Congressman Adam Smith

Representing the 9th District of Washington

Immigration Reform

Reforming our immigration system is long overdue. Our current laws, regulations, and enforcement do not recognize the importance of sound immigration policies to our economy and national security. We cannot afford to wait any longer to reform our immigration system in a comprehensive way.

Immigration is one of the great strengths for our nation. People from all over the world have come to our country because they see opportunity in America and a chance to build a better life for themselves and their families. The hard work and talent of immigrants have helped grow our economy and have strengthened our country for all Americans.

Legal immigration is not an obstacle to growth, but rather supplements our economic competitiveness and American jobs by attracting needed workers, high-skilled entrepreneurs, and investors. This can all be accomplished while keeping families together in a way that is consistent with American values.

I have advocated on behalf of immigrants through supporting key legislation and other advocacy efforts during my time in Congress:

  • Standing up to the Trump Administration’s dangerous executive orders banning refugees: I am an original cosponsor of the SOLVE Act and the SOLVE 2.0 Act, which would bar any federal spending on President Trump’s harmful travel bans. I have condemned these executive orders in the strongest possible terms and remain dedicated to supporting refugees and immigrants in our communities.
  • Defending DACA and Keeping Families Together: I am strongly opposed to the President’s decision to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program and have taken action to defend DREAMers and other immigrant youth. I am a cosponsor of the DREAM Act, and an original cosponsor of the American Hope Act of 2017, in support of providing a path to citizenship for DACA recipients and other immigrant youth, who were brought here as children by no fault of their own. I also sent a letter to the president along with other members of the Washington delegation, urging the President to work with Congress to pass legislation to protect DREAMers. I cosigned a letter to then-Secretary Kelly, condemning his suggestion that border agents may separate children from their families when attempting to cross the border. I am committed to supporting immigrant youth and keeping families together.
  • Ensuring an Accessible Justice System: I am an original cosponsor of the Access to Counsel Act, which would make certain that those held or detained while attempting to enter the United States are guaranteed access to legal counsel. Under current US law, there is no right to appointed counsel in immigration removal proceedings. 70% of families with no representation are deported. This bill would ensure access to counsel for noncitizens and unaccompanied children who are detained at airports, ports-of-entry, and detention centers.
  • Opposing discrimination against immigrants: Cosponsor of the Freedom of Religion Act, which would prohibit travelers, refugees, and immigrants from being denied entry to the United States based off their religion or lack of religious beliefs.
  • Supporting sanctuary cities and local immigration policies: I am an original cosponsor of the Safeguarding Sanctuary Cities Act of 2017. This legislation would ensure that any state or local authority cannot lose federal grant funding if it limits or restricts compliance with an immigration detainer request. Seattle is at risk for having federal funds cut as a self-identified “sanctuary city.” Stripping sanctuary cities of funding for not complying with certain federal immigration laws is unconstitutional and would only harm our communities.
  • Reforming our Deeply Flawed Immigration Detention System: Together with Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal (WA-07) I introduced H.R. 3923, the Dignity for Detained Immigrants Act, legislation to reform the systemic problems in our immigration detention system. Our current system is inhumane, unjust, and driven by private, for-profit corporations like The GEO Group, which operates the Northwest Detention Center located in Tacoma, Washington. This bill will end the use of private facilities and repeal mandatory detention, while restoring due process, oversight, accountability, and transparency to the immigration detention system.

The immigration system in the United States is broken and needs to be reformed. I am dedicated to fixing the system. Allowing for immigrants to become productive members of our society will only strengthen our communities, our economy, and our country's future.

For more information on this issue, sign up to receive Congressman Smith’s email updates.

More on Immigration Reform

Feb 9, 2016 Press Release

“The President’s budget proposal for Fiscal Year 2017 sets up an important debate about how our nation can continue to build an economy that allows for every American to attain economic prosperity. President Obama’s budget proposal funds critical investments to expand access to education, focuses on improving Information Technology to best deliver Federal services, and prioritizes sustainable research and development programs to help combat climate change.

Jan 12, 2016 Press Release

“In his final State of the Union address, President Obama spoke of his leadership out of the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. His administration, together with partners in Congress, has advanced policies that grew our economy and created new living-wage jobs. With 14 million new private sector jobs created over the past 70 months, and the longest continued period of private sector job growth in our history, our nation is looking forward to the future with renewed hope.

Jan 7, 2016 Press Release

“I am extremely disturbed by recent accounts of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) actions in several states that are specifically targeting undocumented women and children from South and Central America. It has been reported that these raids have already resulted in the detention of 121 individuals, including in many cases, individuals who were not originally the focus of targeted enforcement actions.

Jan 6, 2016 Op-Ed

Disturbing statements from Republicans running for the White House demand our close attention. They complain that President Obama is not doing enough militarily in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan Libya, and in dealing with the threat from the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

Nov 18, 2015 Press Release

Our number one priority is protecting the United States and the American people from terrorist attacks.  In the strongest possible terms, I condemn the cowardly attacks in Paris and send my deepest sympathies to the victims.  As we fight terrorism, we must stay true to the values enshrined in our Constitution, remember that we are a nation of immigrants, and not let terrorist groups define or change who we are. The attacks in Paris highlight the continued challenge we face in the fight against terrorist networks.  

Nov 9, 2015 Event

Congressman Smith to Host Town Hall in Seattle

Ninth District Congressman Adam Smith will host a Town Hall on November 9, 2015 in Seattle.  Congressman Smith is looking forward to meeting with constituents and hearing all questions and concerns. 

Who: Congressman Adam Smith

What: Rep. Smith is hosting a Town Hall event where constituents can meet and interact with the Congressman and voice concerns on the issues of the budget, immigration, education, climate change, and more. 

When: Monday, November 9th at 7:00 pm 

Oct 6, 2015 Press Release

“Last week, despite multiple hunger strikes, public protests over conditions, and lack of transparency in contract negotiations, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) signed a new contract with the GEO Group to operate the Northwest Detention Center (NWDC) for the next nine years and six months.”

Oct 2, 2015 Press Release

Congressman Adam Smith joined Representatives Deutch, Foster, Watson Coleman, Castro and Polis in offering an amendment to remove the detention bed quota from the short-term Continuing Resolution for Fiscal Year 2016.  

Jun 25, 2015 Press Release

Congressman Adam Smith released the following statement regarding the Department of Homeland Security’s revised plan to limit family detention:

“The Department of Homeland Security’s revised plan for family detention again fails to address the real issue. We must end family detention, not mend it.  Jailing children and mothers has devastating impacts on these families and in order to truly fix this problem we must implement more sensible, humane, and cost-effective alternatives to detention.  Our government must get out of the business of detaining families.”

May 15, 2015 Press Release

Congressman Smith released the following statement in response to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) announced action on family detention centers:
