserting ``, national tests providing''; and by inserting 
before the period at the end the following: ``, and national 
tests that evaluate prior learning and knowledge and provides 
an opportunity for course credit at an institution of higher 
    Section 107(d) would require that the amendments made by 
this Act shall apply to a test taken on or after August 1, 

Section 108. Restoration of Entitlement to Educational Assistance and 
        Other Relief for Veterans Affected by School Closure or 

    Section 108(a) would amend Chapter 36 by adding at the end 
the following new section: ``Sec. Effects of closure or 
disapproval of educational institution.''
    Sec. 3699(a) would stipulate that any payment of 
educational assistance described in subsection (b) shall not be 
charged against any entitlement to educational assistance of 
the individual concerned; or be counted against the aggregate 
period for which section 3695 of this title limits the receipt 
of educational assistance by such individual.
    Sec. 3699(b) would stipulate that, subject to subsection 
(c), the payment of educational assistance described in this 
paragraph is the payment of such assistance to an individual 
for pursuit of a course of program of education at an 
educational institution under Chapters 30, 32, 33, or 35 of 
this title, or Chapter 1606 or 1607 of title 10, U.S.C., if the 
Secretary determines that the individual: (1) was forced to 
discontinue the pursuit of such course or program as a result 
of the permanent closure of the educational institution; or the 
disapproval of a course or a course that is a necessary part of 
that program under this chapter by reason of a provision of law 
enacted after the date on which the individual enrolls at such 
institution affecting the approval or disapproval of courses 
under this chapter or after the date on which the individual 
enrolls at such institution, the Secretary prescribing or 
modifying regulations or policies of the Department affecting 
such approval or disapproval; and did not receive credit or 
lost training time, toward completion of the program of 
education being so pursued.
    Sec. 3699(c) would stipulate that the period for which, by 
reason of this subsection, educational assistance is not 
charged against entitlement or counted toward the applicable 
aggregate period under section 3695 of this title shall not 
exceed the aggregate of the portion of the period of enrollment 
in the course from which the individual failed to receive 
credit or with respect to which the individual lost training 
time as determined under subsection (b)(2), and the period by 
which a monthly stipend is extended under section 3680(a)(2)(B) 
of this title.
    Sec. 3699(d) would allow the Secretary to treat a course of 
education that is disapproved under this chapter as being 
approved under this chapter with respect to an individual 
described in paragraph (2) if the Secretary determines, on a 
case-by-case basis, that such disapproval is the result of an 
action described in clause (i) or (ii) of subsection (b)(1)(B); 
and continuing pursuing such course is in the best interest of 
the individual. Sec. 3699(d) would also prescribe that an 
individual described in this paragraph is an individual who is 
pursuing a course of education at an educational institution 
under Chapters 30, 32, 33, or 35 of this title or Chapter 1606 
or 1607 of title 10, U.S.C., as of the date on which the course 
is disapproved under this chapter.
    Section 108(b) would amend subsection (a) of section 3680 
of title 38, U.S.C., by striking the matter after paragraph 
(3)(B); by redesignating subparagraphs (A) and (B) in paragraph 
(3) as clauses (i) and (ii), respectively; by redesignating 
paragraphs (1) through (3) as subparagraphs (A) through (C), 
respectively; in the matter preceding subparagraph (A), as 
redesignated, in the first sentence, by striking ``Payment of'' 
and inserting ``(1) Except as provided in paragraph (2), 
payment of''; and by adding at the end the following new 
paragraph: ``(2) Notwithstanding paragraph (1), the Secretary 
may, pursuant to such regulations as the Secretary shall 
prescribe, continue to pay allowances to eligible persons 
enrolled in courses set forth in paragraph (1)(A)-(A) during 
periods when educational institutions are temporarily closed 
under an established policy based on an Executive order of the 
President or due to an emergency situation, except that the 
total number of weeks for which allowances may continue to be 
so payable in any 12-month period may not exceed four weeks; or 
(B) solely for the purpose of awarding a monthly housing 
stipend described in section 3313 of this title, during periods 
following a permanent closure of an educational institution, or 
following the disapproval of a course of study described in 
section 3699(b)(1(B) of this title, except that payment of such 
a stipend may only be continued until the earlier of the date 
of the end of the term, quarter, or semester during which the 
closure or disapproval occurred; and the date that is 120 days 
after the date of the closure or disapproval.''
    Section 108(c) would require that the amendments made by 
the new section 108(a) shall take effect on the date that is 90 
days after the date of enactment of this Act; and shall apply 
with respect to courses and programs of education discontinued 
in section 3699 of title 38, U.S.C., as added by the new 
subsection (a)(1), after January 1, 2015. Section 108(c) would 
also make a special application with respect to courses and 
programs of education discontinued as described in section 3699 
of title 38, U.S.C., during the period beginning on January 1, 
2015 and ending on the date of the enactment of this Act, an 
individual who is unable to transfer credits from such program 
of education shall be deemed to be an individual who did not 
receive such credits. The Secretary would be required to 
consult with the Secretary of Education to establish procedures 
to determine whether credits are unable to be transferred. 
Section 108(c) would also require that amendments made by 
108(b) shall take effect on August 1, 2018 and shall apply with 
respect to courses and programs of education discontinued as 
described in the new section 3699 of title 38, U.S.C., as 
created by this section, on or after the date of the enactment 
of this Act.

Section 109. Additional Authorized Transfer of Unused Post-9/11 
        Educational Assistance Benefits to Dependents upon Death of 
        Originally Designated Dependent

    Section 109(a) would amend section 3319 of title 38, 
U.S.C., by inserting after ``section 3321'' the following: ``, 
and except as provided in subsection (k) or (l),''; and by 
adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(k) 
Additional Transfer Upon Death of Dependent--In the case of a 
dependent to whom entitlement to educational assistance is 
transferred under this section who dies before using all of 
such entitlement, the individual who transferred the 
entitlement to the dependent may transfer any remaining 
entitlement to a different eligible dependent, notwithstanding 
whether the individual is serving as a member of the Armed 
Forces when such transfer is executed. (l) Transfer by 
Dependent--In the case of an individual who transfers 
entitlement to educational assistance under this section who 
dies before the dependent to whom entitlement to educational 
assistance is so transferred has used all of such entitlement, 
such dependent may transfer such entitlement to another 
eligible dependent in accordance with the provisions of this 
    Section 109(b) would require that the amendments made by 
this new section shall apply with respect to deaths occurring 
on or after August 1, 2009; and would allow a dependent, to 
whom entitlement is transferred under subsection (k) and (l) of 
section 3319 of title 38, U.S.C., as added by subsection (a), 
to use such entitlement to pursue a course of education 
beginning on or after August 1, 2018.

Section 110. Edith Nourse Rogers STEM Scholarship

    Section 110(a) would amend subchapter II of Chapter 33 by 
adding at the end the following new section: ``Sec. 3320. Edith 
Nourse Rogers STEM Scholarship.''
    Sec. 3320(a) would require the Secretary, subject to the 
limitation under subsection (f), to provide additional benefits 
to eligible individuals selected by the Secretary under this 
section. It would require that such additional benefits shall 
be known as the `Edith Nourse Rogers STEM Scholarship'.
    Sec. 3320(b) would stipulate that an eligible individual is 
an individual: (1) who is or was entitled to educational 
assistance under section 3311 of this title; (2) who has used 
all of the educational assistance to which the individual is 
entitled under this chapter or will, based on the individual's 
rate of usage, use all of such assistance within 180 days of 
applying for benefits under this section; (3) who applies for 
assistance under this section; and (4) who is an individual who 
is enrolled in a program of education leading to a post-
secondary degree that requires more than the standard 128 
semester (or 192 quarter) credit hours for completion in 
biological or biomedical science; physical science; science 
technologies or technicians; computer and information science 
and support services; mathematics or statistics; engineering; 
engineering technologies or n engineering-related field; a 
health profession or related program; a medical residency 
program; or an agriculture science program or a natural 
resources science program. The individual would also have to 
have already completed at least 60 standard semester (or 90 
quarter) credit hours in a field referred to earlier in the 
subchapter or be an individual who has earned a post-secondary 
degree in a field referred to in subparagraph (A)(i) and is 
enrolled in a program of education leading to a teaching 
    Sec. 3320(c) would require the Secretary, when selecting 
eligible individuals to receive additional benefits, to give 
priority to the following individuals: (1) Individuals who 
require the most credit hours described in subsection (b)(4); 
and (2) Individuals who are entitled to educational assistance 
under this chapter by reason of paragraph (1), (2), (8), or (9) 
of section 3311(b) of this title.
    Sec. 3320(d) would require the Secretary to pay each 
eligible individual who receives additional benefits under this 
section the monthly amount payable under section 3313 of this 
title for not more than nine months of the program of education 
in which the individual is enrolled, except that the aggregate 
amount paid to an individual under this section may not exceed 
$30,000. The Secretary would not be allowed to pay an 
additional amount to an individual that exceeds that amount 
payable under this section, and an individual who receives 
additional benefits under this section may also receive amounts 
payable by a college or university pursuant to section 3317 of 
this title.
    Sec. 3320(e) would stipulate that an individual who 
receives additional benefits under this section may not 
transfer any amount of such additional benefits under section 
3319 of this title.
    Sec. 3320(f) would stipulate that the total amount of 
benefits paid to all eligible individuals under this section 
may not exceed: (1) $25,000,000 for fiscal year 2019; (2) 
$75,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2020 through 2022; (3) 
$100,000,000 for fiscal year 2023 and each subsequent fiscal 
    Section 110(b) would make a clerical amendment to the table 
of sections.
    Section 110(c) would require that the new section 3320, of 
title 38, U.S.C., as created by this section, shall take effect 
on August 1, 2019.

Section 111. Honoring the National Service of Members of the Armed 
        Forces by Elimination of Time Limitation for Use of Entitlement

    Section 111(a) would amend subsection (a) of section 3321 
of title 38.U.S.C., by striking ``individual's entitlement'' 
and all that follows through the period and inserting 
``individual's entitlement-''; and by adding at the end the 
following new paragraphs: ``(1) in the case of an individual 
who first becomes entitled to such entitlement before January 
1, 2013, expires at the end of the 15-year period beginning on 
the date of such individual's last discharge or release from 
active duty; or (2) in the case of an individual who first 
becomes entitled to such entitlement on or after January 1, 
2013, shall not expire.''
    Section 112(b) would amend subsection (b)(4) of such 
section by inserting ``of this title'' after ``3311(b)(9)''; by 
striking ``child's entitlement'' and all that follows through 
the period and inserting ``child's entitlement-''; and by 
adding at the end the following new subparagraphs: ``(A) in the 
case of a child who first becomes entitled to such entitlement 
before January 1, 2013, expires at the end of the 15-year 
period beginning on the date of such child's eighteenth 
birthday; or (B) in the case of a child who first becomes 
entitled to such entitlement on or after January 1, 2013, shall 
not expire.''

Section 112. Monthly Stipend for Certain Members of the Reserve 
        Components of the Armed Forces Receiving Post-9/11 Educational 

    Section 112(a) would further amend section 3313 of title 
38, U.S.C., by adding at the end the following new subsection: 
``(j) Determination of Monthly Stipends During Certain Active 
Duty Service.'' This new subsection would require: (1) the 
Secretary, in any month in which an individual described in 
paragraph (2) is performing active duty service described in 
section 3301(1)(B) of this title, to determine the amount of 
monthly stipends payable under this section for such month on a 
pro rata basis for the period of such month in which the 
covered individual is not performing such active duty service; 
and (2) that an individual described in this paragraph is an 
individual who is a member of the reserve components of the 
Armed Forces; and who is pursuing a program of education using 
educational assistance under this chapter.
    Section 112(b) would require that the amendment made by 
subsection (a) shall apply with respect to a quarter, semester, 
or term, as applicable, commencing on or after August 1, 2018.

Section 113. Improvement of Information Technology of the Veterans 
        Benefits Administration of the Department of Veterans Affairs

    Section 113(a) would require the Secretary, to the maximum 
extent possible, to make such changes and improvements to the 
information and technology system of the Veterans Benefits 
Administration to ensure that: (1) to the maximum extent 
possible, all original and supplemental claims for educational 
assistance under Chapter 33 of title 38, U.S.C., are 
adjudicated electronically; and (2) rules-based processing is 
used to make decisions with respect to such claims with little 
human intervention.
    Section 113(b) would require the Secretary, not later than 
180 days after the enactment of this Act, to submit a plan to 
Congress to implement the changes and improvements described in 
section 113(a).
    Section 113(c) would require the Secretary, not later than 
one year after the date of the enactment of this Act, to submit 
to Congress a report on the implementation of the changes and 
improvements described in section 113(a).
    Section 113(d) would authorize to be appropriated to the 
Secretary $30,000,000 to carry out this section during fiscal 
years 2018 and 2019.

Section 114. Department of Veterans Affairs High Technology Pilot 

    Section 114(a) would require the Secretary to carry out a 
pilot program under which the Secretary shall provide eligible 
veterans with the opportunity to enroll in high technology 
programs of education.
    Section 114(b) would stipulate that for purposes of the 
pilot program under this section, an eligible veteran is a 
veteran who is entitled to educational assistance under Chapter 
30, 32, 33, 34, or 35 of title 38, U.S.C., or Chapter 1607 or 
1607 of title 10, U.S.C.
    Section 114(c) would: (1) Require the Secretary, by not 
later than 180 days after August 1, 2018, to seek to enter into 
contracts with any number of qualified providers of high 
technology programs of education for the provision of such 
programs to eligible veterans under the pilot program; (2) 
Require the Secretary to pay the provider, upon enrollment of 
an eligible veteran in the program, 25 percent of the cost of 
the tuition and other fees for the program of education for the 
veteran; upon completion of the program by the veteran, 25 
percent of such cost; and upon the employment of the veteran in 
the field of study of the program following completion of the 
program, 50 percent of such cost; (3) Define a provider of a 
high technology program of education as qualified if: the 
provider has been operational for at least two years; the 
provider has successfully provided the high technology program 
for at least one year; and the provider meets the approval 
criteria developed by the Secretary; (4) Require the Secretary 
to develop criteria for approving providers for the pilot 
program and would allow the Secretary, when developing such 
criteria, to consult with State approving agencies, but that 
the criteria is not required to meet the requirements in 
section 3672 of title 38, U.S.C.; (5) Require the Secretary, 
when entering into contracts to carry out the pilot program, to 
give preference to a qualified provider that offers tuition 
reimbursement for any student who completes a program offered 
by the provider and who does not find full-time meaningful 
employment in the field of study of the program within the 180-
day period beginning on the date the student completes the 
    Section 114(d) would require the Secretary to pay each 
eligible veteran who is enrolled in a high technology program 
under this pilot program on a full-time basis a monthly housing 
stipend equal to the product of: (1) the basic allowance for 
housing payable under section 403 of title 37, U.S.C., for a 
member with dependents in pay grade E-5 residing in the 
military housing area that encompasses all or the majority 
portion of the ZIP code area in which the institution is 
located at which the individual is enrolled; or (2) in the case 
of a veteran pursuing the program through distance learning, a 
monthly amount equal to 50 percent of the amount payable under 
subparagraph (A), multiplied by the lesser of 1.0 or the number 
of course hours the individual is in pursuit of the program of 
education involved, divided by the minimum number of course 
hours required for full-time pursuit of such program, rounded 
to the nearest multiple of ten.
    Section 114(e) would define the term ``high technology 
program of education'' as a program that: (1) is offered by an 
entity other than an institution of higher learning; (2) does 
not lead to a degree; and (3) provides instruction in computer 
programming, computer software, media application, data 
processing, or information sciences.
    Section 114(f) would require the Secretary, not later than 
one year after the date of the enactment of this Act and 
annually thereafter, to submit a report to Congress on the 
pilot program created by this section. Section 115(f) would 
also require the Comptroller General of the United States, not 
later than three years after the date on which the Secretary 
first enters into a contract under this pilot program, to 
submit a report containing the interim assessment of the pilot 
program. The report would be required to include recommendation 
to include the pilot program and as assessment on the 
following: (1) The technology experience of the directors and 
instructors of the providers of the programs under the pilot 
program; (2) Whether the providers cooperated with the 
technology industry to create the curriculum for the program of 
education; (3) Whether the providers use an open source 
curriculum for the program of education; (4) The admittance 
rate into the pilot program; (5) The job placement rate for 
veterans who completed a program of education under the pilot 
program in the field of study of the program; (6) The average 
salary of veterans who completed a program of education under 
the pilot program and were subsequently employed; and (7) The 
average age of veterans who participated in the pilot program. 
The Comptroller General of the United States would also be 
required to submit a final report on the pilot program to 
Congress with respect to whether the program should be extended 
and an assessment on each of the following: (1) Each item 
required for the interim report; (2) The percentage of veterans 
who completed a program of education under the pilot program 
who were subsequently employed for a period of six months or 
longer in a field of study of the program; and (3) The 
percentage of veterans who completed a program of education 
under the pilot program who were subsequently employed for a 
period of less than six months in a field of study of the 
    Section 114(g) would authorize $15,000,000 to fund the 
pilot program for each fiscal year that the Secretary carries 
out the program.
    Section 114(h) would require the termination of the pilot 
program on the date that is five years after the date on which 
the Secretary first enters into a contract under this section.

Section 115. Annual Reports to Congress on Information on Student 
        Progress Submitted by Educational Institutions

    Section 115 would amend section 3326 of title 38, U.S.C., 
by striking ``As a condition'' and inserting ``(a) Submittal of 
Information by Educational Institutions.--As a condition''; and 
by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: ``(b) 
Reports to Congress.--Not later than March 1 of each year, the 
Secretary shall submit to Congress a report that includes a 
summary of the information provided by educational institutions 
under subsection (a) for the calendar year preceding the year 
during which such report is submitted.''.


Section 201. Work-Study Allowance

    Section 201 would amend section 3485(a)(4) by striking 
``the period beginning on June 30, 2017, and ending on June 30, 
2022,'' each place it appears and inserting ``any time on or 
after June 30, 2017,''.

Section 202. Duration of Educational Assistance under Survivors' and 
        Dependents' Educational Assistance Program

    Section 202 would amend section 3511(a)(1) of title 38, 
U.S.C., by: (1) striking ``chapter for'' and all that follows 
through the period and inserting ``chapter-``; (2) by adding at 
the end the following new subparagraphs: ``(A) in the case of a 
person who first enrolls in a program of education using such 
entitlement before August 1, 2018, for an aggregate period not 
in excess of 45 months (or to the equivalent thereof in part-
time training); or (B) in the case of a person who first 
enrolls in a program of education using such entitlement on or 
after August 1, 2018, for an aggregate period not in excess of 
36 months (or to the equivalent thereof in part-time 

Section 203. Olin E. Teague Increase in Amounts of Educational 
        Assistance Payable under Survivors' and Dependents' Educational 
        Assistance Program

    Section 203(a) would amend subsection (a) of section 3532 
of title 38, U.S.C., by striking ``$788'' and inserting 
``$1,224''; by striking ``$592'' and inserting ``$967''; by 
striking ``$394'' and inserting ``$710''; and by striking 
``$788'' and inserting ``$1,224'' in paragraph (2)(B). Section 
203(b) would also amend subsection (b) of section 3532 of title 
38, U.S.C., by striking ``$788'' and inserting ``$1,224''.
    Section 203(b) would require that the amendments made by 
section 203(a) shall apply with respect to a month that begins 
on or after October 1, 2018.


Section 301. State Approving Agency Funding

    Section 301(a) would amend section 3674(a) of title 38, 
U.S.C., by: (1) striking ``out of amounts available for the 
payment of readjustment benefits'' in paragraph (2)(A) and 
inserting ``out of amounts in the Department of Veterans 
Affairs readjustment benefits account and accounts appropriated 
to the Secretary''; (2) redesignating paragraph (4) as 
paragraph (5); (3) by inserting after paragraph (3) the 
following new paragraph--``(4) In addition to amounts made 
available under paragraph (5), there is authorized to be 
appropriated to carry out this section $3,000,000 for fiscal 
year 2019 and each subsequent year.''; and (4) in paragraph by 
striking ``The total'' and inserting ``(A) The total''; by 
striking ``for any fiscal year shall be $19,000,000'' and 
inserting ``for fiscal year 2018 shall be $21,000,000 and for 
fiscal year 2019 and thereafter shall be $23,000,000''; and by 
adding at the end the following new subparagraph: ``(B) 
Beginning in fiscal year 2019, whenever there is an increase in 
benefit amounts payable under title II of the Social Security 
Act (42 U.S.C. 401 et seq.) as a result of a determination made 
under section 215(i) of such Act (42 U.S.C. 415(i)), the 
Secretary shall, effective on the date of such increase in 
benefit amounts, increase the amount in effect under 
subparagraph (A), as in effect immediately prior to the date of 
such increase in benefit amounts payable under title II of the 
Social Security Act, by the same percentage as the percentage 
by which such benefit amounts are increased.''.

Section 302. Authorization for use of Post-9/11 Educational Assistance 
        To Pursue Independent Study Programs at Certain Educational 
        Institutions That are Not Institutions of Higher Learning

    Section 302 would amend paragraph (4) of section 3680A(a) 
of title 38, U.S.C., to read as follows: ``(4) any independent 
study program except an independent study program (including 
such a program taken over open circuit television) that--(A) is 
accredited by a nationally recognized accrediting agency; and 
(B) leads--(i) to a standard college degree; (ii) to a 
certificate that reflects educational attainment offered by an 
institution of higher learning; or (iii) to a certificate that 
reflects completion of a course of study offered by (I) an area 
career and technical education school (as defined in 
subparagraphs (C) and (D) of section 3(3) of the Carl D. 
Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 (20 U.S.C. 
2302(3))) that provides education at the postsecondary level; 
or (II) a postsecondary vocational institution (as defined in 
section 102(c) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 
1002(2))) that provides education at the postsecondary 

Section 303. Provision of Information on Priority Enrollment for 
        Veterans in Certain Courses of Education

    Section 303 would amend section 3698(c)(1) by making 
several conforming changes and by adding at the end the 
following new clause: ``(xi) information on whether the 
institution administers a priority enrollment system that 
allows certain student veterans to enroll in courses earlier 
than other students.

Section 304. Limitation on Use of Reporting Fees Payable to Educational 
        Institutions and Sponsors of Programs of Apprenticeship

    Section 304(a) would amend subsection (c) of section 3684 
of title 38, U.S.C., to read as follows: ``(c)(1) The Secretary 
may pay to any educational institution, or to the sponsor of a 
program of apprenticeship, furnishing education or training 
under either this chapter or chapter 31, 34, or 35 of this 
title, a reporting fee which will be in lieu of any other 
compensation or reimbursement for reports or certifications 
which such educational institution or sponsor of a program of 
apprenticeship is required to submit to the Secretary by law or 
regulation. ``(2) Such reporting fee shall be computed for each 
calendar year by multiplying $16 by the number of eligible 
veterans or eligible persons enrolled under this chapter or 
chapter 31, 34, or 35 of this title. The reporting fee shall be 
paid to such educational institution or sponsor of a program of 
apprenticeship as soon as feasible after the end of the 
calendar year for which it is applicable. ``(3) No reporting 
fee payable to an educational institution under this subsection 
shall be subject to offset by the Secretary against any 
liability of such institution for any overpayment for which 
such institution may be administratively determined to be 
liable under section 3685 of this title unless such liability 
is not contested by such institution or has been upheld by a 
final decree of a court of appropriate jurisdiction. ``(4) Any 
reporting fee paid to an educational institution or sponsor of 
a program of apprenticeship after the date of the enactment of 
the Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Improvements Act 
of 2011 (Public Law 111-377)--``(A) shall be utilized by such 
institution or sponsor solely for the making of certifications 
required under this chapter or chapter 31, 34, or 35 of this 
title or for otherwise supporting programs for veterans; and 
``(B) with respect to an institution that has 100 or more 
enrollees described in paragraph (2) may not be used for or 
merged with amounts available for the general fund of the 
educational institution or sponsor of a program of 
apprenticeship. ``(5) The reporting fee payable under this 
subsection shall be paid from amounts appropriated for 
readjustment benefits.''.
    Section 304(b) would require that the amendment made by 
section 304(a) shall take effect on August 1, 2018.

Section 305. Training for School Certifying Officials

    Section 305(a) would require the Secretary, in consultation 
with the State approving agencies, to set forth requirements 
for the training of school certifying officials employed by 
covered institutions of higher learning that are approved under 
Chapter 36 of title 38, U.S.C. Section 305(a) would also 
stipulate that if a covered educational institution does not 
ensure that a school certifying official employed by the 
institution meets such training requirements, then the 
Secretary may disapprove any course of education offered by 
such educational institution.
    Section 305(b) would provide definitions for this section. 
The term ``covered educational institution'' would mean an 
institution that has enrolled 20 or more individuals who are 
using educational assistance under title 38, U.S.C. The term 
``school certifying official'' means an employee of an 
educational with primary responsibility for certifying veteran 
enrollments at that institution. The term ``State approving 
agency'' means a department or agency of a State designated 
under section 3671 of title 38, U.S.C.
    Section 305(c) would require that the changes made in 
section 305 shall take effect on August 1, 2018.

Section 306. Extension of Authority for Advisory Committee on Education

    Section 306 would amend section 3692 of title 38, U.S.C, by 
striking ``December 31, 2017'' and inserting ``December 31, 

Section 307. Department of Veterans Affairs Provision of On-Campus 
        Educational and Vocational Counseling for Veterans

    Section 307(a) would amend Chapter 36 of title 38, U.S.C, 
by inserting the following new section after section 3697(A): 
``Sec. 3697B. On-campus educational and vocational 
    Sec. 3697B(a) would require the Secretary to provide 
educational and vocational counseling services for individuals 
described in section 3697(b) of this title at locations on the 
campuses of institutions of higher learning selected by the 
Secretary and such counseling services shall be provided by 
Department employees who also provide such services under 
section 3697A of this title.
    Sec. 3697B(b) would require that an institution of higher 
learning that is selected by the Secretary under this section 
shall have an appropriate space on the campus of the 
institution where counseling services can be provided. The 
Secretary would be required, when seeking locations to carry 
out this section, to select locations where the maximum number 
of veterans would have access to such services.
    Sec. 3697B(c) would require the Secretary, not later than 
180 days after the date of enactment of this section, to submit 
a report to Congress on the counseling locations provided under 
this section. Such report shall include, for the year covered 
by the report--(1) the average ratio of counselors providing 
such services to individuals who received such services at each 
location where such services were provided; (2) a description 
of such services; (3) the recommendations of the Secretary for 
improving the provision of such services; and (4) any other 
matters the Secretary determines appropriate.''.
    Section 307(b) would make a clerical amendment to the table 
of sections of chapter 36 to insert the new section 3697B.

Section 308. Provision of Information Regarding Veteran Entitlement to 
        Educational Assistance

    Section 308(a) would further amend subchapter II of Chapter 
36 of title 38, U.S.C., by adding at the end the following new 
section: ``Sec. 3699A. Provision of certain information to 
educational institutions''.
    Sec. 3699A(a) would require the Secretary, to make 
available to an educational institution where individuals are 
pursuing a course of education that has been approved under 
this chapter for educational assistance to which the individual 
is entitled under Chapter 30, 32, 33, or 35 of this title, 
information about the amount of such educational assistance to 
which the individual is entitled. Such information would be 
required to be provided to such educational institution through 
a secure information technology system accessible by the 
educational institution and would be required to be regularly 
updated to reflect the correct amounts used by the individual.
    Sec. 3699A(b) would allow an individual pursuing a course 
of education described in subsection (a) to elect not to 
provide the information described in such subsection to an 
educational institution in a manner prescribed by the 
    Section 308(b) would make a clerical amendment to the table 
of sections by adding the new section 3699A.
    Section 308(c) would require that the new section 3699A of 
title 38, U.S.C., as added by this section, shall take effect 
on August 1, 2018.

Section 309. Treatment, for Purposes of Educational Assistance 
        Administered by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs of 
        Educational Courses that Begin Seven or Fewer Days after the 
        First of an Academic Term

    Section 309 would amend section 3684(a) by redesignating 
paragraph (4) as paragraph (5); and by inserting after 
paragraph (3) the following new paragraph: ``(4) A course 
offered by an educational institution that does not begin on 
the first day of an academic term, but does begin seven or 
fewer days after such day, shall be treated as beginning on 
such day for purposes for this section.''.


Section 401. Eligibility of Reserve Component Members for Post-9/11 
        Educational Assistance

    Section 401(a) would amend section 3301(1)(B) of title 38, 
U.S.C., by striking ``or 12304'' and inserting ``12304, 12304a, 
or 12304b''.
    Section 401(b) would require that the amendment made by 
section 401(a) shall apply with respect to service in the Armed 
Forces occurring on or after the date of the enactment of the 
Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2008 (Public 
Law 110-252).
    Section 401(c) would stipulate that an individual who is 
entitled to educational assistance by reason of the amendment 
made in section 401(a) may use such entitlement to pursue a 
course of education beginning on or after August 1, 2018.

Section 402. Time Limitation for Training and Rehabilitation for 
        Veterans with Service-Connected Disabilities

    Section 402 would amend section 3103(f) of title 38, 
U.S.C., by striking ``or 12304'' and inserting ``12304, 12304a, 
or 12304b''.

                         TITLE V--OTHER MATTERS

Section 501. Repeal Inapplicability of Modification of Basic Allowance 
        for Housing to Benefits under Laws Administered by Secretary of 
        Veterans Affairs

    Section 501(a) would repeal subsection (b) of section 604 
of the Carl Levin and Howard P. ``Buck'' McKeon National 
Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2015 (Public Law 113-
291; 37 U.S.C., 403 note).
    Section 501(b) would require that the amendment made by 
501(a) shall take effect on January 1, 2018 and that it shall 
apply with respect to individuals who first use their 
entitlement to educational assistance under Chapter 33 of title 
39, U.S.C., on or after such date.

Section 502. Reconsideration of Previously Denied Claims for Disability 
        Compensation for Veterans who Allege Full-Body Exposure to 
        Nitrogen Mustard Gas, Sulfur Mustard Gas, or Lewisite During 
        World War II

    Section 502(a)(1) would require VA to reconsider certain 
claims for compensation and make a new determination regarding 
each such claim.
    Section 502(a)(2) would define the claims VA must 
reconsider pursuant to Section 502(a)(1).
    Section 502(a)(3) would provide a list of locations where 
the DOD and VA acknowledge that DOD subjected some to mustard 
gas or Lewisite during World War II. Additionally, the bill 
would authorize the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to add more 
sites to this list, as appropriate.
    Section 502(a)(4) would establish the factors that VA must 
consider during the reconsideration of claims described in 
Section 502(a)(1). Clarifies that VA may not determine that 
testing of full-body exposure to a covered substance did not 
occur based solely on: (1) information contained in the DOD and 
VA Chemical Biological Warfare Database; or, (2) any list of 
known sites of testing of full-body exposure to a covered 
substance maintained by VA or DOD.
    Section 502(a)(5) would require VA to presume, unless there 
is affirmative evidence to establish otherwise, that the 
veteran experienced such exposure during service during World 
War II if the veteran served in one of the locations listed in 
Section 502(a)(3); and, consistent with the places, types, and 
circumstances of the veteran's service. Clarifies that VA shall 
resolve any reasonable doubt in favor of the veteran.
    Section 502(a)(6) would establish that the effective date 
of the award of disability benefits shall not be earlier than 
the date of the receipt of such claim.
    Section 502(b) would require the DOD, not later than 180 
days after the date of enactment of this Act, to investigate 
and assess each site: (1) where the Army Corps of Engineers has 
uncovered evidence of testing conducted by DOD during World War 
II to assess the effects of full-body exposure to covered 
substance on humans; or (2) where more than two veterans have 
been denied claims for compensation in connection with exposure 
to a covered substance at such site. Would require DOD to 
submit a report to appropriate congressional committees and VA 
on such testing, including a list of each location DOD 
investigated and assessed; the dates of such testing; and, the 
number of servicemembers who experienced full-body exposure to 
a covered substance in each such testing.
    Section 502(c) would require VA, not later than 180 days 
after the date of enactment of this Act, to issue a report to 
appropriate congressional committees and DOD on the actions 
taken by VA to contact individuals who experienced full-body 
exposure to a covered substance; the number of claims for 
disability compensation arising from testing described in 
section 5(b)(1); and, the percentage of such claims denied by 
    Section 502(d) would define the terms: ``active military, 
naval, or air service;'' ``veteran;'' ``World War II;'' 
``appropriate congressional committees;'' ``covered 
substance;'' and, ``full-body exposure.''

         Changes in Existing Law Made by the Bill, as Reported

    In compliance with clause 3(e) of rule XIII of the Rules of 
the House of Representatives, changes in existing law made by 
the bill, as reported, are shown as follows (existing law 
proposed to be omitted is enclosed in black brackets, new 
matter is printed in italic, existing law in which no change is 
proposed is shown in roman):

         Changes in Existing Law Made by the Bill, as Reported

  In compliance with clause 3(e) of rule XIII of the Rules of 
the House of Representatives, changes in existing law made by 
the bill, as reported, are shown as follows (existing law 
proposed to be omitted is enclosed in black brackets, new 
matter is printed in italic, and existing law in which no 
change is proposed is shown in roman):

                      TITLE 38, UNITED STATES CODE

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *


           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

Sec. 3103. Periods of eligibility

  (a) Except as provided in subsection (b), (c), (d), or (e) of 
this section, a rehabilitation program may not be afforded to a 
veteran under this chapter after the end of the twelve-year 
period beginning on the date of such veteran's discharge or 
release from active military, naval, or air service.
  (b)(1) In any case in which the Secretary determines that a 
veteran has been prevented from participating in a vocational 
rehabilitation program under this chapter within the period of 
eligibility prescribed in subsection (a) of this section 
because a medical condition of such veteran made it infeasible 
for such veteran to participate in such a program, the twelve-
year period of eligibility shall not run during the period of 
time that such veteran was so prevented from participating in 
such a program, and such period of eligibility shall again 
begin to run on the first day following such veteran's recovery 
from such condition on which it is reasonably feasible, as 
determined under regulations which the Secretary shall 
prescribe, for such veteran to participate in such a program.
          (2) In any case in which the Secretary determines 
        that a veteran has been prevented from participating in 
        a vocational rehabilitation program under this chapter 
        within the period of eligibility prescribed in 
        subsection (a) of this section because--
                  (A) such veteran had not met the requirement 
                of a discharge or release from active military, 
                naval, or air service under conditions other 
                than dishonorable before (i) the nature of such 
                discharge or release was changed by appropriate 
                authority, or (ii) the Secretary determined, 
                under regulations prescribed by the Secretary, 
                that such discharge or release was under 
                conditions other than dishonorable, or
                  (B) such veteran's discharge or dismissal 
                was, under section 5303 of this title, a bar to 
                benefits under this title before the Secretary 
                made a determination that such discharge or 
                dismissal is not a bar to such benefits,
        the twelve-year period of eligibility shall not run 
        during the period of time that such veteran was so 
        prevented from participating in such a program.
          (3) In any case in which the Secretary determines 
        that a veteran has been prevented from participating in 
        a vocational rehabilitation program under this chapter 
        within the period of eligibility prescribed in 
        subsection (a) of this section because such veteran had 
        not established the existence of a service-connected 
        disability rated at 10 percent or more, the twelve-year 
        period of eligibility shall not run during the period 
        such veteran was so prevented from participating in 
        such a program.
  (c) In any case in which the Secretary determines that a 
veteran is in need of services to overcome a serious employment 
handicap, such veteran may be afforded a vocational 
rehabilitation program after the expiration of the period of 
eligibility otherwise applicable to such veteran if the 
Secretary also determines, on the basis of such veteran's 
current employment handicap and need for such services, that an 
extension of the applicable period of eligibility is necessary 
for such veteran and--
          (1) that such veteran had not previously been 
        rehabilitated to the point of employability;
          (2) that such veteran had previously been 
        rehabilitated to the point of employability but (A) the 
        need for such services had arisen out of a worsening of 
        such veteran's service-connected disability that 
        precludes such veteran from performing the duties of 
        the occupation for which such veteran was previously 
        trained in a vocational rehabilitation program under 
        this chapter, or (B) the occupation for which such 
        veteran had been so trained is not suitable in view of 
        such veteran's current employment handicap and 
        capabilities; or
          (3) under regulations which the Secretary shall 
        prescribe, that an extension of the period of 
        eligibility of such veteran is necessary to accomplish 
        the purposes of a rehabilitation program for such 
  (d) In any case in which the Secretary has determined that a 
veteran's disability or disabilities are so severe that the 
achievement of a vocational goal currently is not reasonably 
feasible, such veteran may be afforded a program of independent 
living services and assistance in accordance with the 
provisions of section 3120 of this title after the expiration 
of the period of eligibility otherwise applicable to such 
veteran if the Secretary also determines that an extension of 
the period of eligibility of such veteran is necessary for such 
veteran to achieve maximum independence in daily living.
  (e)(1) The limitation in subsection (a) shall not apply to a 
rehabilitation program described in paragraph (2).
          (2) A rehabilitation program described in this 
        paragraph is a rehabilitation program pursued by a 
        veteran under section 3102(b) of this title.
  (f) In any case in which the Secretary has determined that a 
veteran was prevented from participating in a vocational 
rehabilitation program under this chapter within the period of 
eligibility otherwise prescribed in this section as a result of 
being ordered to serve on active duty under section 688, 
12301(a), 12301(d), 12301(g), 12302, [or 12304] 12304, 12304a, 
or 12304b of title 10, such period of eligibility shall not run 
for the period of such active duty service plus four months.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *


                        SUBCHAPTER I--DEFINITIONS

3301. Definitions.


     * * * * * * *
3320. Edith Nourse Rogers STEM Scholarship.
     * * * * * * *

                       SUBCHAPTER I--DEFINITIONS

Sec. 3301. Definitions

  In this chapter:
          (1) The term ``active duty'' has the meanings as 
        follows (subject to the limitations specified in 
        sections 3002(6) and 3311(b)):
                  (A) In the case of members of the regular 
                components of the Armed Forces, the meaning 
                given such term in section 101(21)(A).
                  (B) In the case of members of the reserve 
                components of the Armed Forces, service on 
                active duty under a call or order to active 
                duty under section 688, 12301(a), 12301(d), 
                12301(g), 12301(h), 12302, [or 12304] 12304, 
                12304a, or 12304b of title 10 or section 712 of 
                title 14.
                  (C) In the case of a member of the Army 
                National Guard of the United States or Air 
                National Guard of the United States, in 
                addition to service described in subparagraph 
                (B), full-time service--
                          (i) in the National Guard of a State 
                        for the purpose of organizing, 
                        administering, recruiting, instructing, 
                        or training the National Guard; or
                          (ii) in the National Guard under 
                        section 502(f) of title 32 when 
                        authorized by the President or the 
                        Secretary of Defense for the purpose of 
                        responding to a national emergency 
                        declared by the President and supported 
                        by Federal funds.
          (2) The term ``entry level and skill training'' means 
        the following:
                  (A) In the case of members of the Army, Basic 
                Combat Training and Advanced Individual 
                Training or One Station Unit Training.
                  (B) In the case of members of the Navy, 
                Recruit Training (or Boot Camp) and Skill 
                Training (or so-called ``A'' School).
                  (C) In the case of members of the Air Force, 
                Basic Military Training and Technical Training.
                  (D) In the case of members of the Marine 
                Corps, Recruit Training and Marine Corps 
                Training (or School of Infantry Training).
                  (E) In the case of members of the Coast 
                Guard, Basic Training and Skill Training (or 
                so-called ``A'' School).
          (3) The term ``program of education'' has the meaning 
        given such term in section 3002, except to the extent 
        otherwise provided in section 3313.
          (4) The term ``Secretary of Defense'' means the 
        Secretary of Defense, except that the term means the 
        Secretary of Homeland Security with respect to the 
        Coast Guard when it is not operating as a service in 
        the Navy.


Sec. 3311. Educational assistance for service in the Armed Forces 
                    commencing on or after September 11, 2001: 

