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Congress.gov Mobile vs. Full Screen – Pic of the Week

Leah K. Ibraheem recently did a guest post, Do People Look at Legislation on Their Phones? Yes, They Do!  In it she discussed how mobile traffic to Congress.gov has more than doubled as a percentage of all traffic to the website over the last four years.

When Congress.gov first launched almost six years ago, the site was built using responsive design in order to be mobile friendly.

I thought I would share a few images to illustrate how the view of the site looks on a mobile versus full screen device.  These three screen shots compare versions of the homepage, legislation, and a browse page with the mobile view on the left and the full screen on the right.

Congress.gov Homepage Mobile vs. Full Screen

Legislation on Congress.gov Mobile vs. Full Screen

Congress.gov Days in Session Browse Mobile vs. Full Screen

Working on Capitol Hill, one of the ways I use Congress.gov on my phone is when I see a Member of Congress, I will look them up to learn more about them.  How do you use Congress.gov on your phone?

An Interview with Ben Hills, Foreign Law Intern

Today’s interview is with Ben Hills, a foreign law intern working with Clare Feikert-Ahalt at the Global Legal Research Directorate, Law Library of Congress. Describe your background. I am from the United Kingdom, England specifically, and grew up in the East Midlands. I only really speak English, but am familiar with French, German, Latin, and […]

Baseball Blues: Sunday Games and the Law

There’s nothing like a Sunday afternoon baseball game. The stands are full of families, with children carrying gloves in the hopes of snagging a foul ball or, better yet, a home run ball! But it wasn’t always this way. During the early 1900s (and up until 1933), states’ blue laws prohibited baseball games being played […]

Congress.gov New, Tip, and Top for August 2018, Part 2

Robert recently blogged about the first set of enhancements to Congress.gov for August.  Earlier this year, we solicited and received a significant amount of feedback on Congress.gov.  An action item from that was to enhance the search form.  We were told it would be helpful to have the Words & Phrases box be labeled and larger.  […]

Join us for the 18th annual National Book Festival!

The Library of Congress is celebrating the 18th annual National Book Festival on Saturday, September 1, 2018, at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center. Beginning at 9:00 a.m., the Convention Center will be bursting with activities for all ages from all of the Library’s divisions. Over 100 authors will join the celebration throughout the day including U.S. […]

Engagement under Japanese Law and Imperial House Rules

The following is a guest post by Sayuri Umeda, a foreign law specialist who covers Japan and various other countries in East and Southeast Asia. Sayuri has previously written posts for In Custodia Legis on various topics, including Is the Sound of Children Actually Noise?, How to Boost your Medal Count in the Olympics, South Korean-Style, Two Koreas Separated by Demilitarized Zone, English Translations of Post-World War […]

An Interview with Sarah Ettedgui, Foreign Law Intern

Today’s interview is with Sarah Ettedgui, a foreign law intern working with Nicolas Boring at the Global Legal Research Directorate, Law Library of Congress. Describe your background. I was born in Montreal, Quebec, in Canada. My mother is Sephardic (Jewish of Moroccan and Spanish descent) and my father is Salvadoran, which has enabled me to […]

Andrew Carnegie’s Vision of World Peace Continues 105 Years Later at the Library of Congress

This is a guest post by Ashley Granby Wolf, an intern with the Law Library’s Office of External Relations.   On Wednesday, July 18, 2018, the Law Library of Congress and the Peace Palace Library in the Netherlands marked a historical moment in their nations’ long-standing diplomatic relationship. Law Librarian of Congress, Jane Sánchez, and […]