Congressman Adam Smith

Representing the 9th District of Washington

Health Care

Health Care Reform

Historically, our health care system has cost too much, didn’t cover enough people, and incentivized inefficiencies. With these concerns in mind, Congress passed and the President signed into law the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, commonly referred to as the ACA. The primary goal of the ACA was to increase access to affordable health care for the medically uninsured and underinsured.

Starting in October 2013, individuals began signing up for health insurance through the state health insurance exchanges established by the ACA – websites where individual consumers and small businesses could compare and shop for health insurance plans available in their state. Five key provisions of the law came into effect at the start of 2014: the individual mandate; pre-existing condition coverage; employer mandate; subsidies; and online health insurance exchanges.  Further, the law enhanced the quality of healthcare for those on Medicare and disallowed health insurance providers from denying individuals coverage based on preexisting conditions. It closed the Medicare drug coverage gap known as the “donut hole” and allowed recent college graduates to remain on their parent’s health insurance plan. 

Though the ACA was by no means a cure-all to challenges faced in the health care sector, it has provided a good opportunity to begin to rein in excessive costs, improve quality of care, and expand access. Moving forward, we must continue to monitor how these policies are implemented and make adjustments as necessary. One of the most challenging aspects will continue to be keeping costs under control, as well as diligent implementation of programs designed to meet this goal. For instance, the ACA contains a number of opportunities for meaningful changes to our inefficient fee-for-service system, but these changes must be aggressively implemented. 

Medicare for All 

I continue to work to ensure that health care remains affordable and accessible to everyone. The Expanded and Improved Medicare For All Act, H.R. 676, represents an important step forward in improving our health care system by establishing a single-payer, health care for all program.

Under this legislation, all individuals living in the United States or U.S. territories would have access to:

  • free primary care and prevention services
  • dietary and nutritional therapies
  • prescription drugs
  • emergency care
  • long-term care
  • mental health services
  • dental services
  • vision care

I am proud to cosponsor this legislation that recognizes health care as a basic human right.  

Health Information Technology

Advancing and streamlining our nation's health information technology system is one way in which to increase efficiency, as well as to improve the quality of care and reduce overall health care costs.  In spite of providing the most advanced medical care in the world, America's healthcare system is overly reliant on paper-based prescription and record keeping techniques that are expensive, inefficient, and sometimes lead to fatal healthcare mistakes.  Inadequate health information has resulted in medical errors, misdiagnosis, and needless test duplications that increase costs and reduce the overall quality of health care.

Health Information Technology (Health IT) has been a part of several important bills signed into law.  The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act included nearly $26 billion for hospitals and physicians to implement and improve health IT.  Additionally, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act included certain requirements around health IT in health care facilities and provided a grant program for long-term care facilities to purchase, lease, develop, and implement certified electronic health record technology.  Much more remains to be done to implement best use of health IT around the country and I am committed to ensuring that Congress does its part to ensure the success of health IT. 

Women’s Health

Personal health decisions should be left between women, their doctor, and their family; not the United States Congress. In recent years, we have seen numerous attacks on women’s health through efforts to limit access to contraception and reproductive services. I will continue to support and advocate for policies that protect women’s right to choose and improve access to family planning services.

Prescription Drug Pricing

Access and affordability of prescription drugs is critical for our health care system.  It is important that consumers are able to obtain affordable prescription drug coverage in a way that better regulates drug companies rather than passing the costs onto working Americans. I support funding and increasing the availability of resources for the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to ensure timely, but thorough research, and testing of products like generic prescription drugs and am committed to ensuring the FDA has the personnel, procedures and equipment necessary to protect consumers and improve the drug approval process. 

I also support changes to and legislation that helps lower the cost of prescription drugs by attempting to incentivize more competition within the market. I will continue to work to enact policies that will help keep necessary medical treatments within reach for all those who need them. 

Community Health Centers

I support the work of Community Health Centers (CHCs) because they play an important role in our society by providing quality and affordable health care to low-income and medically underserved individuals.  There are over 9,000 community, migrant, public housing, and homeless health center delivery sites located in all 50 states of the United States, and they serve more than 22 million patients.  CHCs operate in rural and urban communities that are designated as medically underserved because health care is either scarce or non-existent. 