  (a) Entitlement.--Subject to subsections (d) and (e), each 
individual described in subsection (b) is entitled to 
educational assistance under this chapter.
  (b) Covered Individuals.--An individual described in this 
subsection is any individual as follows:
          (1) An individual who--
                  (A) commencing on or after September 11, 
                2001, serves an aggregate of at least 36 months 
                on active duty in the Armed Forces (including 
                service on active duty in entry level and skill 
                training); and
                  (B) after completion of service described in 
                subparagraph (A)--
                          (i) continues on active duty; or
                          (ii) is discharged or released from 
                        active duty as described in subsection 
          (2) An individual who--
                  (A) commencing on or after September 11, 
                2001, serves at least 30 continuous days on 
                active duty in the Armed Forces; and
                  (B) after completion of service described in 
                subparagraph (A), is discharged or released 
                from active duty in the Armed Forces for a 
                service-connected disability.
          (3) An individual who--
                  (A) commencing on or after September 11, 
                2001, serves an aggregate of at least 30 
                months, but less than 36 months, on active duty 
                in the Armed Forces (including service on 
                active duty in entry level and skill training); 
                  (B) after completion of service described in 
                subparagraph (A)--
                          (i) continues on active duty for an 
                        aggregate of less than 36 months; or
                          (ii) before completion of service on 
                        active duty of an aggregate of 36 
                        months, is discharged or released from 
                        active duty as described in subsection 
          (4) An individual who--
                  (A) commencing on or after September 11, 
                2001, serves an aggregate of at least 24 
                months, but less than 30 months, on active duty 
                in the Armed Forces (including service on 
                active duty in entry level and skill training); 
                  (B) after completion of service described in 
                subparagraph (A)--
                          (i) continues on active duty for an 
                        aggregate of less than 30 months; or
                          (ii) before completion of service on 
                        active duty of an aggregate of 30 
                        months, is discharged or released from 
                        active duty as described in subsection 
          (5) An individual who--
                  (A) commencing on or after September 11, 
                2001, serves an aggregate of at least 18 
                months, but less than 24 months, on active duty 
                in the Armed Forces (excluding service on 
                active duty in entry level and skill training); 
                  (B) after completion of service described in 
                subparagraph (A)--
                          (i) continues on active duty for an 
                        aggregate of less than 24 months; or
                          (ii) before completion of service on 
                        active duty of an aggregate of 24 
                        months, is discharged or released from 
                        active duty as described in subsection 
          (6) An individual who--
                  (A) commencing on or after September 11, 
                2001, serves an aggregate of at least [12 
                months] 6 months, but less than 18 months, on 
                active duty in the Armed Forces (excluding 
                service on active duty in entry level and skill 
                training); and
                  (B) after completion of service described in 
                subparagraph (A)--
                          (i) continues on active duty for an 
                        aggregate of less than 18 months; or
                          (ii) before completion of service on 
                        active duty of an aggregate of 18 
                        months, is discharged or released from 
                        active duty as described in subsection 
          [(7) An individual who--
                  [(A) commencing on or after September 11, 
                2001, serves an aggregate of at least 6 months, 
                but less than 12 months, on active duty in the 
                Armed Forces (excluding service on active duty 
                in entry level and skill training); and
                  [(B) after completion of service described in 
                subparagraph (A)--
                          [(i) continues on active duty for an 
                        aggregate of less than 12 months; or
                          [(ii) before completion of service on 
                        active duty of an aggregate of 12 
                        months, is discharged or released from 
                        active duty as described in subsection 
          [(8)] (7) An individual who--
                  (A) commencing on or after September 11, 
                2001, serves an aggregate of at least 90 days, 
                but less than 6 months, on active duty in the 
                Armed Forces (excluding service on active duty 
                in entry level and skill training); and
                  (B) after completion of service described in 
                subparagraph (A)--
                          (i) continues on active duty for an 
                        aggregate of less than 6 months; or
                          (ii) before completion of service on 
                        active duty of an aggregate of 6 
                        months, is discharged or released from 
                        active duty as described in subsection 
          [(9)] (8) An individual who is the child or spouse of 
        a person who, on or after September 11, 2001, dies in 
        line of duty while serving on active duty as a member 
        of the Armed Forces.
          (9) An individual who is awarded the Purple Heart for 
        service in the Armed Forces occurring on or after 
        September 11, 2001, and continues to serve on active 
        duty in the Armed Forces or is discharged or released 
        from active duty as described in subsection (c).
  (c) Covered Discharges and Releases.--A discharge or release 
from active duty of an individual described in this subsection 
is a discharge or release as follows:
          (1) A discharge from active duty in the Armed Forces 
        with an honorable discharge.
          (2) A release after service on active duty in the 
        Armed Forces characterized by the Secretary concerned 
        as honorable service and placement on the retired list, 
        transfer to the Fleet Reserve or Fleet Marine Corps 
        Reserve, or placement on the temporary disability 
        retired list.
          (3) A release from active duty in the Armed Forces 
        for further service in a reserve component of the Armed 
        Forces after service on active duty characterized by 
        the Secretary concerned as honorable service.
          (4) A discharge or release from active duty in the 
        Armed Forces after service on active duty in the Armed 
        Forces characterized by the Secretary concerned as 
        honorable service for--
                  (A) a medical condition which preexisted the 
                service of the individual as described in the 
                applicable paragraph of subsection (b) and 
                which the Secretary determines is not service-
                  (B) hardship; or
                  (C) a physical or mental condition that was 
                not characterized as a disability and did not 
                result from the individual's own willful 
                misconduct but did interfere with the 
                individual's performance of duty, as determined 
                by the Secretary concerned in accordance with 
                regulations prescribed by the Secretary of 
  (d) Prohibition on Treatment of Certain Service as Period of 
Active Duty.--The following periods of service shall not be 
considered a part of the period of active duty on which an 
individual's entitlement to educational assistance under this 
chapter is based:
          (1) A period of service on active duty of an officer 
        pursuant to an agreement under section 2107(b) of title 
          (2) A period of service on active duty of an officer 
        pursuant to an agreement under section 4348, 6959, or 
        9348 of title 10 or section 182 of title 14.
          (3) A period of service that is terminated because of 
        a defective enlistment and induction based on--
                  (A) the individual's being a minor for 
                purposes of service in the Armed Forces;
                  (B) an erroneous enlistment or induction; or
                  (C) a defective enlistment agreement.
  (e) Treatment of Individuals Entitled Under Multiple 
Provisions.--In the event an individual entitled to educational 
assistance under this chapter is entitled by reason of both 
paragraphs (4) and (5) of subsection (b), the individual shall 
be treated as being entitled to educational assistance under 
this chapter by reason of paragraph (5) of subsection (b).
  (f) Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry Scholarship.--
          (1) In general.--Educational assistance payable by 
        reason of [paragraph (9)] paragraph (8) of subsection 
        (b) shall be known as the ``Marine Gunnery Sergeant 
        John David Fry scholarship''.
          (2) Limitation.--The entitlement of an individual to 
        assistance under subsection (a) pursuant to [paragraph 
        (9)] paragraph (8) of subsection (b) because the 
        individual was a spouse of a person described in such 
        paragraph shall expire on the earlier of--
                  (A) the date that is 15 years after the date 
                on which the person died; or
                  (B) the date on which the individual 
          (3) Election on receipt of certain benefits.--Except 
        as provided in paragraph (4), a surviving spouse 
        entitled to assistance under subsection (a) pursuant to 
        [paragraph (9)] paragraph (8) of subsection (b) who is 
        also entitled to educational assistance under chapter 
        35 of this title may not receive assistance under both 
        this section and such chapter, but shall make an 
        irrevocable election (in such form and manner as the 
        Secretary may prescribe) under which section or chapter 
        to receive educational assistance.
          (4) Exception for certain elections.--
                  (A) In general.--An election made under 
                paragraph (3) by a spouse described in 
                subparagraph (B) may not be treated as 
                irrevocable if such election occurred before 
                the date of the enactment of this paragraph.
                  (B) Eligible surviving spouse.--A spouse 
                described in this subparagraph is an 
                          (i) who is entitled to assistance 
                        under subsection (a) pursuant to 
                        [paragraph (9)] paragraph (8) of 
                        subsection (b); and
                          (ii) who was the spouse of a member 
                        of the Armed Forces who died during the 
                        period beginning on September 11, 2001, 
                        and ending on December 31, 2005.
          (5) Definition of child.--For purposes of [paragraph 
        (9)] paragraph (8) of subsection (b), the term 
        ``child'' includes a married individual or an 
        individual who is above the age of twenty-three years.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

Sec. 3313. Educational assistance: amount; payment

  (a) Payment.--The Secretary shall pay to each individual 
entitled to educational assistance under this chapter who is 
pursuing an approved program of education (other than a program 
covered by subsections (e) and (f)) the amounts specified in 
subsection (c) to meet the expenses of such individual's 
subsistence, tuition, fees, and other educational costs for 
pursuit of such program of education.
  (b) Approved Programs of Education.--A program of education 
is an approved program of education for purposes of this 
chapter if the program of education is approved for purposes of 
chapter 30 (including approval by the State approving agency 
  (c) Programs of Education Leading to a Degree Pursued at 
Institutions of Higher Learning on More Than Half-time Basis.--
The amounts payable under this subsection for pursuit of an 
approved program of education leading to a degree at an 
institution of higher learning (as that term is defined in 
section 3452(f)) are amounts as follows:
          (1) In the case of an individual entitled to 
        educational assistance under this chapter by reason of 
        paragraph (1), (2), [or (9)] (8), or (9) of section 
        3311(b), amounts as follows:
                  (A) An amount equal to the following:
                          (i) In the case of a program of 
                        education pursued at a public 
                        institution of higher learning, the 
                        actual net cost for in-State tuition 
                        and fees assessed by the institution 
                        for the program of education after the 
                        application of--
                                  (I) any waiver of, or 
                                reduction in, tuition and fees; 
                                  (II) any scholarship, or 
                                other Federal, State, 
                                institutional, or employer-
                                based aid or assistance (other 
                                than loans and any funds 
                                provided under section 401(b) 
                                of the Higher Education Act of 
                                1965 (20 U.S.C. 1070a(b))) that 
                                is provided directly to the 
                                institution and specifically 
                                designated for the sole purpose 
                                of defraying tuition and fees.
                          (ii) In the case of a program of 
                        education pursued at a non-public or 
                        foreign institution of higher learning, 
                        the lesser of--
                                  (I) the actual net cost for 
                                tuition and fees assessed by 
                                the institution for the program 
                                of education after the 
                                application of--
                                          (aa) any waiver of, 
                                        or reduction in, 
                                        tuition and fees; and
                                          (bb) any scholarship, 
                                        or other Federal, 
                                        State, institutional, 
                                        or employer-based aid 
                                        or assistance (other 
                                        than loans and any 
                                        funds provided under 
                                        section 401(b) of the 
                                        Higher Education Act of 
                                        1965) that is provided 
                                        directly to the 
                                        institution and 
                                        specifically designated 
                                        for the sole purpose of 
                                        defraying tuition and 
                                        fees; or
                                  (II) the amount equal to--
                                          (aa) for the academic 
                                        year beginning on 
                                        August 1, 2011, 
                                        $17,500; or
                                          (bb) for an academic 
                                        year beginning on any 
                                        subsequent August 1, 
                                        the amount for the 
                                        previous academic year 
                                        beginning on August 1 
                                        under this subclause, 
                                        as increased by the 
                                        percentage increase 
                                        equal to the most 
                                        recent percentage 
                                        increase determined 
                                        under section 3015(h).
                  (B) A monthly stipend in an amount as 
                          (i) Except as provided in clauses 
                        (ii) and (iii), for each month an 
                        individual pursues a program of 
                        education on more than a half-time 
                        basis, a monthly housing stipend equal 
                        to the product of--
                                  (I) the monthly amount of the 
                                basic allowance for housing 
                                payable under section 403 of 
                                title 37 for a member with 
                                dependents in pay grade E-5 
                                residing in the military 
                                housing area that encompasses 
                                all or the majority portion of 
                                the ZIP code area in which is 
                                located [the institution of 
                                higher learning at which the 
                                individual is enrolled] the 
                                campus of the institution of 
                                higher learning where the 
                                individual physically 
                                participates in a majority of 
                                classes, multiplied by
                                  (II) the lesser of--
                                          (aa) 1.0; or
                                          (bb) the number of 
                                        course hours borne by 
                                        the individual in 
                                        pursuit of the program 
                                        of education, divided 
                                        by the minimum number 
                                        of course hours 
                                        required for full-time 
                                        pursuit of the program 
                                        of education, rounded 
                                        to the nearest multiple 
                                        of 10.
                          (ii) In the case of an individual 
                        pursuing a program of education at a 
                        foreign institution of higher learning 
                        on more than a half-time basis, for 
                        each month the individual pursues the 
                        program of education, a monthly housing 
                        stipend equal to the product of--
                                  (I) the national average of 
                                the monthly amount of the basic 
                                allowance for housing payable 
                                under section 403 of title 37 
                                for a member with dependents in 
                                pay grade E-5, multiplied by
                                  (II) the lesser of--
                                          (aa) 1.0; or
                                          (bb) the number of 
                                        course hours borne by 
                                        the individual in 
                                        pursuit of the program 
                                        of education, divided 
                                        by the minimum number 
                                        of course hours 
                                        required for full-time 
                                        pursuit of the program 
                                        of education, rounded 
                                        to the nearest multiple 
                                        of 10.
                          (iii) In the case of an individual 
                        pursuing a program of education solely 
                        through distance learning on more than 
                        a half-time basis, a monthly housing 
                        stipend equal to 50 percent of the 
                        amount payable under clause (ii) if the 
                        individual were otherwise entitled to a 
                        monthly housing stipend under that 
                        clause for pursuit of the program of 
                          (iv) For the first month of each 
                        quarter, semester, or term, as 
                        applicable, of the program of education 
                        pursued by the individual, a lump sum 
                        amount for books, supplies, equipment, 
                        and other educational costs with 
                        respect to such quarter, semester, or 
                        term in the amount equal to--
                                  (I) $1,000, multiplied by
                                  (II) the fraction which is 
                                the portion of a complete 
                                academic year under the program 
                                of education that such quarter, 
                                semester, or term constitutes.
          (2) In the case of an individual entitled to 
        educational assistance under this chapter by reason of 
        section 3311(b)(3), amounts equal to 90 percent of the 
        amounts that would be payable to the individual under 
        paragraph (1) for the program of education if the 
        individual were entitled to amounts for the program of 
        education under paragraph (1) rather than this 
          (3) In the case of an individual entitled to 
        educational assistance under this chapter by reason of 
        section 3311(b)(4), amounts equal to 80 percent of the 
        amounts that would be payable to the individual under 
        paragraph (1) for the program of education if the 
        individual were entitled to amounts for the program of 
        education under paragraph (1) rather than this 
          (4) In the case of an individual entitled to 
        educational assistance under this chapter by reason of 
        section 3311(b)(5), amounts equal to 70 percent of the 
        amounts that would be payable to the individual under 
        paragraph (1) for the program of education if the 
        individual were entitled to amounts for the program of 
        education under paragraph (1) rather than this 
          (5) In the case of an individual entitled to 
        educational assistance under this chapter by reason of 
        section 3311(b)(6), amounts equal to 60 percent of the 
        amounts that would be payable to the individual under 
        paragraph (1) for the program of education if the 
        individual were entitled to amounts for the program of 
        education under paragraph (1) rather than this 
          (6) In the case of an individual entitled to 
        educational assistance under this chapter by reason of 
        section 3311(b)(7), amounts equal to 50 percent of the 
        amounts that would be payable to the individual under 
        paragraph (1) for the program of education if the 
        individual were entitled to amounts for the program of 
        education under paragraph (1) rather than this 
          [(7) In the case of an individual entitled to 
        educational assistance under this chapter by reason of 
        section 3311(b)(8), amounts equal to 40 percent of the 
        amounts that would be payable to the individual under 
        paragraph (1) for the program of education if the 
        individual were entitled to amounts for the program of 
        education under paragraph (1) rather than this 
  (d) Frequency of Payment.--
          (1) Quarter, semester, or term payments.--Payment of 
        the amounts payable under subsection (c)(1)(A), and of 
        similar amounts payable under [paragraphs (2) through 
        (7)] paragraphs (2) through (6) of subsection (c), for 
        pursuit of a program of education shall be made for the 
        entire quarter, semester, or term, as applicable, of 
        the program of education.
          (2) Monthly payments.--Payment of the amount payable 
        under subsection (c)(1)(B), and of similar amounts 
        payable under [paragraphs (2) through (7)] paragraphs 
        (2) through (6) of subsection (c), for pursuit of a 
        program of education shall be made on a monthly basis.
          (3) Regulations.--The Secretary shall prescribe in 
        regulations methods for determining the number of 
        months (including fractions thereof) of entitlement of 
        an individual to educational assistance under this 
        chapter that are chargeable under this chapter for an 
        advance payment of amounts under paragraphs (1) and (2) 
        for pursuit of a program of education on a quarter, 
        semester, term, or other basis.
  (e) Programs of Education Leading to a Degree Pursued on 
Active Duty on More Than Half-time Basis.--
          (1) In general.--Educational assistance is payable 
        under this chapter for pursuit of an approved program 
        of education leading to a degree while on active duty.
          (2) Amount of assistance.--The amounts of educational 
        assistance payable under this chapter to an individual 
        pursuing a program of education leading to a degree 
        while on active duty are as follows:
                  (A) Subject to subparagraph (C), an amount 
                equal to the lesser of--
                          (i) in the case of a program of 
                        education pursued at a public 
                        institution of higher learning, the 
                        actual net cost for in-State tuition 
                        and fees assessed by the institution 
                        for the program of education after the 
                        application of--
                                  (I) any waiver of, or 
                                reduction in, tuition and fees; 
                                  (II) any scholarship, or 
                                other Federal, State, 
                                institutional, or employer-
                                based aid or assistance (other 
                                than loans and any funds 
                                provided under section 401(b) 
                                of the Higher Education Act of 
                                1965 (20 U.S.C. 1070a(b))) that 
                                is provided directly to the 
                                institution and specifically 
                                designated for the sole purpose 
                                of defraying tuition and fees;
                          (ii) in the case of a program of 
                        education pursued at a non-public or 
                        foreign institution of higher learning, 
                        the lesser of--
                                  (I) the actual net cost for 
                                tuition and fees assessed by 
                                the institution for the program 
                                of education after the 
                                application of--
                                          (aa) any waiver of, 
                                        or reduction in, 
                                        tuition and fees; and
                                          (bb) any scholarship, 
                                        or other Federal, 
                                        State, institutional, 
                                        or employer-based aid 
                                        or assistance (other 
                                        than loans and any 
                                        funds provided under 
                                        section 401(b) of the 
                                        Higher Education Act of 
                                        1965) that is provided 
                                        directly to the 
                                        institution and 
                                        specifically designated 
                                        for the sole purpose of 
                                        defraying tuition and 
                                        fees; or
                                  (II) the amount equal to--
                                          (aa) for the academic 
                                        year beginning on 
                                        August 1, 2011, 
                                        $17,500; or
                                          (bb) for an academic 
                                        year beginning on any 
                                        subsequent August 1, 
                                        the amount for the 
                                        previous academic year 
                                        beginning on August 1 
                                        under this subclause, 
                                        as increased by the 
                                        percentage increase 
                                        equal to the most 
                                        recent percentage 
                                        increase determined 
                                        under section 3015(h); 
                          (iii) the amount of the charges of 
                        the educational institution as elected 
                        by the individual in the manner 
                        specified in section 3014(b)(1).
                  (B) Subject to subparagraph (C), for the 
                first month of each quarter, semester, or term, 
                as applicable, of the program of education 
                pursued by the individual, a lump sum amount 
                for books, supplies, equipment, and other 
                educational costs with respect to such quarter, 
                semester, or term in the amount equal to--
                          (i) $1,000, multiplied by
                          (ii) the fraction of a complete 
                        academic year under the program of 
                        education that such quarter, semester, 
                        or term constitutes.
                  (C) In the case of an individual entitled to 
                educational assistance by reason of [paragraphs 
                (3) through (8)] paragraphs (3) through (7) of 
                section 3311(b), the amounts payable to the 
                individual pursuant to subparagraphs (A)(i), 
                (A)(ii), and (B) shall be the amounts otherwise 
                determined pursuant to such subparagraphs 
                multiplied by the same percentage applicable to 
                the monthly amounts payable to the individual 
                under [paragraphs (2) through (7)] paragraphs 
                (2) through (6) of subsection (c).
          (3) Quarter, semester, or term payments.--Payment of 
        the amount payable under paragraph (2) for pursuit of a 
        program of education shall be made for the entire 
        quarter, semester, or term, as applicable, of the 
        program of education.
          (4) Monthly payments.--For each month (as determined 
        pursuant to the methods prescribed under subsection 
        (d)(3)) for which amounts are paid an individual under 
        this subsection, the entitlement of the individual to 
        educational assistance under this chapter shall be 
        charged at the rate of one month for each such month.
  (f) Programs of Education Pursued on Half-Time Basis or 
          (1) In general.--Educational assistance is payable 
        under this chapter for pursuit of an approved program 
        of education on half-time basis or less whether a 
        program of education pursued on active duty, a program 
        of education leading to a degree, or a program of 
        education other than a program of education leading to 
        a degree.
          (2) Amount of assistance.--The educational assistance 
        payable under this chapter to an individual pursuing a 
        program of education covered by this subsection on 
        half-time basis or less is the amounts as follows:
                  (A) The amount equal to the lesser of--
                          (i) the actual net cost for in-State 
                        tuition and fees assessed by the 
                        institution of higher learning for the 
                        program of education after the 
                        application of--
                                  (I) any waiver of, or 
                                reduction in, tuition and fees; 
                                  (II) any scholarship, or 
                                other Federal, State, 
                                institutional, or employer-
                                based aid or assistance (other 
                                than loans and any funds 
                                provided under section 401(b) 
                                of the Higher Education Act of 
                                1965 (20 U.S.C. 1070a(b))) that 
                                is provided directly to the 
                                institution and specifically 
                                designated for the sole purpose 
                                of defraying tuition and fees; 
                          (ii) the maximum amount that would be 
                        payable to the individual for the 
                        program of education under paragraph 
                        (1)(A) of subsection (c), or under the 
                        provisions of [paragraphs (2) through 
                        (7)] paragraphs (2) through (6) of 
                        subsection (c) applicable to the 
                        individual, for the program of 
                        education if the individual were 
                        entitled to amounts for the program of 
                        education under subsection (c) rather 
                        than this subsection.
                  (B) A stipend in an amount equal to the 
                amount of the appropriately reduced amount of 
                the lump sum amount for books, supplies, 
                equipment, and other educational costs 
                otherwise payable to the individual under 
                subsection (c).
          (3) Quarter, term, or semester payments.--Payment of 
        the amounts payable to an individual under paragraph 
        (2) for pursuit of a program of education on half-time 
        basis or less shall be made for the entire quarter, 
        semester, or term, as applicable, of the program of 
          (4) Monthly payments.--For each month (as determined 
        pursuant to the methods prescribed under subsection 
        (d)(3)) for which amounts are paid an individual under 
        this subsection, the entitlement of the individual to 
        educational assistance under this chapter shall be 
        charged at a percentage of a month equal to--
                  (A) the number of course hours borne by the 
                individual in pursuit of the program of 
                education involved, divided by
                  (B) the number of course hours for full-time 
                pursuit of such program of education.
  (g) Programs of Education Other Than Programs of Education 
Leading to a Degree.--
          (1) In general.--Educational assistance is payable 
        under this chapter for pursuit of an approved program 
        of education other than a program of education leading 
        to a degree at an institution other than an institution 
        of higher learning (as that term is defined in section 
          (2) Pursuit on half-time basis or less.--The payment 
        of educational assistance under this chapter for 
        pursuit of a program of education otherwise described 
        in paragraph (1) on a half-time basis or less is 
        governed by subsection (f).
          (3) Amount of assistance.--The amounts of educational 
        assistance payable under this chapter to an individual 
        entitled to educational assistance under this chapter 
        who is pursuing an approved program of education 
        covered by this subsection are as follows:
                  (A) In the case of an individual enrolled in 
                a program of education (other than a program 
                described in subparagraphs (B) through (D)) in 
                pursuit of a certificate or other non-college 
                degree, the following:
                          (i) Subject to clause (iv), an amount 
                        equal to the lesser of--
                                  (I) the actual net cost for 
                                in-State tuition and fees 
                                assessed by the institution 
                                concerned for the program of 
                                education after the application 
                                          (aa) any waiver of, 
                                        or reduction in, 
                                        tuition and fees; and
                                          (bb) any scholarship, 
                                        or other Federal, 
                                        State, institutional, 
                                        or employer-based aid 
                                        or assistance (other 
                                        than loans and any 
                                        funds provided under 
                                        section 401(b) of the 
                                        Higher Education Act of 
                                        1965 (20 U.S.C. 
                                        1070a(b))) that is 
                                        provided directly to 
                                        the institution and 
                                        specifically designated 
                                        for the sole purpose of 
                                        defraying tuition and 
                                        fees; or
                                  (II) the amount equal to--
                                          (aa) for the academic 
                                        year beginning on 
                                        August 1, 2011, 
                                        $17,500; or
                                          (bb) for an academic 
                                        year beginning on any 
                                        subsequent August 1, 
                                        the amount for the 
                                        previous academic year 
                                        beginning on August 1 
                                        under this subclause, 
                                        as increased by the 
                                        percentage increase 
                                        equal to the most 
                                        recent percentage 
                                        increase determined 
                                        under section 3015(h).
                          (ii) Except in the case of an 
                        individual pursuing a program of 
                        education on a half-time or less basis 
                        and subject to clause (iv), a monthly 
                        housing stipend equal to the product--
                                  (I) of--
                                          (aa) in the case of 
                                        an individual pursuing 
                                        resident training, the 
                                        monthly amount of the 
                                        basic allowance for 
                                        housing payable under 
                                        section 403 of title 37 
                                        for a member with 
                                        dependents in pay grade 
                                        E-5 residing in the 
                                        military housing area 
                                        that encompasses all or 
                                        the majority portion of 
                                        the ZIP code area in 
                                        which is located the 
                                        institution at which 
                                        the individual is 
                                        enrolled; or
                                          (bb) in the case of 
                                        an individual pursuing 
                                        a program of education 
                                        through distance 
                                        learning, a monthly 
                                        amount equal to 50 
                                        percent of the amount 
                                        payable under item 
                                        (aa), multiplied by
                                  (II) the lesser of--
                                          (aa) 1.0; or
                                          (bb) the number of 
                                        course hours borne by 
                                        the individual in 
                                        pursuit of the program 
                                        of education involved, 
                                        divided by the minimum 
                                        number of course hours 
                                        required for full-time 
                                        pursuit of such program 
                                        of education, rounded 
                                        to the nearest multiple 
                                        of 10.
                          (iii) Subject to clause (iv), a 
                        monthly stipend in an amount equal to 
                        $83 for each month (or pro rata amount 
                        for a partial month) of training 
                        pursued for books, supplies, equipment, 
                        and other educational costs.
                          (iv) In the case of an individual 
                        entitled to educational assistance by 
                        reason of [paragraphs (3) through (8)] 
                        paragraphs (3) through (7) of section 
                        3311(b), the amounts payable pursuant 
                        to clauses (i), (ii), and (iii) shall 
                        be the amounts otherwise determined 
                        pursuant to such clauses multiplied by 
                        the same percentage applicable to the 
                        monthly amounts payable to the 
                        individual under [paragraphs (2) 
                        through (7)] paragraphs (2) through (6) 
                        of subsection (c).
                  (B) In the case of an individual pursuing a 
                full-time program of apprenticeship or other 
                on-job training, amounts as follows:
                          (i) Subject to clauses (iii) and 
                        (iv), for each month the individual 
                        pursues the program of education, a 
                        monthly housing stipend equal to--
                                  (I) during the first six-
                                month period of the program, 
                                the monthly amount of the basic 
                                allowance for housing payable 
                                under section 403 of title 37 
                                for a member with dependents in 
                                pay grade E-5 residing in the 
                                military housing area that 
                                encompasses all or the majority 
                                portion of the ZIP code area in 
                                which is located the employer 
                                at which the individual pursues 
                                such program;
                                  (II) during the second six-
                                month period of the program, 80 
                                percent of the monthly amount 
                                of the basic allowance for 
                                housing payable as described in 
                                subclause (I);
                                  (III) during the third six-
                                month period of the program, 60 
                                percent of the monthly amount 
                                of the basic allowance for 
                                housing payable as described in 
                                subclause (I);
                                  (IV) during the fourth six-
                                month period of such program, 
                                40 percent of the monthly 
                                amount of the basic allowance 
                                for housing payable as 
                                described in subclause (I); and
                                  (V) during any month after 
                                the first 24 months of such 
                                program, 20 percent of the 
                                monthly amount of the basic 
                                allowance for housing payable 
                                as described in subclause (I).
                          (ii) Subject to clauses (iii) and 
                        (iv), a monthly stipend in an amount 
                        equal to $83 for each month (or pro 
                        rata amount for each partial month) of 
                        training pursued for books supplies, 
                        equipment, and other educational costs.
                          (iii) In the case of an individual 
                        entitled to educational assistance by 
                        reason of [paragraphs (3) through (8)] 
                        paragraphs (3) through (7) of sections 
                        3311(b), the amounts payable pursuant 
                        to clauses (i) and (ii) shall be the 
                        amounts otherwise determined pursuant 
                        to such clauses multiplied by the same 
                        percentage applicable to the monthly 
                        amounts payable to the individual under 
                        [paragraphs (2) through (7)] paragraphs 
                        (2) through (6) of subsection (c).
                          (iv) In any month in which an 
                        individual pursuing a program of 
                        education consisting of a program of 
                        apprenticeship or other on-job training 
                        fails to complete 120 hours of 
                        training, the amount of monthly 
                        educational assistance allowance 
                        payable under clauses (i) and (iii) to 
                        the individual shall be limited to the 
                        same proportion of the applicable rate 
                        determined under this subparagraph as 
                        the number of hours worked during such 
                        month, rounded to the nearest eight 
                        hours, bears to 120 hours.
                  (C) In the case of an individual enrolled in 
                a program of education consisting of flight 
                training (regardless of the institution 
                providing such program of education), an amount 
                equal to--
                          (i) the lesser of--
                                  (I) the actual net cost for 
                                in-State tuition and fees 
                                assessed by the institution 
                                concerned for the program of 
                                education after the application 
                                          (aa) any waiver of, 
                                        or reduction in, 
                                        tuition and fees; and
                                          (bb) any scholarship, 
                                        or other Federal, 
                                        State, institutional, 
                                        or employer-based aid 
                                        or assistance (other 
                                        than loans and any 
                                        funds provided under 
                                        section 401(b) of the 
                                        Higher Education Act of 
                                        1965) that is provided 
                                        directly to the 
                                        institution and 
                                        specifically designated 
                                        for the sole purpose of 
                                        defraying tuition and 
                                        fees; or
                                  (II) the amount equal to--
                                          (aa) for the academic 
                                        year beginning on 
                                        August 1, 2011, 
                                        $10,000; or
                                          (bb) for an academic 
                                        year beginning on any 
                                        subsequent August 1, 
                                        the amount for the 
                                        previous academic year 
                                        beginning on August 1 
                                        under this subclause, 
                                        as increased by the 
                                        percentage increase 
                                        equal to the most 
                                        recent percentage 
                                        increase determined 
                                        under section 3015(h), 
                                        multiplied by--
                          (ii) either--
                                  (I) in the case of an 
                                individual entitled to 
                                educational assistance by 
                                reason of paragraphs (1), (2), 
                                or [(9)] (8) of section 
                                3311(b), 100 percent; or
                                  (II) in the case of an 
                                individual entitled to 
                                educational assistance by 
                                reason of [paragraphs (3) 
                                through (8)] paragraphs (3) 
                                through (7) of section 3311(b), 
                                the same percentage as would 
                                otherwise apply to the monthly 
                                amounts payable to the 
                                individual under [paragraphs 
                                (2) through (7)] paragraphs (2) 
                                through (6) of subsection (c).
                  (D) In the case of an individual enrolled in 
                a program of education that is pursued 
                exclusively by correspondence (regardless of 
                the institution providing such program of 
                education), an amount equal to--
                          (i) the lesser of--
                                  (I) the actual net cost for 
                                tuition and fees assessed by 
                                the institution concerned for 
                                the program of education after 
                                the application of--
                                          (aa) any waiver of, 
                                        or reduction in, 
                                        tuition and fees; and
                                          (bb) any scholarship, 
                                        or other Federal, 
                                        State, institutional, 
                                        or employer-based aid 
                                        or assistance (other 
                                        than loans and any 
                                        funds provided under 
                                        section 401(b) of the 
                                        Higher Education Act of 
                                        1965) that is provided 
                                        directly to the 
                                        institution and 
                                        specifically designated 
                                        for the sole purpose of 
                                        defraying tuition and 
                                  (II) the amount equal to--
                                          (aa) for the academic 
                                        year beginning on 
                                        August 1, 2011, $8,500; 
                                          (bb) for an academic 
                                        year beginning on any 
                                        subsequent August 1, 
                                        the amount for the 
                                        previous academic year 
                                        beginning on August 1 
                                        under this subclause, 
                                        as increased by the 
                                        percentage increase 
                                        equal to the most 
                                        recent percentage 
                                        increase determined 
                                        under section 3015(h), 
                                        multiplied by--
                          (ii) either--
                                  (I) in the case of an 
                                individual entitled to 
                                educational assistance by 
                                reason of paragraphs (1), (2), 
                                or [(9)] (8) of section 
                                3311(b), 100 percent; or
                                  (II) in the case of an 
                                individual entitled to 
                                educational assistance by 
                                reason of [paragraphs (3) 
                                through (8)] paragraphs (3) 
                                through (7) of section 3311(b), 
                                the same percentage as would 
                                otherwise apply to the monthly 
                                amounts payable to the 
                                individual under [paragraphs 
                                (2) through (7)] paragraphs (2) 
                                through (6) of subsection (c).
          (4) Frequency of payment.--
                  (A) Quarter, semester, or term payments.--
                Payment of the amounts payable under paragraph 
                (3)(A)(i) for pursuit of a program of education 
                shall be made for the entire quarter, semester, 
                or term, as applicable, of the program of 
                  (B) Monthly payments.--Payment of the amounts 
                payable under paragraphs (3)(A)(ii) and 
                (3)(B)(i) for pursuit of a program of education 
                shall be made on a monthly basis.
                  (C) Lump sum payments.--
                          (i) Payment for the amount payable 
                        under paragraphs (3)(A)(iii) and 
                        (3)(B)(ii) shall be paid to the 
                        individual for the first month of each 
                        quarter, semester, or term, as 
                        applicable, of the program education 
                        pursued by the individual.
                          (ii) Payment of the amount payable 
                        under paragraph (3)(C) for pursuit of a 
                        program of education shall be made upon 
                        receipt of certification for training 
                        completed by the individual and 
                        serviced by the training facility.
                  (D) Quarterly payments.--Payment of the 
                amounts payable under paragraph (3)(D) for 
                pursuit of a program of education shall be made 
                quarterly on a pro rata basis for the lessons 
                completed by the individual and serviced by the 
          (5) Charge against entitlement for certificate and 
        other non-college degree programs.--
                  (A) In general.--In the case of amounts paid 
                under paragraph (3)(A)(i) for pursuit of a 
                program of education, the charge against 
                entitlement to educational assistance under 
                this chapter of the individual for whom such 
                payment is made shall be one month for each 
                          (i) the amount so paid, divided by
                          (ii) subject to subparagraph (B), the 
                        amount equal to one-twelfth of the 
                        amount applicable in the academic year 
                        in which the payment is made under 
                        paragraph (3)(A)(i)(II).
                  (B) Pro rata adjustment based on certain 
                eligibility.--If the amount otherwise payable 
                with respect to an individual under paragraph 
                (3)(A)(i) is subject to a percentage adjustment 
                under paragraph (3)(A)(iv), the amount 
                applicable with respect to the individual under 
                subparagraph (A)(ii) shall be the amount 
                otherwise determined pursuant to such 
                subparagraph subject to a percentage adjustment 
                equal to the percentage adjustment applicable 
                with respect to the individual under paragraph 
  (h) Payment of Established Charges to Educational 
Institutions.--Amounts payable under subsections (c)(1)(A) (and 
of similar amounts payable under [paragraphs (2) through (7)] 
paragraphs (2) through (6) of subsection (c)), (e)(2), and 
(f)(2)(A), and under subparagraphs (A)(i), (C), and (D) of 
subsection (g)(3), shall be paid directly to the educational 
institution concerned.
  (i) Determination of Housing Stipend Payments for Academic 
Years.--Any monthly housing stipend payable under this section 
during the academic year beginning on August 1 of a calendar 
year shall be determined utilizing rates for basic allowances 
for housing payable under section 403 of title 37 in effect as 
of January 1 of such calendar year.
  (j) Determination of Monthly Stipends During Certain Active 
Duty Service.--
          (1) Pro rata basis.--In any month in which an 
        individual described in paragraph (2) is performing 
        active duty service described in section 3301(1)(B) of 
        this title, the Secretary shall determine the amount of 
        monthly stipends payable under this section for such 
        month on a pro rata basis for the period of such month 
        in which the covered individual is not performing such 
        active duty service.
          (2) Individual described.--An individual described in 
        this paragraph is an individual who is--
                  (A) a member of the reserve components of the 
                Armed Forces; and
                  (B) pursuing a program of education using 
                educational assistance under this chapter.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

Sec. 3315. Licensure and certification tests

  (a) In General.--An individual entitled to educational 
assistance under this chapter shall also be entitled to payment 
for licensing or certification tests described in section 
  (b) Limitation on Amount.--The amount payable under 
subsection (a) for a licensing or certification test may not 
exceed the lesser of--
          (1) $2,000;
          (2) the fee charged for the test; or
          (3) the amount of entitlement available to the 
        individual under this chapter at the time of payment 
        for the test under this section.
  (c) Charge Against Entitlement.--The charge against an 
individual's entitlement under this chapter for payment for a 
licensing or certification test [shall be determined at the 
rate of one month (rounded to the nearest whole month)] shall 
be pro-rated based on the actual amount of the fee charged for 
the test relative to the rate for one month [for each amount 
paid that equals] payable--
          (1) for the academic year beginning on August 1, 
        2011, $1,460; or
          (2) for an academic year beginning on any subsequent 
        August 1, the amount for the previous academic year 
        beginning on August 1 under this subsection, as 
        increased by the percentage increase equal to the most 
        recent percentage increase determined under section 

Sec. 3315A. National tests

  (a) In General.--An individual entitled to educational 
assistance under this chapter shall also be entitled to 
educational assistance for the following:
          (1) A national test for admission to an institution 
        of higher learning as described in the last sentence of 
        section 3452(b).
          (2) A national test providing an opportunity for 
        course credit at an institution of higher learning as 
        so described.
          (3) A national test that evaluates prior learning and 
        knowledge and provides an opportunity for course credit 
        at an institution of higher learning as so described.
  (b) Amount.--The amount of educational assistance payable 
under this chapter for a test described in subsection (a) is 
the lesser of--
          (1) the fee charged for the test; or
          (2) the amount of entitlement available to the 
        individual under this chapter at the time of payment 
        for the test under this section.
  (c) Charge Against Entitlement.--The number of months of 
entitlement charged an individual under this chapter for a test 
described in subsection (a) [shall be determined at the rate of 
one month (rounded to the nearest whole month)] shall be pro-
rated based on the actual amount of the fee charged for the 
test relative to the rate for one month [for each amount paid 
that equals] payable--
          (1) for the academic year beginning on August 1, 
        2011, $1,460; or
          (2) for an academic year beginning on any subsequent 
        August 1, the amount for the previous academic year 
        beginning on August 1 under this subsection, as 
        increased by the percentage increase equal to the most 
        recent percentage increase determined under section 

Sec. 3316. Supplemental educational assistance: members with critical 
                    skills or specialty; members serving additional 

  (a) Increased Assistance for Members With Critical Skills or 
          (1) In general.--In the case of an individual who has 
        a skill or specialty designated by the Secretary 
        concerned as a skill or specialty in which there is a 
        critical shortage of personnel or for which it is 
        difficult to recruit or, in the case of critical units, 
        retain personnel, the Secretary concerned may increase 
        the monthly amount of educational assistance otherwise 
        payable to the individual under paragraph (1)(B) of 
        section 3313(c), or under [paragraphs (2) through (7)] 
        paragraphs (2) through (6) of such section (as 
          (2) Maximum amount of increase in assistance.--The 
        amount of the increase in educational assistance 
        authorized by paragraph (1) may not exceed the amount 
        equal to the monthly amount of increased basic 
        educational assistance providable under section 
        3015(d)(1) at the time of the increase under paragraph 
  (b) Supplemental Assistance for Additional Service.--
          (1) In general.--The Secretary concerned may provide 
        for the payment to an individual entitled to 
        educational assistance under this chapter of 
        supplemental educational assistance for additional 
        service authorized by subchapter III of chapter 30. The 
        amount so payable shall be payable as an increase in 
        the monthly amount of educational assistance otherwise 
        payable to the individual under paragraph (1)(B) of 
        section 3313(c), or under [paragraphs (2) through (7)] 
        paragraphs (2) through (6) of such section (as 
          (2) Eligibility.--Eligibility for supplemental 
        educational assistance under this subsection shall be 
        determined in accordance with the provisions of 
        subchapter III of chapter 30, except that any reference 
        in such provisions to eligibility for basic educational 
        assistance under a provision of subchapter II of 
        chapter 30 shall be treated as a reference to 
        eligibility for educational assistance under the 
        appropriate provision of this chapter.
          (3) Amount.--The amount of supplemental educational 
        assistance payable under this subsection shall be the 
        amount equal to the monthly amount of supplemental 
        educational assistance payable under section 3022.
  (c) Continuation of Increased Educational Assistance.--
          (1) In general.--An individual who made an election 
        to receive educational assistance under this chapter 
        pursuant to section 5003(c)(1)(A) of the Post-9/11 
        Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2008 (38 U.S.C. 
        3301 note) and who, at the time of the election, was 
        entitled to increased educational assistance under 
        section 3015(d) or section 16131(i) of title 10 shall 
        remain entitled to increased educational assistance in 
        the utilization of the individual's entitlement to 
        educational assistance under this chapter.
          (2) Rate.--The monthly rate of increased educational 
        assistance payable to an individual under paragraph (1) 
        shall be--
                  (A) the rate of educational assistance 
                otherwise payable to the individual under 
                section 3015(d) or section 16131(i) of title 
                10, as the case may be, had the individual not 
                made the election described in paragraph (1), 
                multiplied by
                  (B) the lesser of--
                          (i) 1.0; or
                          (ii) the number of course hours borne 
                        by the individual in pursuit of the 
                        program of education involved divided 
                        by the minimum number of course hours 
                        required for full-time pursuit of the 
                        program of education, rounded to the 
                        nearest multiple of 10.
          (3) Frequency of payment.--Payment of the amounts 
        payable under paragraph (1) during pursuit of a program 
        of education shall be made on a monthly basis.
  (d) Funding.--Payments for increased educational assistance 
under this section shall be made from the Department of Defense 
Education Benefits Fund under section 2006 of title 10 or from 
appropriations available to the Department of Homeland Security 
for that purpose, as applicable.
  (e) Regulations.--The Secretaries concerned shall administer 
this section in accordance with such regulations as the 
Secretary of Defense shall prescribe.

Sec. 3317. Public-private contributions for additional educational 

  (a) Establishment of Program.--In instances where the 
educational assistance provided pursuant to section 
3313(c)(1)(A) does not cover the full cost of established 
charges (as specified in section 3313), the Secretary shall 
carry out a program under which colleges and universities can, 
voluntarily, enter into an agreement with the Secretary to 
cover a portion of those established charges not otherwise 
covered under section 3313(c)(1)(A), which contributions shall 
be matched by equivalent contributions toward such costs by the 
Secretary. The program shall only apply to covered individuals 
described in [paragraphs (1) and (2)] paragraphs (1), (2), (8), 
and (9) of section 3311(b).
  (b) Designation of Program.--The program under this section 
shall be known as the ``Yellow Ribbon G.I. Education 
Enhancement Program''.
  (c) Agreements.--The Secretary shall enter into an agreement 
with each college or university seeking to participate in the 
program under this section. Each agreement shall specify the 
          (1) The manner (whether by direct grant, scholarship, 
        or otherwise) of the contributions to be made by the 
        college or university concerned.
          (2) The maximum amount of the contribution to be made 
        by the college or university concerned with respect to 
        any particular individual in any given academic year.
          (3) The maximum number of individuals for whom the 
        college or university concerned will make contributions 
        in any given academic year.
          (4) Such other matters as the Secretary and the 
        college or university concerned jointly consider 
  (d) Matching Contributions.--
          (1) In general.--In instances where the educational 
        assistance provided an individual under section 
        3313(c)(1)(A) does not cover the full cost of tuition 
        and mandatory fees at a college or university, the 
        Secretary shall provide up to 50 percent of the 
        remaining costs for tuition and mandatory fees if the 
        college or university voluntarily enters into an 
        agreement with the Secretary to match an equal 
        percentage of any of the remaining costs for such 
        tuition and fees.
          (2) Use of appropriated funds.--Amounts available to 
        the Secretary under section 3324(b) for payment of the 
        costs of this chapter shall be available to the 
        Secretary for purposes of paragraph (1).
  (e) Outreach.--The Secretary shall make available on the 
Internet website of the Department available to the public a 
current list of the colleges and universities participating in 
the program under this section. The list shall specify, for 
each college or university so listed, appropriate information 
on the agreement between the Secretary and such college or 
university under subsection (c).