Further, health centers improve access to care for tens of thousands of Washingtonians who are uninsured, are a part of the working poor, or are newly jobless.  They offer services that many other providers do not, such as transportation, translation, and culturally sensitive health care that can overcome prevalent barriers.  Their costs of care rank among the lowest, and they reduce the need for more expensive hospital in-patient and specialty care, providing significant savings for taxpayers.  CHCs lower overall health care costs, improve the health of their patients and create economic opportunities in the communities they serve by providing jobs and training local individuals.  This local approach to health care, along with an emphasis on comprehensive preventative care, generates roughly $24 billion in annual savings to the health care system nationwide.

For more information on this issue, sign up to receive Congressman Smith’s email updates.

More on Health Care

Jun 27, 2018 Press Release

Washington, D.C. – Today, Congressman Adam Smith released the following statement on the Supreme Court ruling in the Janus v. AFSCME case:

“Today’s Janus v. AFSCME Supreme Court ruling is an attack on public sector workers and their right to organize and collectively bargain for better working conditions.  The Court’s decision undermines unions’ ability to work on behalf of and be supported by those workers who benefit from collective representation.

Mar 28, 2018 Event

Join Congressman Adam Smith for a Town Hall Meeting

Congressman Adam Smith is looking forward to meeting with constituents to hear their concerns, answer questions, and discuss issues facing Congress.

When: Wednesday, March 28th from 6:00pm to 7:00pm

Where: Federal Way City Hall, 33325 8th Ave S, Federal Way, WA 98003

Mar 22, 2018 Press Release

“Today the House of Representatives passed an omnibus spending bill that funds the federal government through the end of September. This bill will give more certainty to our federal agencies, but unfortunately it underfunds key areas of the budget and takes us further down our current path of fiscal irresponsibility by ballooning our federal debt and increasing our already unmanageable deficit.  

Feb 9, 2018 Press Release

“I could have supported most, if not all, of the funding in this bill but for the fact that just two months ago, we cut taxes by $2 trillion dollars. This legislation is like quitting your job and only then deciding that you want to buy a new house and a second car. I am supportive of spending the money necessary to meet our country’s needs. I am not in favor of continuing to borrow it; I want to raise the revenue necessary.

Jan 26, 2018 Press Release


Congressman Adam Smith Delivers Weekly Democratic Address

Dec 22, 2017 Press Release

“The Republicans just reneged on their responsibility to properly fund the federal government because they were too busy giving away a $1.5 trillion dollar tax cut to corporations and the wealthy. By falling back on another short-term continuing resolution, almost a quarter of year past the due date for proper appropriations bills, they have clearly demonstrated that they are not willing to do their job. Their lack of action will directly and negatively affect the people who reside in the Ninth Congressional District and across the country. 

Dec 22, 2017 Press Release

“The Republicans’ final tax bill affirmed my opposition to this dangerous proposal. Today’s vote increased the deficit by a staggering $1.5 trillion, which overwhelmingly benefits the rich and corporations at a time when we are running historic deficits and wealth is concentrated at the top. This bill was so partisan and poorly constructed, and the process so lacking, that Senate parliamentary rules required provisions to be dropped at the last minute, which required the House to vote on the bill twice.

Dec 15, 2017 Press Release

“As Republicans in Congress continue to push their reckless tax cuts, they put at risk crucial agencies and programs, such as the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), military pensions, and Medicare. In addition to massively benefiting the wealthy and corporations, as well as reducing revenue by more than a trillion dollars, the tax bill endangers important mandatory spending priorities on which middle class and working Americans rely.                                          

Nov 27, 2017 Page

Find and enroll in a health care or dental plan for 2018 using Washington Healthplanfinder


What is Washington Healthplanfinder?

Washington Healthplanfinder is Washington State’s online health insurance marketplace. It has helped over 1 million Washingtonians enroll in or renew their health or dental plans.

Nov 9, 2017 Press Release

“Our country’s federal government is already massively in debt and cannot sustain the tax cut President Trump and the Republicans are proposing. It is both bad economic and fiscal policy to be debating a $1.5 trillion tax bill at a time when we are already $20 trillion in debt and running deficits of nearly $700 billion.  With deficits already projected to rise for the foreseeable future, this bill will have devastating impacts on our national debt and the priorities that the constituents of my district have made clear they support.