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

Sec. 3319. Authority to transfer unused education benefits to family 

  (a) In General.--
          (1) Subject to the provisions of this section, the 
        Secretary concerned may permit an individual described 
        in subsection (b) who is entitled to educational 
        assistance under this chapter to elect to transfer to 
        one or more of the dependents specified in subsection 
        (c) a portion of such individual's entitlement to such 
        assistance, subject to the limitation under subsection 
          (2) The purpose of the authority in paragraph (1) is 
        to promote recruitment and retention in the uniformed 
        services. The Secretary concerned may exercise the 
        authority for that purpose when authorized by the 
        Secretary of Defense in the national security interests 
        of the United States.
  (b) Eligible Individuals.--An individual referred to in 
subsection (a) is any member of the uniformed services who, at 
the time of the approval of the individual's request to 
transfer entitlement to educational assistance under this 
section, has completed at least--
          (1) six years of service in the Armed Forces and 
        enters into an agreement to serve at least four more 
        years as a member of the uniformed services; or
          (2) the years of service as determined in regulations 
        pursuant to subsection (j).
  (c) Eligible Dependents.--An individual approved to transfer 
an entitlement to educational assistance under this section may 
transfer the individual's entitlement as follows:
          (1) To the individual's spouse.
          (2) To one or more of the individual's children.
          (3) To a combination of the individuals referred to 
        in paragraphs (1) and (2).
  (d) Limitation on Months of Transfer.--The total number of 
months of entitlement transferred by a individual under this 
section may not exceed 36 months. The Secretary of Defense may 
prescribe regulations that would limit the months of 
entitlement that may be transferred under this section to no 
less than 18 months.
  (e) Designation of Transferee.--An individual transferring an 
entitlement to educational assistance under this section 
          (1) designate the dependent or dependents to whom 
        such entitlement is being transferred;
          (2) designate the number of months of such 
        entitlement to be transferred to each such dependent; 
          (3) specify the period for which the transfer shall 
        be effective for each dependent designated under 
        paragraph (1).
  (f) Time for Transfer; Revocation and Modification.--
          (1) Time for transfer.--Subject to the time 
        limitation for use of entitlement under section 3321, 
        and except as provided in subsection (k) or (l), an 
        individual approved to transfer entitlement to 
        educational assistance under this section may transfer 
        such entitlement only while serving as a member of the 
        Armed Forces when the transfer is executed.
          (2) Modification or revocation.--
                  (A) In general.--An individual transferring 
                entitlement under this section may modify or 
                revoke at any time the transfer of any unused 
                portion of the entitlement so transferred.
                  (B) Notice.--The modification or revocation 
                of the transfer of entitlement under this 
                paragraph shall be made by the submittal of 
                written notice of the action to both the 
                Secretary concerned and the Secretary of 
                Veterans Affairs.
          (3) Prohibition on treatment of transferred 
        entitlement as marital property.--Entitlement 
        transferred under this section may not be treated as 
        marital property, or the asset of a marital estate, 
        subject to division in a divorce or other civil 
  (g) Commencement of Use.--A dependent to whom entitlement to 
educational assistance is transferred under this section may 
not commence the use of the transferred entitlement until--
          (1) in the case of entitlement transferred to a 
        spouse, the completion by the individual making the 
        transfer of at least--
                  (A) six years of service in the Armed Forces; 
                  (B) the years of service as determined in 
                regulations pursuant to subsection (j); or
          (2) in the case of entitlement transferred to a 
        child, both--
                  (A) the completion by the individual making 
                the transfer of at least--
                          (i) ten years of service in the Armed 
                        Forces; or
                          (ii) the years of service as 
                        determined in regulations pursuant to 
                        subsection (j); and
                  (B) either--
                          (i) the completion by the child of 
                        the requirements of a secondary school 
                        diploma (or equivalency certificate); 
                          (ii) the attainment by the child of 
                        18 years of age.
  (h) Additional Administrative Matters.--
          (1) Use.--The use of any entitlement to educational 
        assistance transferred under this section shall be 
        charged against the entitlement of the individual 
        making the transfer at the rate of one month for each 
        month of transferred entitlement that is used.
          (2) Nature of transferred entitlement.--Except as 
        provided under subsection (e)(2) and subject to 
        paragraphs (5) and (6)--
                  (A) in the case of entitlement transferred to 
                a spouse under this section, the spouse is 
                entitled to educational assistance under this 
                chapter in the same manner as the individual 
                from whom the entitlement was transferred; or
                  (B) in the case of entitlement transferred to 
                a child under this section, the child is 
                entitled to educational assistance under this 
                chapter in the same manner as the individual 
                from whom the entitlement was transferred as if 
                the individual were not on active duty.
          (3) Rate of payment.--The monthly rate of educational 
        assistance payable to a dependent to whom entitlement 
        referred to in paragraph (2) is transferred under this 
        section shall be payable--
                  (A) in the case of a spouse, at the same rate 
                as such entitlement would otherwise be payable 
                under this chapter to the individual making the 
                transfer; or
                  (B) in the case of a child, at the same rate 
                as such entitlement would otherwise be payable 
                under this chapter to the individual making the 
                transfer as if the individual were not on 
                active duty.
          (4) Death of transferor.--The death of an individual 
        transferring an entitlement under this section shall 
        not affect the use of the entitlement by the dependent 
        to whom the entitlement is transferred.
          (5) Limitation on age of use by child transferees.--
                  (A) In general.--A child to whom entitlement 
                is transferred under this section may use the 
                benefits transferred without regard to the 15-
                year delimiting date specified in section 3321, 
                but may not, except as provided in subparagraph 
                (B), use any benefits so transferred after 
                attaining the age of 26 years.
                  (B) Primary caregivers of seriously injured 
                members of the armed forces and veterans.--
                          (i) In general.--Subject to clause 
                        (ii), in the case of a child who, 
                        before attaining the age of 26 years, 
                        is prevented from pursuing a chosen 
                        program of education by reason of 
                        acting as the primary provider of 
                        personal care services for a veteran or 
                        member of the Armed Forces under 
                        section 1720G(a), the child may use the 
                        benefits beginning on the date 
                        specified in clause (iii) for a period 
                        whose length is specified in clause 
                          (ii) Inapplicability for 
                        revocation.--Clause (i) shall not apply 
                        with respect to the period of an 
                        individual as a primary provider of 
                        personal care services if the period 
                        concludes with the revocation of the 
                        individual's designation as such a 
                        primary provider under section 
                          (iii) Date for commencement of use.--
                        The date specified in this clause for 
                        the beginning of the use of benefits by 
                        a child under clause (i) is the later 
                                  (I) the date on which the 
                                child ceases acting as the 
                                primary provider of personal 
                                care services for the veteran 
                                or member concerned as 
                                described in clause (i);
                                  (II) the date on which it is 
                                reasonably feasible, as 
                                determined under regulations 
                                prescribed by the Secretary, 
                                for the child to initiate or 
                                resume the use of benefits; or
                                  (III) the date on which the 
                                child attains the age of 26 
                          (iv) Length of use.--The length of 
                        the period specified in this clause for 
                        the use of benefits by a child under 
                        clause (i) is the length equal to the 
                        length of the period that--
                                  (I) begins on the date on 
                                which the child begins acting 
                                as the primary provider of 
                                personal care services for the 
                                veteran or member concerned as 
                                described in clause (i); and
                                  (II) ends on the later of--
                                          (aa) the date on 
                                        which the child ceases 
                                        acting as the primary 
                                        provider of personal 
                                        care services for the 
                                        veteran or member as 
                                        described in clause 
                                        (i); or
                                          (bb) the date on 
                                        which it is reasonably 
                                        feasible, as so 
                                        determined, for the 
                                        child to initiate or 
                                        resume the use of 
          (6) Scope of use by transferees.--The purposes for 
        which a dependent to whom entitlement is transferred 
        under this section may use such entitlement shall 
        include the pursuit and completion of the requirements 
        of a secondary school diploma (or equivalency 
          (7) Additional administrative provisions.--The 
        administrative provisions of this chapter shall apply 
        to the use of entitlement transferred under this 
        section, except that the dependent to whom the 
        entitlement is transferred shall be treated as the 
        eligible individual for purposes of such provisions.
  (i) Overpayment.--
          (1) Joint and several liability.--In the event of an 
        overpayment of educational assistance with respect to a 
        dependent to whom entitlement is transferred under this 
        section, the dependent and the individual making the 
        transfer shall be jointly and severally liable to the 
        United States for the amount of the overpayment for 
        purposes of section 3685.
          (2) Failure to complete service agreement.--
                  (A) In general.--Except as provided in 
                subparagraph (B), if an individual transferring 
                entitlement under this section fails to 
                complete the service agreed to by the 
                individual under subsection (b)(1) in 
                accordance with the terms of the agreement of 
                the individual under that subsection, the 
                amount of any transferred entitlement under 
                this section that is used by a dependent of the 
                individual as of the date of such failure shall 
                be treated as an overpayment of educational 
                assistance under paragraph (1).
                  (B) Exception.--Subparagraph (A) shall not 
                apply in the case of an individual who fails to 
                complete service agreed to by the individual--
                          (i) by reason of the death of the 
                        individual; or
                          (ii) for a reason referred to in 
                        section 3311(c)(4).
  (j) Regulations.--(1) The Secretary of Defense, in 
coordination with the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, shall 
prescribe regulations for purposes of this section.
          (2) Such regulations shall specify--
                  (A) the manner of authorizing the transfer of 
                entitlements under this section;
                  (B) the eligibility criteria in accordance 
                with subsection (b); and
                  (C) the manner and effect of an election to 
                modify or revoke a transfer of entitlement 
                under subsection (f)(2).
  (k) Additional Transfer Upon Death of Dependent.--In the case 
of a dependent to whom entitlement to educational assistance is 
transferred under this section who dies before using all of 
such entitlement, the individual who transferred the 
entitlement to the dependent may transfer any remaining 
entitlement to a different eligible dependent, notwithstanding 
whether the individual is serving as a member of the Armed 
Forces when such transfer is executed.
  (l) Transfer by Dependent.--In the case of an individual who 
transfers entitlement to educational assistance under this 
section who dies before the dependent to whom entitlement to 
educational assistance is so transferred has used all of such 
entitlement, such dependent may transfer such entitlement to 
another eligible dependent in accordance with the provisions of 
this section.

Sec. 3320. Edith Nourse Rogers STEM Scholarship

  (a) In General.--Subject to the limitation under subsection 
(f), the Secretary shall provide additional benefits to 
eligible individuals selected by the Secretary under this 
section. Such benefits shall be known as the ``Edith Nourse 
Rogers STEM Scholarship''.
  (b) Eligibility.--For purposes of this section, an eligible 
individual is an individual--
          (1) who is or was entitled to educational assistance 
        under section 3311 of this title;
          (2) who has used all of the educational assistance to 
        which the individual is entitled under this chapter or 
        will, based on the individual's rate of usage, use all 
        of such assistance within 180 days of applying for 
        benefits under this section;
          (3) who applies for assistance under this section; 
          (4) who--
                  (A) is an individual who--
                          (i) is enrolled in a program of 
                        education leading to a post-secondary 
                        degree that requires more than the 
                        standard 128 semester (or 192 quarter) 
                        credit hours for completion in--
                                  (I) biological or biomedical 
                                  (II) physical science;
                                  (III) science technologies or 
                                  (IV) computer and information 
                                science and support services;
                                  (V) mathematics or 
                                  (VI) engineering;
                                  (VII) engineering 
                                technologies or an engineering-
                                related field;
                                  (VIII) a health profession or 
                                related program;
                                  (IX) a medical residency 
                                program; or
                                  (X) an agriculture science 
                                program or a natural resources 
                                science program; and
                          (ii) has completed at least 60 
                        standard semester (or 90 quarter) 
                        credit hours in a field referred to in 
                        clause (i); or
                  (B) is an individual who has earned a post-
                secondary degree in a field referred to in 
                subparagraph (A)(i) and is enrolled in a 
                program of education leading to a teaching 
  (c) Priority.--In selecting eligible individuals to receive 
additional benefits under this section, the Secretary shall 
give priority to the following individuals:
          (1) Individuals who require the most credit hours 
        described in subsection (b)(4).
          (2) Individuals who are entitled to educational 
        assistance under this chapter by reason of paragraph 
        (1), (2), (8), or (9) of section 3311(b) of this title.
  (d) Amount of Assistance.--(1) The Secretary shall pay to 
each eligible individual who receives additional benefits under 
this section the monthly amount payable under section 3313 of 
this title for not more than nine months of the program of 
education in which the individual is enrolled (adjusted with 
respect to the individual pursuant to section 3313(c), as 
appropriate), except that the aggregate amount paid to an 
individual under this section may not exceed $30,000.
  (2) The Secretary may not pay to such an individual an amount 
in addition to the amount payable under paragraph (1) by reason 
of section 3317 of this title.
  (3) An individual who receives additional benefits under this 
section may also receive amounts payable by a college or 
university pursuant to section 3317 of this title.
  (e) Prohibition on Transfer.--An individual who receives 
additional benefits under this section may not transfer any 
amount of such additional benefits under section 3319 of this 
  (f) Maximum Amount of Total Assistance.--The total amount of 
benefits paid to all eligible individuals under this section 
may not exceed--
          (1) $25,000,000 for fiscal year 2019;
          (2) $75,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2020 through 
        2022; and
          (3) $100,000,000 for fiscal year 2023 and each 
        subsequent fiscal year.


Sec. 3321. Time limitation for use of and eligibility for entitlement

  (a) In General.--Except as provided in this section, the 
period during which an individual entitled to educational 
assistance under this chapter may use such [individual's 
entitlement expires at the end of the 15-year period beginning 
on the date of such individual's last discharge or release from 
active duty.] individual's entitlement--
          (1) in the case of an individual who first becomes 
        entitled to such entitlement before January, 1, 2013, 
        expires at the end of the 15-year period beginning on 
        the date of such individual's last discharge or release 
        from active duty; or
          (2) in the case of an individual who first becomes 
        entitled to such entitlement on or after January 1, 
        2013, shall not expire.
  (b) Exceptions.--
          (1) Applicability of section 3031 to running of 
        period.--Subsections (b), (c), and (d) of section 3031 
        shall apply with respect to the running of the 15-year 
        period described in subsection (a) of this section in 
        the same manner as such subsections apply under section 
        3031 with respect to the running of the 10-year period 
        described in section 3031(a).
          (2) Applicability of section 3031 to termination.--
        Section 3031(f) shall apply with respect to the 
        termination of an individual's entitlement to 
        educational assistance under this chapter in the same 
        manner as such section applies to the termination of an 
        individual's entitlement to educational assistance 
        under chapter 30, except that, in the administration of 
        such section for purposes of this chapter, the 
        reference to section 3013 shall be deemed to be a 
        reference to section 3312 of this title.
          (3) Determination of last discharge or release.--For 
        purposes of subsection (a), an individual's last 
        discharge or release from active duty shall not include 
        any discharge or release from a period of active duty 
        of less than 90 days of continuous service, unless the 
        individual is discharged or released as described in 
        section 3311(b)(2).
          (4) Applicability to children of deceased members.--
        The period during which a child entitled to educational 
        assistance by reason of [section 3311(b)(9)] section 
        3311(b)(8) of this title may use such [child's 
        entitlement expires at the end of the 15-year period 
        beginning on the date of such child's eighteenth 
        birthday.] child's entitlement--
                  (A) in the case of a child who first becomes 
                entitled to such entitlement before January 1, 
                2013, expires at the end of the 15-year period 
                beginning on the date of such child's 
                eighteenth birthday; or
                  (B) in the case of a child who first becomes 
                entitled to such entitlement on or after 
                January 1, 2013, shall not expire.

Sec. 3322. Bar to duplication of educational assistance benefits

  (a) In General.--An individual entitled to educational 
assistance under this chapter who is also eligible for 
educational assistance under chapter 30, 31, 32, or 35 of this 
title, chapter 107, 1606, or 1607 or section 510 of title 10, 
or the provisions of the Hostage Relief Act of 1980 (Public Law 
96-449; 5 U.S.C. 5561 note) may not receive assistance under 
two or more such programs concurrently, but shall elect (in 
such form and manner as the Secretary may prescribe) under 
which chapter or provisions to receive educational assistance.
  (b) Inapplicability of Service Treated Under Educational Loan 
Repayment Programs.--A period of service counted for purposes 
of repayment of an education loan under chapter 109 of title 10 
may not be counted as a period of service for entitlement to 
educational assistance under this chapter.
  (c) Service in Selected Reserve.--An individual who serves in 
the Selected Reserve may receive credit for such service under 
only one of this chapter, chapter 30 of this title, and 
chapters 1606 and 1607 of title 10, and shall elect (in such 
form and manner as the Secretary may prescribe) under which 
chapter such service is to be credited.
  (d) Additional Coordination Matters.--In the case of an 
individual entitled to educational assistance under chapter 30, 
31, 32, or 35 of this title, chapter 107, 1606, or 1607 of 
title 10, or the provisions of the Hostage Relief Act of 1980, 
or making contributions toward entitlement to educational 
assistance under chapter 30 of this title, as of August 1, 
2009, coordination of entitlement to educational assistance 
under this chapter, on the one hand, and such chapters or 
provisions, on the other, shall be governed by the provisions 
of section 5003(c) of the Post-9/11 Veterans Educational 
Assistance Act of 2008.
  (e) Bar To Concurrent Receipt of Transferred Education 
Benefits and Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry Scholarship 
Assistance.--An individual entitled to educational assistance 
under both sections [3311(b)(9)] 3311(b)(8) and 3319 may not 
receive assistance under both provisions concurrently, but 
shall elect (in such form and manner as the Secretary may 
prescribe) under which provision to receive educational 
  (f) Bar To Receipt of Compensation and Pension and Marine 
Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry Scholarship Assistance.--The 
commencement of a program of education under section 
[3311(b)(9)] 3311(b)(8) shall be a bar to the following:
          (1) Subsequent payments of dependency and indemnity 
        compensation or pension based on the death of a parent 
        to an eligible person over the age of 18 years by 
        reason of pursuing a course in an educational 
          (2) Increased rates, or additional amounts, of 
        compensation, dependency and indemnity compensation, or 
        pension because of such a person, whether eligibility 
        is based upon the death of the parent.
  (g) Bar To Concurrent Receipt of Transferred Education 
Benefits.--A spouse or child who is entitled to educational 
assistance under this chapter based on a transfer of 
entitlement from more than one individual under section 3319 
may not receive assistance based on transfers from more than 
one such individual concurrently, but shall elect (in such form 
and manner as the Secretary may prescribe) under which source 
to utilize such assistance at any one time.
  (h) Bar To Duplication of Eligibility Based on a Single Event 
or Period of Service.--
          (1) Active-duty service.--An individual with 
        qualifying service in the Armed Forces that establishes 
        eligibility on the part of such individual for 
        educational assistance under this chapter, chapter 30 
        or 32 of this title, and chapter 1606 or 1607 of title 
        10, shall elect (in such form and manner as the 
        Secretary may prescribe) under which authority such 
        service is to be credited.
          (2) Eligibility for educational assistance based on 
        parent's service.--A child of a member of the Armed 
        Forces who, on or after September 11, 2001, dies in the 
        line of duty while serving on active duty, who is 
        eligible for educational assistance under either 
        section [3311(b)(9)] 3311(b)(8) or chapter 35 of this 
        title based on the parent's death may not receive such 
        assistance under both this chapter and chapter 35 of 
        this title, but shall elect (in such form and manner as 
        the Secretary may prescribe) under which chapter to 
        receive such assistance.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

Sec. 3326. Report on student progress

  (a) Submittal of Information by Educational Institutions.--As 
a condition of approval under chapter 36 of this title of a 
course offered by an educational institution (as defined in 
section 3452 of this title), each year, each educational 
institution (as so defined) that received a payment in that 
year on behalf of an individual entitled to educational 
assistance under this chapter shall submit to the Secretary 
such information regarding the academic progress of the 
individual as the Secretary may require.
  (b) Reports to Congress.--Not later than March 1 of each 
year, the Secretary shall submit to Congress a report that 
includes a summary of the information provided by educational 
institutions under subsection (a) for the calendar year 
preceding the year during which such report is submitted.

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Sec. 3452. Definitions

  For the purposes of this chapter and chapter 36 of this 
  (a)(1) The term ``eligible veteran'' means any veteran who--
                  (A) served on active duty for a period of 
                more than 180 days, any part of which occurred 
                after January 31, 1955, and before January 1, 
                1977, and was discharged or released therefrom 
                under conditions other than dishonorable;
                  (B) contracted with the Armed Forces and was 
                enlisted in or assigned to a reserve component 
                prior to January 1, 1977, and as a result of 
                such enlistment or assignment served on active 
                duty for a period of more than 180 days, any 
                part of which commenced within 12 months after 
                January 1, 1977, and was discharged or released 
                from such active duty under conditions other 
                than dishonorable; or
                  (C) was discharged or released from active 
                duty, any part of which was performed after 
                January 31, 1955, and before January 1, 1977, 
                or following entrance into active service from 
                an enlistment provided for under subparagraph 
                (B), because of a service-connected disability.
          (2) The requirement of discharge or release, 
        prescribed in subparagraph (A) or (B) of paragraph (1), 
        shall be waived in the case of any individual who 
        served more than 180 days in an active-duty status for 
        so long as such individual continues on active duty 
        without a break therein.
          (3) For purposes of paragraph (1)(A) and section 
        3461(a), the term ``active duty'' does not include any 
        period during which an individual (A) was assigned full 
        time by the Armed Forces to a civilian institution for 
        a course of education which was substantially the same 
        as established courses offered to civilians, (B) served 
        as a cadet or midshipman at one of the service 
        academies, or (C) served under the provisions of 
        section 12103(d) of title 10 pursuant to an enlistment 
        in the Army National Guard or the Air National Guard or 
        as a Reserve for service in the Army Reserve, Navy 
        Reserve, Air Force Reserve, Marine Corps Reserve, or 
        Coast Guard Reserve unless at some time subsequent to 
        the completion of such period of active duty for 
        training such individual served on active duty for a 
        consecutive period of one year or more (not including 
        any service as a cadet or midshipman at one of the 
        service academies).
  (b) The term ``program of education'' means any curriculum or 
any combination of unit courses or subjects pursued at an 
educational institution which is generally accepted as 
necessary to fulfill requirements for the attainment of a 
predetermined and identified educational, professional, or 
vocational objective. Such term also means any curriculum of 
unit courses or subjects pursued at an educational institution 
which fulfill requirements for the attainment of more than one 
predetermined and identified educational, professional, or 
vocational objective if all the objectives pursued are 
generally recognized as being reasonably related to a single 
career field. Such term also means any unit course or subject, 
or combination of courses or subjects, pursued by an eligible 
veteran at an educational institution, required by the 
Administrator of the Small Business Administration as a 
condition to obtaining financial assistance under the 
provisions of section 7(i)(1) of the Small Business Act (15 
U.S.C. 636(i)(1)). Such term also includes licensing or 
certification tests, the successful completion of which 
demonstrates an individual's possession of the knowledge or 
skill required to enter into, maintain, or advance in 
employment in a predetermined and identified vocation or 
profession, provided such tests and the licensing or 
credentialing organizations or entities that offer such tests 
are approved by the Secretary in accordance with section 3689 
of this title. Such term also includes any course, or 
combination of courses, offered by a qualified provider of 
entrepreneurship courses. Such term also includes national 
tests for admission to institutions of higher learning or 
graduate schools (such as the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), 
Law School Admission Test (LSAT), Graduate Record Exam (GRE), 
and Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT)) [and national 
tests providing], national tests providing an opportunity for 
course credit at institutions of higher learning (such as the 
Advanced Placement (AP) exam and College-Level Examination 
Program (CLEP)), and national tests that evaluate prior 
learning and knowledge and provides an opportunity for course 
credit at an institution of higher learning.
  (c) The term ``educational institution'' means any public or 
private elementary school, secondary school, vocational school, 
correspondence school, business school, junior college, 
teachers' college, college, normal school, professional school, 
university, or scientific or technical institution, or other 
institution furnishing education for adults. Such term includes 
any entity that provides training required for completion of 
any State-approved alternative teacher certification program 
(as determined by the Secretary). Such term also includes any 
private entity (that meets such requirements as the Secretary 
may establish) that offers, either directly or under an 
agreement with another entity (that meets such requirements), a 
course or courses to fulfill requirements for the attainment of 
a license or certificate generally recognized as necessary to 
obtain, maintain, or advance in employment in a profession or 
vocation in a high technology occupation (as determined by the 
Secretary). Such term also includes any qualified provider of 
entrepreneurship courses.
  (d) The term ``dependent'' means--
          (1) a child of an eligible veteran;
          (2) a dependent parent of an eligible veteran; and
          (3) the spouse of an eligible veteran.
  (e) The term ``training establishment'' means any of the 
          (1) An establishment providing apprentice or other 
        on-job training, including those under the supervision 
        of a college or university or any State department of 
          (2) An establishment providing self-employment on-job 
        training consisting of full-time training for a period 
        of less than six months that is needed or accepted for 
        purposes of obtaining licensure to engage in a self-
        employment occupation or required for ownership and 
        operation of a franchise that is the objective of the 
          (3) A State board of vocational education.
          (4) A Federal or State apprenticeship registration 
          (5) The sponsor of a program of apprenticeship.
          (6) An agency of the Federal Government authorized to 
        supervise such training.
  (f) The term ``institution of higher learning'' means a 
college, university, or similar institution, including a 
technical or business school, offering postsecondary level 
academic instruction that leads to an associate or higher 
degree if the school is empowered by the appropriate State 
education authority under State law to grant an associate or 
higher degree. When there is no State law to authorize the 
granting of a degree, the school may be recognized as an 
institution of higher learning if it is accredited for degree 
programs by a recognized accrediting agency. Such term shall 
also include a hospital offering educational programs at the 
postsecondary level without regard to whether the hospital 
grants a postsecondary degree. Such term shall also include an 
educational institution which is not located in a State, which 
offers a course leading to a standard college degree, or the 
equivalent, and which is recognized as such by the secretary of 
education (or comparable official) of the country or other 
jurisdiction in which the institution is located.
  (g) The term ``standard college degree'' means an associate 
or higher degree awarded by (1) an institution of higher 
learning that is accredited as a collegiate institution by a 
recognized regional or national accrediting agency; or (2) an 
institution of higher learning that is a ``candidate'' for 
accreditation as that term is used by the regional or national 
accrediting agencies; or (3) an institution of higher learning 
upon completion of a course which is accredited by an agency 
recognized to accredit specialized degree-level programs. For 
the purpose of this section, the accrediting agency must be one 
recognized by the Secretary of Education under the provisions 
of section 3675 of this title.
  (h) The term ``qualified provider of entrepreneurship 
courses'' means any small business development center described 
in section 21 of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 648), 
insofar as such center offers, sponsors, or cosponsors an 
entrepreneurship course, as that term is defined in section 

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *


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Sec. 3485. Work-study allowance

  (a)(1) Individuals utilized under the authority of subsection 
(b) shall be paid an additional educational assistance 
allowance (hereinafter in this section referred to as ``work-
study allowance''). Such allowance shall be paid in return for 
an individual's entering into an agreement described in 
paragraph (3).
          (2) Such work-study allowance shall be paid in an 
        amount equal to the product of--
                  (A) the applicable hourly minimum wage; and
                  (B) the number of hours worked during the 
                applicable period.
          (3) An agreement described in this paragraph is an 
        agreement of an individual to perform services, during 
        or between periods of enrollment, aggregating not more 
        than a number of hours equal to 25 times the number of 
        weeks in the semester or other applicable enrollment 
        period, required in connection with a qualifying work-
        study activity.
          (4) For the purposes of this section, the term 
        ``qualifying work-study activity'' means any of the 
                  (A) The outreach services program under 
                chapter 63 of this title as carried out under 
                the supervision of a Department employee or, 
                during the period preceding June 30, 2013, or 
                [the period beginning on June 30, 2017, and 
                ending on June 30, 2022,] any time on or after 
                June 30, 2017, outreach services to 
                servicemembers and veterans furnished by 
                employees of a State approving agency.
                  (B) The preparation and processing of 
                necessary papers and other documents at 
                educational institutions or regional offices or 
                facilities of the Department.
                  (C) The provision of hospital and domiciliary 
                care and medical treatment under chapter 17 of 
                this title, including, during the period 
                preceding June 30, 2013, or [the period 
                beginning on June 30, 2017, and ending on June 
                30, 2022,] any time on or after June 30, 2017, 
                the provision of such care to veterans in a 
                State home for which payment is made under 
                section 1741 of this title.
                  (D) Any other activity of the Department as 
                the Secretary determines appropriate.
                  (E) In the case of an individual who is 
                receiving educational assistance under chapter 
                1606 or 1607 of title 10, an activity relating 
                to the administration of that chapter at 
                Department of Defense, Coast Guard, or National 
                Guard facilities.
                  (F) During the period preceding June 30, 
                2013, or [the period beginning on June 30, 
                2017, and ending on June 30, 2022,] any time on 
                or after June 30, 2017, an activity relating to 
                the administration of a national cemetery or a 
                State veterans' cemetery.
                  (G) Any activity of a State veterans agency 
                related to providing assistance to veterans in 
                obtaining any benefit under the laws 
                administered by the Secretary or the laws of 
                the State.
                  (H) A position working in a Center of 
                Excellence for Veteran Student Success, as 
                established pursuant to part T of title VIII of 
                the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 
                1161t et seq.).
                  (I) A position working in a cooperative 
                program carried out jointly by the Department 
                and an institution of higher learning.
                  (J) Any other veterans-related position in an 
                institution of higher learning.
          (5) An individual may elect, in a manner prescribed 
        by the Secretary, to be paid in advance an amount equal 
        to 40 percent of the total amount of the work-study 
        allowance agreed to be paid under the agreement in 
        return for the individual's agreement to perform the 
        number of hours of work specified in the agreement (but 
        not more than an amount equal to 50 times the 
        applicable hourly minimum wage).
          (6) For the purposes of this subsection and 
        subsection (e), the term ``applicable hourly minimum 
        wages'' means--
                  (A) the hourly minimum wage under section 
                6(a) of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 
                (29 U.S.C. 206(a)); or
                  (B) the hourly minimum wage under comparable 
                law of the State in which the services are to 
                be performed, if such wage is higher than the 
                wage referred to in subparagraph (A) and the 
                Secretary has made a determination to pay such 
                higher wage.
  (b) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Secretary 
shall, subject to the provisions of subsection (e) of this 
section, utilize, in connection with the activities specified 
in subsection (a)(1) of this section, the service of 
individuals who are pursuing programs of rehabilitation, 
education, or training under chapter 30, 31, 32, 33, or 34 of 
this title or chapter 1606 or 1607 of title 10, at a rate equal 
to at least three-quarters of that required of a full-time 
student. In carrying out this section, the Secretary, wherever 
feasible, shall give priority to veterans with disabilities 
rated at 30 percent or more for purposes of chapter 11 of this 
title. In the event an individual ceases to be at least a 
three-quarter-time student before completing such agreement, 
the individual may, with the approval of the Secretary, be 
permitted to complete such agreement.
  (c) The Secretary shall determine the number of individuals 
whose services the Department of Veterans Affairs can 
effectively utilize and the types of services that such 
individuals may be required to perform, on the basis of a 
survey, which the Secretary shall conduct annually, of each 
Department of Veterans Affairs regional office in order to 
determine the numbers of individuals whose services can 
effectively be utilized during an enrollment period in each 
geographical area where Department of Veterans Affairs 
activities are conducted, and shall determine which individuals 
shall be offered agreements under this section in accordance 
with regulations which the Secretary shall prescribe, including 
as criteria (1) the need of the individual to augment the 
veteran's educational assistance or subsistence allowance; (2) 
the availability to the individual of transportation to the 
place where the individual's services are to be performed; (3) 
the motivation of the individual; and (4) in the case of a 
disabled veteran pursuing a course of vocational rehabilitation 
under chapter 31 of this title, the compatibility of the work 
assignment to the veteran's physical condition.
  (d) While performing the services authorized by this section, 
individuals shall be deemed employees of the United States for 
the purposes of the benefits of chapter 81 of title 5 but not 
for the purposes of laws administrated by the Office of 
Personnel Management.
  (e)(1) Subject to paragraph (2) of this subsection, the 
Secretary may, notwithstanding any other provision of law, 
enter into an agreement with an individual under this section, 
or a modification of such an agreement, whereby the individual 
agrees to perform a qualifying work-study activity described in 
subsection (a)(4) and agrees that the Secretary shall, in lieu 
of paying the work-study allowance payable for such services, 
as provided in subsection (a) of this section, deduct the 
amount of the allowance from the amount which the individual 
has been determined to be indebted to the United States by 
virtue of such individual's participation in a benefits program 
under this chapter, chapter 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, or 36 of this 
title, or chapter 1606 or 1607 of title 10 (other than an 
indebtedness arising from a refund penalty imposed under 
section 2135 of such title).
          (2)(A) Subject to subparagraph (B) of this paragraph, 
        the provisions of this section (other than those 
        provisions which are determined by the Secretary to be 
        inapplicable to an agreement under this subsection) 
        shall apply to any agreement authorized under paragraph 
        (1) of this subsection.
                  (B) For the purposes of this subsection, the 
                Secretary may--
                          (i) waive, in whole or in part, the 
                        limitations in subsection (a) of this 
                        section concerning the number of hours 
                        and periods during which services can 
                        be performed by the individual and the 
                        provisions of subsection (b) of this 
                        section requiring the individual's 
                        pursuit of a program of rehabilitation, 
                        education, or training;
                          (ii) in accordance with such terms 
                        and conditions as may be specified in 
                        the agreement under this subsection, 
                        waive or defer charging interest and 
                        administrative costs pursuant to 
                        section 5315 of this title on the 
                        indebtedness to be satisfied by 
                        performance of the agreement; and
                          (iii) notwithstanding the 
                        indebtedness offset provisions of 
                        section 5314 of this title, waive or 
                        defer until the termination of an 
                        agreement under this subsection the 
                        deduction of all or any portion of the 
                        amount of indebtedness covered by the 
                        agreement from future payments to the 
                        individual as described in section 5314 
                        of this title.
          (3)(A) Subject to the provisions of subparagraphs (B) 
        and (C) of this paragraph, an agreement authorized 
        under this subsection shall terminate in accordance 
        with the provisions of this section and the terms and 
        conditions of the agreement which are consistent with 
        this subsection.
                  (B) In no event shall an agreement under this 
                subsection continue in force after the total 
                amount of the individual's indebtedness 
                described in paragraph (1) of this subsection 
                has been recouped, waived, or otherwise 
                  (C) Notwithstanding the provisions of 
                subparagraphs (A) and (B) of this paragraph, if 
                the Secretary finds that an individual was 
                without fault and was allowed to perform 
                services described in the agreement after its 
                termination, the Secretary shall, as reasonable 
                compensation therefor, pay the individual at 
                the applicable hourly minimum wage rate for 
                such services as the Secretary determines were 
                satisfactorily performed.
          (4) The Secretary shall promulgate regulations to 
        carry out this subsection.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *


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Sec. 3511. Duration of educational assistance

  (a)(1) Each eligible person, whether made eligible by one or 
more of the provisions of section 3501(a)(1) of this title, 
shall be entitled to educational assistance under this [chapter 
for an aggregate period not in excess of 45 months (or to the 
equivalent thereof in part-time training).] chapter--
          (A) in the case of a person who first enrolls in a 
        program of education using such entitlement before 
        August 1, 2018, for an aggregate period not in excess 
        of 45 months (or to the equivalent thereof in part-time 
        training); or
          (B) in the case of a person who first enrolls in a 
        program of education using such entitlement on or after 
        August 1, 2018, for an aggregate period not in excess 
        of 36 months (or to the equivalent thereof in part-time 
          (2)(A) Notwithstanding any other provision of this 
        chapter or chapter 36 of this title, any payment of an 
        educational assistance allowance described in 
        subparagraph (B) of this paragraph shall not--
                          (i) be charged against the 
                        entitlement of any individual under 
                        this chapter; or
                          (ii) be counted toward the aggregate 
                        period for which section 3695 of this 
                        title limits an individual's receipt of 
                  (B) The payment of the educational assistance 
                allowance referred to in subparagraph (A) of 
                this paragraph is the payment of such an 
                allowance to an individual for pursuit of a 
                course or courses under this chapter if the 
                Secretary finds that the individual--
                          (i) had to discontinue such course 
                        pursuit as a result of being ordered to 
                        serve on active duty under section 688, 
                        12301(a), 12301(d), 12301(g), 12302, or 
                        12304 of title 10 or of being 
                        involuntarily ordered to full-time 
                        National Guard duty under section 
                        502(f) of title 32; and
                          (ii) failed to receive credit or 
                        training time toward completion of the 
                        individual's approved educational, 
                        professional, or vocational objective 
                        as a result of having to discontinue, 
                        as described in clause (i) of this 
                        subparagraph, his or her course 
                  (C) The period for which, by reason of this 
                subsection, an educational assistance allowance 
                is not charged against entitlement or counted 
                toward the applicable aggregate period under 
                section 3695 of this title shall not exceed the 
                portion of the period of enrollment in the 
                course or courses for which the individual 
                failed to receive credit or with respect to 
                which the individual lost training time, as 
                determined under subparagraph (B)(ii) of this 
  (b) If any eligible person pursuing a program of education, 
or of special restorative training, under this chapter ceases 
to be an ``eligible person'' because--
          (1) the parent or spouse from whom eligibility is 
        derived is found no longer to have a ``total disability 
        permanent in nature'', as defined in section 3501(a)(8) 
        of this title,
          (2) the parent or spouse from whom eligibility is 
        derived based upon section 3501(a)(1)(C) of this title 
        is no longer listed in one of the categories specified 
          (3) the spouse, as an eligible person under 
        subparagraph (D) or (E) of section 3501(a)(1) of this 
        title, is divorced, without fault on such person's 
        part, from the person upon whose disability such 
        person's eligibility is based, or
          (4) the parent or spouse from whom such eligibility 
        is derived based upon subparagraph (E) of section 
        3501(a)(1) of this title no longer meets a requirement 
        under clause (i), (ii), or (iii) of that subparagraph,
then such eligible person (if such person has sufficient 
remaining entitlement) may, nevertheless, be afforded 
educational assistance under this chapter until the end of the 
quarter or semester for which enrolled if the educational 
institution in which such person is enrolled is operated on a 
quarter or semester system, or if the educational institution 
is not so operated until the end of the course, or until 12 
weeks have expired, whichever first occurs.

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Sec. 3532. Computation of educational assistance allowance

  (a)(1) The educational assistance allowance on behalf of an 
eligible person who is pursuing a program of education 
consisting of institutional courses shall be paid at the 
monthly rate of [$788] $1,224 for full-time, [$592] $967 for 
three-quarter-time, or [$394] $710 for half-time pursuit.
          (2) The educational assistance allowance on behalf of 
        an eligible person pursuing a program of education on 
        less than a half-time basis shall be paid at the rate 
        of the lesser of--
                  (A) the established charges for tuition and 
                fees that the educational institution involved 
                requires similarly circumstanced nonveterans 
                enrolled in the same program to pay; or
                  (B) [$788] $1,224 per month for a full-time 
  (b) The educational assistance allowance to be paid on behalf 
of an eligible person who is pursuing a full-time program of 
education which consists of institutional courses and alternate 
phases of training in a business or industrial establishment 
with the training in the business or industrial establishment 
being strictly supplemental to the institutional portion, shall 
be computed at the rate of [$788] $1,224 per month.
  (c)(1) An eligible person who is enrolled in an educational 
institution for a ``farm cooperative'' program consisting of 
institutional agricultural courses prescheduled to fall within 
forty-four weeks of any period of twelve consecutive months and 
who pursues such program on--
                  (A) a full-time basis (a minimum of ten clock 
                hours per week or four hundred and forty clock 
                hours in such year prescheduled to provide not 
                less than eighty clock hours in any three-month 
                  (B) a three-quarter-time basis (a minimum of 
                seven clock hours per week), or
                  (C) a half-time basis (a minimum of five 
                clock hours per week),
shall be eligible to receive an educational assistance 
allowance at the appropriate rate provided in paragraph (2) of 
this subsection, if such eligible person is concurrently 
engaged in agricultural employment which is relevant to such 
institutional agricultural courses as determined under 
standards prescribed by the Secretary. In computing the 
foregoing clock hour requirements there shall be included the 
time involved in field trips and individual and group 
instruction sponsored and conducted by the educational 
institution through a duly authorized instructor of such 
institution in which the person is enrolled.
          (2) The monthly educational assistance allowance to 
        be paid on behalf of an eligible person pursuing a farm 
        cooperative program under this chapter shall be $636 
        for full-time, $477 for three-quarter-time, or $319 for 
        half-time pursuit.
  (d) If a program of education is pursued by an eligible 
person at an institution located in the Republic of the 
Philippines, the educational assistance allowance computed for 
such person under this section shall be paid at the rate of 
$0.50 for each dollar.
  (e) In the case of an eligible person who is pursuing a 
program of education under this chapter while incarcerated in a 
Federal, State, local, or other penal institution or 
correctional facility for conviction of a felony, the 
educational assistance allowance shall be paid in the same 
manner prescribed in section 3482(g) of this title for 
incarcerated veterans, except that the references therein to 
the monthly educational assistance allowance prescribed for a 
veteran with no dependents shall be deemed to refer to the 
applicable allowance payable to an eligible person under 
corresponding provisions of this chapter or chapter 36 of this 
title, as determined by the Secretary.
  (f)(1) Subject to paragraph (3), the amount of educational 
assistance payable under this chapter for a licensing or 
certification test described in section 3501(a)(5) of this 
title is the lesser of $2,000 or the fee charged for the test.
          (2) The number of months of entitlement charged in 
        the case of any individual for such licensing or 
        certification test is equal to the number (including 
        any fraction) determined by dividing the total amount 
        paid to such individual for such test by the full-time 
        monthly institutional rate of the educational 
        assistance allowance which, except for paragraph (1), 
        such individual would otherwise be paid under this 
          (3) In no event shall payment of educational 
        assistance under this subsection for such a test exceed 
        the amount of the individual's available entitlement 
        under this chapter.
  (g)(1) Subject to paragraph (3), the amount of educational 
assistance payable under this chapter for a national test for 
admission or national test providing an opportunity for course 
credit at institutions of higher learning described in section 
3501(a)(5) of this title is the amount of the fee charged for 
the test.
          (2) The number of months of entitlement charged in 
        the case of any individual for a test described in 
        paragraph (1) is equal to the number (including any 
        fraction) determined by dividing the total amount of 
        educational assistance paid such individual for such 
        test by the full-time monthly institutional rate of 
        educational assistance, except for paragraph (1), such 
        individual would otherwise be paid under this chapter.
          (3) In no event shall payment of educational 
        assistance under this subsection for a test described 
        in paragraph (1) exceed the amount of the individual's 
        available entitlement under this chapter.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *



3670. Scope of approval.
     * * * * * * *


     * * * * * * *
3697B. On-campus educational and vocational counseling.
     * * * * * * *
3699. Effects of closure or disapproval of educational institution.
3699A. Provision of certain information to educational institutions.


           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

Sec. 3674. Reimbursement of expenses

  (a)(1) Subject to paragraphs (2) through (4) of this 
subsection, the Secretary is authorized to enter into contracts 
or agreements with State and local agencies to pay such State 
and local agencies for reasonable and necessary expenses of 
salary and travel incurred by employees of such agencies and an 
allowance for administrative expenses in accordance with the 
formula contained in subsection (b) of this section in (A) 
rendering necessary services in ascertaining the qualifications 
of educational institutions for furnishing courses of education 
to eligible persons or veterans under this chapter and chapters 
30 through 35 of this title and chapter 106 of title 10, and in 
the supervision of such educational institutions, and (B) 
furnishing, at the request of the Secretary, any other services 
in connection with such chapters. Each such contract or 
agreement shall be conditioned upon compliance with the 
standards and provisions of such chapters. The Secretary may 
also reimburse such agencies for work performed by their 
subcontractors where such work has a direct relationship to the 
requirements of such chapters, and has had the prior approval 
of the Secretary.
  (2)(A) The Secretary shall make payments to State and local 
agencies, [out of amounts available for the payment of 
readjustment benefits] out of amounts in the Department of 
Veterans Affairs readjustment benefits account and amounts 
appropriated to the Secretary, for the reasonable and necessary 
expenses of salary and travel incurred by employees of such 
agencies in carrying out contracts or agreements entered into 
under this section, for expenses approved by the Secretary that 
are incurred in carrying out activities described in section 
3674A(a)(3) of this title (except for administrative overhead 
expenses allocated to such activities), and for the allowance 
for administrative expenses described in subsection (b).
  (B) The Secretary shall make such a payment to an agency 
within a reasonable time after the agency has submitted a 
report pursuant to paragraph (3) of this subsection.
  (C) Subject to paragraph (4) of this subsection, the amount 
of any such payment made to an agency for any period shall be 
equal to the amount of the reasonable and necessary expenses of 
salary and travel certified by such agency for such period in 
accordance with paragraph (3) of this subsection plus the 
allowance for administrative expenses described in subsection 
(b) and the amount of expenses approved by the Secretary that 
are incurred in carrying out activities described in section 
3674A(a)(3) of this title for such period (except for 
administrative overhead expenses allocated to such activities).
  (3) Each State and local agency with which a contract or 
agreement is entered into under this section shall submit to 
the Secretary on a monthly or quarterly basis, as determined by 
the agency, a report containing a certification of the 
reasonable and necessary expenses incurred for salary and 
travel by such agency under such contract or agreement for the 
period covered by the report. The report shall be submitted in 
the form and manner required by the Secretary.
  (4) In addition to amounts made available under paragraph 
(5), there is authorized to be appropriated to carry out this 
section $3,000,000 for fiscal year 2019 and each subsequent 
fiscal year.
  [(4) The total] (5)(A) The total amount made available under 
this section [for any fiscal year shall be $19,000,000] for 
fiscal year 2018 shall be $21,000,000 and for fiscal year 2019 
and thereafter shall be $23,000,000.
  (B) Beginning in fiscal year 2019, whenever there is an 
increase in benefit amounts payable under title II of the 
Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 401 et seq.) as a result of a 
determination made under section 215(i) of such Act (42 U.S.C. 
415(i)), the Secretary shall, effective on the date of such 
increase in benefit amounts, increase the amount in effect 
under subparagraph (A), as in effect immediately prior to the 
date of such increase in benefit amounts payable under title II 
of the Social Security Act, by the same percentage as the 
percentage by which such benefit amounts are increased.
  (b) The allowance for administrative expenses incurred 
pursuant to subsection (a) of this section shall be paid in 
accordance with the following formula:
  (c) Each State and local agency with which the Secretary 
contracts or enters into an agreement under subsection (a) of 
this section shall report to the Secretary periodically, but 
not less often than annually, as determined by the Secretary, 
on the activities in the preceding twelve months (or the period 
which has elapsed since the last report under this subsection 
was submitted) carried out under such contract or agreement. 
Each such report shall describe, in such detail as the 
Secretary shall prescribe, services performed and 
determinations made in connection with ascertaining the 
qualifications of educational institutions in connection with 
this chapter and chapters 32, 34, and 35 of this title and in 
supervising such institutions.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

Sec. 3679. Disapproval of courses

  (a)(1) Except as provided by paragraph (2), any course 
approved for the purposes of this chapter which fails to meet 
any of the requirements of this chapter shall be immediately 
disapproved by the Secretary or the appropriate State approving 
agency. An educational institution which has its courses 
disapproved by the Secretary or a State approving agency will 
be notified of such disapproval by a certified or registered 
letter of notification and a return receipt secured.
          (2) In the case of a course of education that would 
        be subject to disapproval under paragraph (1) solely 
        for the reason that the Secretary of Education 
        withdraws the recognition of the accrediting agency 
        that accredited the course, the Secretary of Veterans 
        Affairs, in consultation with the Secretary of 
        Education, and notwithstanding the withdrawal, may 
        continue to treat the course as an approved course of 
        education under this chapter for a period not to exceed 
        18 months from the date of the withdrawal of 
        recognition of the accrediting agency, unless the 
        Secretary of Veterans Affairs or the appropriate State 
        approving agency determines that there is evidence to 
        support the disapproval of the course under this 
        chapter. The Secretary shall provide to any veteran 
        enrolled in such a course of education notice of the 
        status of the course of education.
  (b) Each State approving agency shall notify the Secretary of 
each course which it has disapproved under this section. The 
Secretary shall notify the State approving agency of the 
Secretary's disapproval of any educational institution under 
chapter 31 of this title.
  (c)(1) Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter 
and subject to paragraphs (3) through (6), the Secretary shall 
disapprove a course of education provided by a public 
institution of higher learning if the institution charges 
tuition and fees for that course for covered individuals who 
are pursuing the course with educational assistance under 
chapter 30 or 33 of this title while living in the State in 
which the institution is located at a rate that is higher than 
the rate the institution charges for tuition and fees for that 
course for residents of the State in which the institution is 
located, regardless of the covered individual's State of 
          (2) For purposes of this subsection, a covered 
        individual is any individual as follows:
                  (A) A veteran who was discharged or released 
                from a period of not fewer than 90 days of 
                service in the active military, naval, or air 
                service less than three years before the date 
                of enrollment in the course concerned.
                  (B) An individual who is entitled to 
                assistance under section [3311(b)(9)] 
                3311(b)(8) or 3319 of this title by virtue of 
                such individual's relationship to a veteran 
                described in subparagraph (A).
          (3) If after enrollment in a course of education that 
        is subject to disapproval under paragraph (1) by reason 
        of paragraph (2)(A) or (2)(B) a covered individual 
        pursues one or more courses of education at the same 
        public institution of higher learning while remaining 
        continuously enrolled (other than during regularly 
        scheduled breaks between courses, semesters or terms) 
        at that institution of higher learning, any course so 
        pursued by the covered individual at that institution 
        of higher learning while so continuously enrolled shall 
        also be subject to disapproval under paragraph (1).
          (4) It shall not be grounds to disapprove a course of 
        education under paragraph (1) if a public institution 
        of higher learning requires a covered individual 
        pursuing a course of education at the institution to 
        demonstrate an intent, by means other than satisfying a 
        physical presence requirement, to establish residency 
        in the State in which the institution is located, or to 
        satisfy other requirements not relating to the 
        establishment of residency, in order to be charged 
        tuition and fees for that course at a rate that is 
        equal to or less than the rate the institution charges 
        for tuition and fees for that course for residents of 
        the State.
          (5) The Secretary may waive such requirements of 
        paragraph (1) as the Secretary considers appropriate.
          (6) Disapproval under paragraph (1) shall apply only 
        with respect to educational assistance under chapters 
        30 and 33 of this title.
  (d) Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, the 
Secretary or the applicable State approving agency shall 
disapprove a course of education described in paragraph (14) or 
(15) of section 3676(c) of this title unless the educational 
institution providing the course of education--
          (1) publicly discloses any conditions or additional 
        requirements, including training, experience, or 
        examinations, required to obtain the license, 
        certification, or approval for which the course of 
        education is designed to provide preparation; and
          (2) makes each disclosure required by paragraph (1) 
        in a manner that the Secretary considers prominent (as 
        specified by the Secretary in regulations prescribed 
        for purposes of this subsection).


Sec. 3680. Payment of educational assistance or subsistence allowances

  (a) Period for Which Payment May Be Made.--[Payment of] (1) 
Except as provided in paragraph (2), payment of  educational 
assistance or subsistence allowances to eligible veterans or 
eligible persons pursuing a program of education or training, 
other than a program by correspondence, in an educational 
institution under chapter 31, 34, or 35 of this title shall be 
paid as provided in this section and, as applicable, in section 
3108, 3482, 3491, or 3532 of this title. Such payments shall be 
paid only for the period of such veterans' or persons' 
enrollment in, and pursuit of, such program, but no amount 
shall be paid--
                  [(1)] (A) to any eligible veteran or eligible 
                person for any period when such veteran or 
                person is not pursuing such veteran's or 
                person's course in accordance with the 
                regularly established policies and regulations 
                of the educational institution, with the 
                provisions of such regulations as may be 
                prescribed by the Secretary pursuant to 
                subsection (g) of this section, and with the 
                requirements of this chapter or of chapter 34 
                or 35 of this title, but payment may be made 
                for an actual period of pursuit of one or more 
                unit subjects pursued for a period of time 
                shorter than the enrollment period at the 
                educational institution;
                  [(2)] (B) to any eligible veteran or person 
                for auditing a course; or
                  [(3)] (C) to any eligible veteran or person 
                for a course for which the grade assigned is 
                not used in computing the requirements for 
                graduation including a course from which the 
                student withdraws unless--
                          [(A)] (i) the eligible veteran or 
                        person withdraws because he or she is 
                        ordered to active duty; or
                          [(B)] (ii) the Secretary finds there 
                        are mitigating circumstances, except 
                        that, in the first instance of 
                        withdrawal (without regard to 
                        withdrawals [described in subclause (A) 
                        of this clause] described in clause 
                        (i)) by the eligible veteran or person 
                        from a course or courses with respect 
                        to which the veteran or person has been 
                        paid assistance under this title, 
                        mitigating circumstances shall be 
                        considered to exist with respect to 
                        courses totaling not more than six 
                        semester hours or the equivalent 
[Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Secretary may, subject to 
such regulations as the Secretary shall prescribe, continue to 
pay allowances to eligible veterans and eligible persons 
enrolled in courses set forth in clause (1) of this subsection 
during periods when schools are temporarily closed under an 
established policy based on an Executive order of the President 
or due to an emergency situation. However, the total number of 
weeks for which allowances may continue to be so payable in any 
12-month period may not exceed 4 weeks.]
  (2) Notwithstanding paragraph (1), the Secretary may, 
pursuant to such regulations as the Secretary shall prescribe, 
continue to pay allowances to eligible veterans and eligible 
persons enrolled in courses set forth in paragraph (1)(A)--
          (A) during periods when educational institutions are 
        temporarily closed under an established policy based on 
        an Executive order of the President or due to an 
        emergency situation, except that the total number of 
        weeks for which allowances may continue to be so 
        payable in any 12-month period may not exceed four 
        weeks; or
          (B) solely for the purpose of awarding a monthly 
        housing stipend described in section 3313 of this 
        title, during periods following a permanent closure of 
        an educational institution, or following the 
        disapproval of a course of study described in section 
        3699(b)(1)(B) of this title, except that payment of 
        such a stipend may only be continued until the earlier 
                  (i) the date of the end of the term, quarter, 
                or semester during which the closure or 
                disapproval occurred; and
                  (ii) the date that is 120 days after the date 
                of the closure or disapproval.
  (b) Correspondence Training Certifications.--No educational 
assistance allowance shall be paid to an eligible veteran or 
spouse or surviving spouse enrolled in and pursuing a program 
of education exclusively by correspondence until the Secretary 
shall have received--
          (1) from the eligible veteran or spouse or surviving 
        spouse a certificate as to the number of lessons 
        actually completed by the veteran or spouse or 
        surviving spouse and serviced by the educational 
        institution; and
          (2) from the training establishment a certification 
        or an endorsement on the veteran's or spouse's or 
        surviving spouse's certificate, as to the number of 
        lessons completed by the veteran or spouse or surviving 
        spouse and serviced by the institution.
  (c) Apprenticeship and Other On-Job Training.--No training 
assistance allowance shall be paid to an eligible veteran or 
eligible person enrolled in and pursuing a program of 
apprenticeship or other on-job training until the Secretary 
shall have received--
          (1) from such veteran or person a certification as to 
        such veteran's or person's actual attendance during 
        such period; and
          (2) from the training establishment a certification, 
        or an endorsement on the veteran's or person's 
        certificate, that such veteran or person was enrolled 
        in and pursuing a program of apprenticeship or other 
        on-job training during such period.
  (d) Advance Payment of Initial Educational Assistance or 
Subsistence Allowance.--(1) The educational assistance or 
subsistence allowance advance payment provided for in this 
subsection is based upon a finding by the Congress that 
eligible veterans and eligible persons may need additional 
funds at the beginning of a school term to meet the expenses of 
books, travel, deposits, and payment for living quarters, the 
initial installment of tuition, and the other special expenses 
which are concentrated at the beginning of a school term.
          (2) Subject to the provisions of this subsection, and 
        under regulations which the Secretary shall prescribe, 
        an eligible veteran or eligible person shall be paid an 
        educational assistance allowance or subsistence 
        allowance, as appropriate, advance payment. Such 
        advance payment shall be made in an amount equivalent 
        to the allowance for the month or fraction thereof in 
        which pursuit of the program will commence, plus the 
        allowance for the succeeding month. In the case of a 
        person on active duty, who is pursuing a program of 
        education, the advance payment shall be in a lump sum 
        based upon the amount payable for the entire quarter, 
        semester, or term, as applicable. In no event shall an 
        advance payment be made under this subsection to a 
        veteran or person intending to pursue a program of 
        education on less than a half-time basis. An advance 
        payment may not be made under this subsection to any 
        veteran or person unless the veteran or person requests 
        such payment and the Secretary finds that the 
        educational institution at which such veteran or person 
        is accepted or enrolled has agreed to, and can 
        satisfactorily, carry out the provisions of paragraphs 
        (4)(B) and (C) and (5) of this subsection. The 
        application for advance payment, to be made on a form 
        prescribed by the Secretary, shall--
                  (A) in the case of an initial enrollment of a 
                veteran or person in an educational 
                institution, contain information showing that 
                the veteran or person (i) is eligible for 
                educational benefits, (ii) has been accepted by 
                the institution, and (iii) has notified the 
                institution of such veteran's or person's 
                intention to attend that institution; and
                  (B) in the case of a re-enrollment of a 
                veteran or person, contain information showing 
                that the veteran or person (i) is eligible to 
                continue such veteran's or person's program of 
                education or training and (ii) intends to re-
                enroll in the same institution,
        and, in either case, shall also state the number of 
        semester or clock-hours to be pursued by such veteran 
        or person.
          (3) For purposes of the Secretary's determination 
        whether any veteran or person is eligible for an 
        advance payment under this section, the information 
        submitted by the institution, the veteran or person, 
        shall establish such veteran's or person's eligibility 
        unless there is evidence in such veteran's or person's 
        file in the processing office establishing that the 
        veteran or person is not eligible for such advance 
          (4) The advance payment authorized by paragraph (2) 
        of this subsection shall, in the case of an eligible 
        veteran or eligible person, be (A) drawn in favor of 
        the veteran or person; (B) mailed to the educational 
        institution listed on the application form for 
        temporary care and delivery to the veteran or person by 
        such institution; and (C) delivered to the veteran or 
        person upon such veteran's or person's registration at 
        such institution, but in no event shall such delivery 
        be made earlier than thirty days before the program of 
        education is to commence.
          (5) Upon delivery of the advance payment pursuant to 
        paragraph (4) of this subsection, the institution shall 
        submit to the Secretary a certification of such 
        delivery. If such delivery is not effected within 
        thirty days after commencement of the program of 
        education in question, such institution shall return 
        such payment to the Secretary forthwith.
  (e) Recovery of Erroneous Payments.--(1) Subject to paragraph 
(2), if an eligible veteran or eligible person fails to enroll 
in or pursue a course for which an educational assistance or 
subsistence allowance advance payment is made, the amount of 
such payment and any amount of subsequent payments which, in 
whole or in part, are due to erroneous information required to 
be furnished under subsection (d)(2) of this section, shall 
become an overpayment and shall constitute a liability of such 
veteran or person to the United States and may be recovered, 
unless waived pursuant to section 5302 of this title, from any 
benefit otherwise due such veteran or person under any law 
administered by the Department of Veterans Affairs or may be 
recovered in the same manner as any other debt due the United 
          (2) Paragraph (1) shall not apply to the recovery of 
        an overpayment of an educational allowance or 
        subsistence allowance advance payment to an eligible 
        veteran or eligible person who fails to enroll in or 
        pursue a course of education for which the payment is 
        made if such failure is due to the death of the veteran 
        or person.
  (f) Payments for Less Than Half-Time Training.--Payment of 
educational assistance allowance in the case of any eligible 
veteran or eligible person pursuing a program of education on 
less than a half-time basis shall be made in an amount computed 
for the entire quarter, semester, or term not later than the 
last day of the month immediately following the month in which 
certification is received from the educational institution that 
such veteran or person has enrolled in and is pursuing a 
program at such institution. Such lump sum payment shall be 
computed at the rate provided in section 3482(b) or 3532(a)(2) 
of this title, as applicable.
  (g) Determination of Enrollment, Pursuit, and Attendance.--
(1) The Secretary may, pursuant to regulations which the 
Secretary shall prescribe, determine and define with respect to 
an eligible veteran and eligible person the following:
                  (A) Enrollment in a course or program of 
                education or training.
                  (B) Pursuit of a course or program of 
                education or training.
                  (C) Attendance at a course or program of 
                education or training.
          (2) The Secretary may withhold payment of benefits to 
        an eligible veteran or eligible person until the 
        Secretary receives such proof as the Secretary may 
        require of enrollment in and satisfactory pursuit of a 
        program of education by the eligible veteran or 
        eligible person. The Secretary shall adjust the payment 
        withheld, when necessary, on the basis of the proof the 
        Secretary receives.
          (3) In the case of an individual other than an 
        individual described in paragraph (4), the Secretary 
        may accept the individual's monthly certification of 
        enrollment in and satisfactory pursuit of a program of 
        education as sufficient proof of the certified matters.
          (4) In the case of an individual who has received an 
        accelerated payment of basic educational assistance 
        under section 3014A of this title during an enrollment 
        period for a program of education, the Secretary may 
        accept the individual's certification of enrollment in 
        and satisfactory pursuit of the program of education as 
        sufficient proof of the certified matters if the 
        certification is submitted after the enrollment period 
        has ended.

Sec. 3680A. Disapproval of enrollment in certain courses

  (a) The Secretary shall not approve the enrollment of an 
eligible veteran in--
          (1) any bartending course or personality development 
          (2) any sales or sales management course which does 
        not provide specialized training within a specific 
        vocational field;
          (3) any type of course which the Secretary finds to 
        be avocational or recreational in character (or the 
        advertising for which the Secretary finds contains 
        significant avocational or recreational themes) unless 
        the veteran submits justification showing that the 
        course will be of bona fide use in the pursuit of the 
        veteran's present or contemplated business or 
        occupation; or
          [(4) any independent study program except an 
        accredited independent study program (including open 
        circuit television) leading (A) to a standard college 
        degree, or (B) to a certificate that reflects 
        educational attainment offered by an institution of 
        higher learning.]
          (4) any independent study program except an 
        independent study program (including such a program 
        taken over open circuit television) that--
                  (A) is accredited by a nationally recognized 
                accrediting agency; and
                  (B) leads--
                          (i) to a standard college degree;
                          (ii) to a certificate that reflects 
                        educational attainment offered by an 
                        institution of higher learning; or
                          (iii) to a certificate that reflects 
                        completion of a course of study offered 
                                  (I) an area career and 
                                technical education school (as 
                                defined in subparagraphs (C) 
                                and (D) of section 3(3) of the 
                                Carl D. Perkins Career and 
                                Technical Education Act of 2006 
                                (20 U.S.C. 2302(3))) that 
                                provides education at the 
                                postsecondary level; or
                                  (II) a postsecondary 
                                vocational institution (as 
                                defined in section 102(c) of 
                                the Higher Education Act of 
                                1965 (20 U.S.C. 1002(c))) that 
                                provides education at the 
                                postsecondary level.
  (b) Except to the extent otherwise specifically provided in 
this title or chapter 106 of title 10, the Secretary shall not 
approve the enrollment of an eligible veteran in any course of 
flight training other than one given by an educational 
institution of higher learning for credit toward a standard 
college degree the eligible veteran is seeking.
  (c) The Secretary shall not approve the enrollment of an 
eligible veteran in any course to be pursued by radio.
  (d)(1) Except as provided in paragraph (2) of this 
subsection, the Secretary shall not approve the enrollment of 
any eligible veteran, not already enrolled, in any course for 
any period during which the Secretary finds that more than 85 
percent of the students enrolled in the course are having all 
or part of their tuition, fees, or other charges paid to or for 
them by the educational institution or by the Department of 
Veterans Affairs under this title or under chapter 106 of title 
10. The Secretary may waive the requirements of this 
subsection, in whole or in part, if the Secretary determines, 
pursuant to regulations which the Secretary shall prescribe, it 
to be in the interest of the eligible veteran and the Federal 
Government. The provisions of this subsection shall not apply 
to any course offered by an educational institution if the 
total number of veterans and persons receiving assistance under 
this chapter or chapter 30, 31, 32, or 35 of this title or 
under chapter 106 of title 10 who are enrolled in such 
institution equals 35 percent or less, or such other percent as 
the Secretary prescribes in regulations, of the total student 
enrollment at such institution (computed separately for the 
main campus and any branch or extension of such institution), 
except that the Secretary may apply the provisions of this 
subsection with respect to any course in which the Secretary 
has reason to believe that the enrollment of such veterans and 
persons may be in excess of 85 percent of the total student 
enrollment in such course.
          (2) Paragraph (1) of this subsection does not apply 
        with respect to the enrollment of a veteran--
                  (A) in a course offered pursuant to section 
                3019, 3034(a)(3), 3234, or 3241(a)(2) of this 
                  (B) in a farm cooperative training course; or
                  (C) in a course described in subsection (g).
  (e) The Secretary may not approve the enrollment of an 
eligible veteran in a course not leading to a standard college 
degree offered by a proprietary profit or proprietary nonprofit 
educational institution if--
          (1) the educational institution has been operating 
        for less than two years;
          (2) the course is offered at a branch of the 
        educational institution and the branch has been 
        operating for less than two years; or
          (3) following either a change in ownership or a 
        complete move outside its original general locality, 
        the educational institution does not retain 
        substantially the same faculty, student body, and 
        courses as before the change in ownership or the move 
        outside the general locality (as determined in 
        accordance with regulations the Secretary shall 
        prescribe) unless the educational institution following 
        such change or move has been in operation for at least 
        two years.
  (f) The Secretary may not approve the enrollment of an 
eligible veteran in a course as a part of a program of 
education offered by an educational institution if the course 
is provided under contract by another educational institution 
or entity and--
          (1) the Secretary would be barred under subsection 
        (e) from approving the enrollment of an eligible 
        veteran in the course of the educational institution or 
        entity providing the course under contract; or
          (2) the educational institution or entity providing 
        the course under contract has not obtained approval for 
        the course under this chapter.
  (g) Notwithstanding subsections (e) and (f)(1), the Secretary 
may approve the enrollment of an eligible veteran in a course 
approved under this chapter if the course is offered by an 
educational institution under contract with the Department of 
Defense or the Department of Homeland Security and is given on 
or immediately adjacent to a military base, Coast Guard 
station, National Guard facility, or facility of the Selected 

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

Sec. 3684. Reports by veterans, eligible persons, and institutions; 
                    reporting fee

  (a)(1) Except as provided in paragraph (2) of this 
subsection, the veteran or eligible person and the educational 
institution offering a course in which such veteran or eligible 
person is enrolled under chapter 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, or 36 of 
this title shall, without delay, report to the Secretary, in 
the form prescribed by the Secretary, such enrollment and any 
interruption or termination of the education of each such 
veteran or eligible person. The date of such interruption or 
termination will be the last date of pursuit, or, in the case 
of correspondence training, the last date a lesson was serviced 
by a school.
  (2)(A) In the case of a program of independent study pursued 
on less than a half-time basis in an educational institution, 
the Secretary may approve a delay by the educational 
institution in reporting the enrollment or reenrollment of an 
eligible veteran or eligible person until the end of the term, 
quarter, or semester if the educational institution requests 
the delay and the Secretary determines that it is not feasible 
for the educational institution to monitor interruption or 
termination of the veteran's or eligible person's pursuit of 
such program.
  (B) An educational institution which, pursuant to 
subparagraph (A) of this paragraph, is delaying the reporting 
of the enrollment or reenrollment of a veteran shall provide 
the veteran with notice of the delay at the time that the 
veteran enrolls or reenrolls.
  (3)(A) Subject to subparagraph (B) of this paragraph, an 
educational institution offering courses on a term, quarter, or 
semester basis may certify the enrollment of a veteran who is 
not on active duty, or of an eligible person, in such courses 
for more than one term, quarter, or semester at a time, but not 
for a period extending beyond the end of a school year 
(including the summer enrollment period).
  (B) Subparagraph (A) of this paragraph shall not apply with 
respect to any term, quarter, or semester for which the veteran 
or eligible person is enrolled on a less than half-time basis 
and shall not be construed as restricting the Secretary from 
requiring that an educational institution, in reporting an 
enrollment for more than one term, quarter, or semester, 
specify the dates of any intervals within or between any such 
terms, quarters, or semesters.
  (4) A course offered by an educational institution that does 
not begin on the first day of an academic term, but does begin 
seven or fewer days after such day, shall be treated as 
beginning on such day for purposes of this section.
  [(4)] (5) For purposes of this subsection, the term 
``educational institution'' may include a group, district, or 
consortium of separately accredited educational institutions 
located in the same State that are organized in a manner that 
facilitates the centralized reporting of the enrollments in 
such group, district, or consortium of institutions.
  (b) The Secretary, prior to making payment of a reporting fee 
to an educational institution, as provided for in subsection 
(c) of this section, shall require such institution to certify 
that it has exercised reasonable diligence in determining 
whether such institution or any course offered by such 
institution approved for the enrollment of veterans or eligible 
persons meets all of the applicable requirements of chapters 
31, 34, 35, and 36 of this title and that it will, without 
delay, report any failure to meet any such requirement to the 
  [(c) The Secretary may pay to any educational institution, or 
to the sponsor of a program of apprenticeship, furnishing 
education or training under either this chapter or chapter 31, 
34, or 35 of this title, a reporting fee which will be in lieu 
of any other compensation or reimbursement for reports or 
certifications which such educational institution or joint 
apprenticeship training committee is required to submit to the 
Secretary by law or regulation. Such reporting fee shall be 
computed for each calendar year by multiplying $12 by the 
number of eligible veterans or eligible persons enrolled under 
this chapter or chapter 31, 34, or 35 of this title, or $15 in 
the case of those eligible veterans and eligible persons whose 
educational assistance checks are directed in care of each 
institution for temporary custody and delivery and are 
delivered at the time of registration as provided under section 
3680(d)(4) of this title, during the calendar year. The 
reporting fee shall be paid to such educational institution or 
joint apprenticeship training committee as soon as feasible 
after the end of the calendar year for which it is applicable. 
No reporting fee payable to an educational institution under 
this subsection shall be subject to offset by the Secretary 
against any liability of such institution for any overpayment 
for which such institution may be administratively determined 
to be liable under section 3685 of this title unless such 
liability is not contested by such institution or has been 
upheld by a final decree of a court of appropriate 
jurisdiction. Any reporting fee paid an educational institution 
or joint apprenticeship training committee after the date of 
the enactment of the Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance 
Improvements Act of 2011 shall be utilized by such institution 
or committee solely for the making of certifications required 
under this chapter or chapter 31, 34, or 35 of this title or 
for otherwise supporting programs for veterans. The reporting 
fee payable under this subsection shall be paid from amounts 
appropriated for readjustment benefits.]
  (c)(1) The Secretary may pay to any educational institution, 
or to the sponsor of a program of apprenticeship, furnishing 
education or training under either this chapter or chapter 31, 
34, or 35 of this title, a reporting fee which will be in lieu 
of any other compensation or reimbursement for reports or 
certifications which such educational institution or sponsor of 
a program of apprenticeship is required to submit to the 
Secretary by law or regulation.
  (2) Such reporting fee shall be computed for each calendar 
year by multiplying $16 by the number of eligible veterans or 
eligible persons enrolled under this chapter or chapter 31, 34, 
or 35 of this title. The reporting fee shall be paid to such 
educational institution or sponsor of a program of 
apprenticeship as soon as feasible after the end of the 
calendar year for which it is applicable.
  (3) No reporting fee payable to an educational institution 
under this subsection shall be subject to offset by the 
Secretary against any liability of such institution for any 
overpayment for which such institution may be administratively 
determined to be liable under section 3685 of this title unless 
such liability is not contested by such institution or has been 
upheld by a final decree of a court of appropriate 
  (4) Any reporting fee paid to an educational institution or 
sponsor of a program of apprenticeship after the date of the 
enactment of the Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance 
Improvements Act of 2011 (Public Law 111-377)--
          (A) shall be utilized by such institution or sponsor 
        solely for the making of certifications required under 
        this chapter or chapter 31, 34, or 35 of this title or 
        for otherwise supporting programs for veterans; and
          (B) with respect to an institution that has 100 or 
        more enrollees described in paragraph (2) may not be 
        used for or merged with amounts available for the 
        general fund of the educational institution or sponsor 
        of a program of apprenticeship.
  (5) The reporting fee payable under this subsection shall be 
paid from amounts appropriated for readjustment benefits.
  (d) Not later than 90 days after the date of the enactment of 
this subsection, the Secretary shall ensure that the Department 
provides personnel of educational institutions who are charged 
with submitting reports or certifications to the Secretary 
under this section with assistance in preparing and submitting 
such reports or certifications.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

Sec. 3692. Advisory committee

  (a) There shall be a Veterans' Advisory Committee on 
Education formed by the Secretary which shall be composed of 
persons who are eminent in their respective fields of 
education, labor, and management and of representatives of 
institutions and establishments furnishing education to 
eligible veterans or persons enrolled under chapter 30, 32, 33, 
or 35 of this title and chapter 1606 of title 10. The committee 
shall also, to the maximum extent practicable, include a 
representative sample of veterans and other individuals who 
have used, or may in the future use, educational assistance 
benefits administered by the Secretary. The Assistant Secretary 
of Education for Postsecondary Education (or such other 
comparable official of the Department of Education as the 
Secretary of Education may designate) and the Assistant 
Secretary of Labor for Veterans' Employment and Training shall 
be ex officio members of the advisory committee.
  (b) The Secretary shall consult with and seek the advice of 
the committee from time to time with respect to the 
administration of this chapter, chapters 30, 32, 33, and 35 of 
this title, and chapter 1606 of title 10. The committee may 
make such reports and recommendations as it considers desirable 
to the Secretary and the Congress.
  (c) The committee shall remain in existence until [December 
31, 2017] December 31, 2022.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

Sec. 3697B. On-campus educational and vocational counseling

  (a) In General.--The Secretary shall provide educational and 
vocational counseling services for individuals described in 
section 3697A(b) of this title at locations on the campuses of 
institutions of higher learning selected by the Secretary. Such 
counseling services shall be provided by employees of the 
Department who provide such services under section 3697A of 
this title.
  (b) Selection of Locations.--(1) To be selected by the 
Secretary under this section, an institution of higher learning 
shall provide an appropriate space on the campus of the 
institution where counseling services can be provided under 
this section.
  (2) In selecting locations for the provision of counseling 
services under this section, the Secretary shall seek to select 
locations where the maximum number of veterans would have 
access to such services.
  (c) Annual Report.--Not later than 180 days after the date of 
the enactment of this section, and each year thereafter, the 
Secretary shall submit to Congress a report on the counseling 
services provided under this section. Such report shall 
include, for the year covered by the report--
          (1) the average ratio of counselors providing such 
        services to individuals who received such services at 
        each location where such services were provided;
          (2) a description of such services provided;
          (3) the recommendations of the Secretary for 
        improving the provision of such services; and
          (4) any other matters the Secretary determines 

Sec. 3698. Comprehensive policy on providing education information to 

  (a) Comprehensive Policy Required.--The Secretary shall 
develop a comprehensive policy to improve outreach and 
transparency to veterans and members of the Armed Forces 
through the provision of information on institutions of higher 
  (b) Scope.--In developing the policy required by subsection 
(a), the Secretary shall include each of the following 
          (1) Effective and efficient methods to inform 
        individuals of the educational and vocational 
        counseling provided under section 3697A of this title.
          (2) A centralized mechanism for tracking and 
        publishing feedback from students and State approving 
        agencies regarding the quality of instruction, 
        recruiting practices, and post-graduation employment 
        placement of institutions of higher learning that--
                  (A) allows institutions of higher learning to 
                verify feedback and address issues regarding 
                feedback before the feedback is published;
                  (B) protects the privacy of students, 
                including by not publishing the names of 
                students; and
                  (C) publishes only feedback that conforms 
                with criteria for relevancy that the Secretary 
                shall determine.
          (3) The merit of and the manner in which a State 
        approving agency shares with an accrediting agency or 
        association recognized by the Secretary of Education 
        under subpart 2 of part H of title IV of the Higher 
        Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1099b) information 
        regarding the State approving agency's evaluation of an 
        institution of higher learning.
          (4) Description of the information provided to 
        individuals participating in the Transition Assistance 
        Program under section 1144 of title 10 relating to 
        institutions of higher learning.
          (5) Effective and efficient methods to provide 
        veterans and members of the Armed Forces with 
        information regarding postsecondary education and 
        training opportunities available to the veteran or 
  (c) Postsecondary Education Information.--(1) The Secretary 
shall ensure that the information provided pursuant to 
subsection (b)(5) includes--
          (A) an explanation of the different types of 
        accreditation available to educational institutions and 
        programs of education;
          (B) a description of Federal student aid programs; 
          (C) for each institution of higher learning, for the 
        most recent academic year for which information is 
                  (i) whether the institution is public, 
                private nonprofit, or proprietary for-profit;
                  (ii) the name of the national or regional 
                accrediting agency that accredits the 
                institution, including the contact information 
                used by the agency to receive complaints from 
                  (iii) information on the State approving 
                agency, including the contact information used 
                by the agency to receive complaints from 
                  (iv) whether the institution participates in 
                any programs under title IV of the Higher 
                Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1070 et seq.);
                  (v) the tuition and fees;
                  (vi) the median amount of debt from Federal 
                student loans under title IV of the Higher 
                Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1070 et seq.) 
                held by individuals upon completion of programs 
                of education at the institution of higher 
                learning (as determined from information 
                collected by the Secretary of Education);
                  (vii) the cohort default rate, as defined in 
                section 435(m) of the Higher Education Act of 
                1965 (20 U.S.C. 1085(m)), of the institution;
                  (viii) the total enrollment, graduation rate, 
                and retention rate, as determined from 
                information collected by the Integrated 
                Postsecondary Education Data System of the 
                Secretary of Education;
                  (ix) whether the institution provides 
                students with technical support, academic 
                support, and other support services, including 
                career counseling and job placement; [and]
                  (x) the information regarding the 
                institution's policies related to transfer of 
                credit from other institutions, as required 
                under section 485(h)(1) of the Higher Education 
                Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1092(h)(1)) and provided 
                to the Secretary of Education under section 
                132(i)(1)(V)(iv) of such Act (20 U.S.C. 
                1015a(i)(1)(V)(iv))[.]; and
                  (xi) information on whether the institution 
                administers a priority enrollment system that 
                allows certain student veterans to enroll in 
                courses earlier than other students.
          (2) To the extent practicable, the Secretary shall 
        provide the information described in paragraph (1) by 
        including hyperlinks on the Internet website of the 
        Department to other Internet websites that contain such 
        information, including the Internet website of the 
        Department of Education, in a form that is 
        comprehensive and easily understood by veterans, 
        members of the Armed Forces, and other individuals.
          (3)(A) If the Secretary of Veterans Affairs requires, 
        for purposes of providing information pursuant to 
        subsection (b)(5), information that has been reported, 
        or information that is similar to information that has 
        been reported, by an institution of higher learning to 
        the Secretary of Education, the Secretary of Defense, 
        the Secretary of Labor, or the heads of other Federal 
        agencies under a provision of law other than under this 
        section, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall obtain 
        the information the Secretary of Veterans Affairs 
        requires from the Secretary or head with the 
        information rather than the institution of higher 
                  (B) If the Secretary of Veterans Affairs 
                requires, for purposes of providing information 
                pursuant to subsection (b)(5), information from 
                an institution of higher learning that has not 
                been reported to another Federal agency, the 
                Secretary shall, to the degree practicable, 
                obtain such information through the Secretary 
                of Education.
  (d) Consistency With Existing Education Policy.--In carrying 
out this section, the Secretary shall ensure that--
          (1) the comprehensive policy is consistent with any 
        requirements and initiatives resulting from Executive 
        Order No. 13607; and
          (2) the efforts of the Secretary to implement the 
        comprehensive policy do not duplicate the efforts being 
        taken by any Federal agencies.
  (e) Communication With Institutions of Higher Learning.--To 
the extent practicable, if the Secretary considers it necessary 
to communicate with an institution of higher learning to carry 
out the comprehensive policy required by subsection (a), the 
Secretary shall carry out such communication through the use of 
a communication system of the Department of Education.
  (f) Definitions.--In this section:
          (1) The term ``institution of higher learning'' has 
        the meaning given that term in section 3452(f) of this 
          (2) The term ``postsecondary education and training 
        opportunities'' means any postsecondary program of 
        education, including apprenticeships and on-job 
        training, for which the Secretary of Veterans Affairs 
        provides assistance to a veteran or member of the Armed 

Sec. 3699. Effects of closure or disapproval of educational institution

  (a) Closure or Disapproval.--Any payment of educational 
assistance described in subsection (b) shall not--
          (1) be charged against any entitlement to educational 
        assistance of the individual concerned; or
          (2) be counted against the aggregate period for which 
        section 3695 of this title limits the receipt of 
        educational assistance by such individual.
  (b) Educational Assistance Described.--Subject to subsection 
(c), the payment of educational assistance described in this 
paragraph is the payment of such assistance to an individual 
for pursuit of a course or program of education at an 
educational institution under chapters 30, 32, 33, or 35 of 
this title, or chapters 1606 or 1607 of title 10, if the 
Secretary determines that the individual--
          (1) was forced to discontinue the pursuit of such 
        course or program as a result of--
                  (A) the permanent closure of the educational 
                institution; or
                  (B) the disapproval of the course or a course 
                that is a necessary part of that program under 
                this chapter by reason of--
                          (i) a provision of law enacted after 
                        the date on which the individual 
                        enrolls at such institution affecting 
                        the approval or disapproval of courses 
                        under this chapter; or
                          (ii) after the date on which the 
                        individual enrolls at such institution, 
                        the Secretary prescribing or modifying 
                        regulations or policies of the 
                        Department affecting such approval or 
                        disapproval; and
          (2) did not receive credit, or lost training time, 
        toward completion of the program of education being so 
  (c) Period Not Charged.--The period for which, by reason of 
this subsection, educational assistance is not charged against 
entitlement or counted toward the applicable aggregate period 
under section 3695 of this title shall not exceed the aggregate 
          (1) the portion of the period of enrollment in the 
        course from which the individual failed to receive 
        credit or with respect to which the individual lost 
        training time, as determined under subsection (b)(2), 
          (2) the period by which a monthly stipend is extended 
        under section 3680(a)(2)(B) of this title.
  (d) Continuing Pursuit of Disapproved Courses.--(1) The 
Secretary may treat a course of education that is disapproved 
under this chapter as being approved under this chapter with 
respect to an individual described in paragraph (2) if the 
Secretary determines, on a case-by-case basis, that--
          (A) such disapproval is the result of an action 
        described in clause (i) or (ii) of subsection 
        (b)(1)(B); and
          (B) continuing pursuing such course is in the best 
        interest of the individual.
  (2) An individual described in this paragraph is an 
individual who is pursuing a course of education at an 
educational institution under chapters 30, 32, 33, or 35 of 
this title, or chapters 1606 or 1607 of title 10, as of the 
date on which the course is disapproved under this chapter.

Sec. 3699A. Provision of certain information to educational 

  (a) In General.--For each veteran or other individual 
pursuing a course of education that has been approved under 
this chapter using educational assistance to which the veteran 
or other individual is entitled under chapter 30, 32, 33, or 35 
of this title, the Secretary shall make available to the 
educational institution offering the course information about 
the amount of such educational assistance to which the veteran 
or other individual is entitled. Such information shall be 
provided to such educational institution through a secure 
information technology system accessible by the educational 
institution and shall be regularly updated to reflect any 
amounts used by the veteran or other individual.
  (b) Election.--A veteran or other individual pursuing a 
course of education described in subsection (a) may elect not 
to provide the information described in such subsection to an 
educational institution in a manner prescribed by the 

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                      TITLE 10, UNITED STATES CODE

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Sec. 16167. Sunset

  (a) Sunset.--The authority to provide educational assistance 
under this chapter shall terminate on the date that is four 
years after the date of the enactment of the National Defense 
Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016.
  (b) Limitation on Provision of Assistance Pending Sunset.--
Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, during the 
period beginning on the date of the enactment of the National 
Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016 and ending on 
the date that is four years after the date of the enactment of 
that Act, educational assistance may be provided under this 
chapter only to a member otherwise eligible for educational 
assistance under this chapter who received educational 
assistance under this chapter for a course of study at an 
educational institution for the enrollment period at the 
educational institution that immediately preceded the date of 
the enactment of that Act.
  (c) Eligibility for Post-9/11 Educational Assistance.--A 
member who loses eligibility for benefits under this chapter 
pursuant to subsection (b) shall be allowed to elect (in such 
form and manner as the Secretary of Veterans Affairs may 
prescribe) to have such service previously credited toward this 
chapter credited towards establishing eligibility for 
educational assistance under chapter 33 of title 38, 
notwithstanding the provisions of section 16163(e) of this 
title or section 3322(h)(1) of title 38.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *


                        ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2015

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Subtitle A--Pay and Allowances

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

                    INSIDE THE UNITED STATES.

  (a) In General.--Paragraph (3) of section 403(b) of title 37, 
United States Code, is amended to read as follows:
  ``(3)(A) The monthly amount of the basic allowance for 
housing for an area of the United States for a member of a 
uniformed service shall be the amount equal to the difference 
                  ``(i) the amount of the monthly cost of 
                adequate housing in that area, as determined by 
                the Secretary of Defense, for members of the 
                uniformed services serving in the same pay 
                grade and with the same dependency status as 
                the member; and
                  ``(ii) the amount equal to a specified 
                percentage (determined under subparagraph (B)) 
                of the national average monthly cost of 
                adequate housing in the United States, as 
                determined by the Secretary, for members of the 
                uniformed services serving in the same pay 
                grade and with the same dependency status as 
                the member.
          ``(B) The percentage to be used for purposes of 
        subparagraph (A)(ii) shall be determined by the 
        Secretary of Defense and may not exceed one percent.''.
  [(b) Special Rule.--Any reduction authorized by paragraph (3) 
of subsection (b) of section 403 of title 37, United States 
Code, as amended by subsection (a), shall not apply with 
respect to benefits paid by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs 
under the laws administered by the Secretary, including 
pursuant to sections 3108 and 3313 of title 38, United States 
Code. Such benefits that are determined in accordance with such 
section 403 shall be subject to paragraph (3) of such section 
as such paragraph was in effect on the day before the date of 
the enactment of this Act.]

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