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For Immediate Release

WASHINGTON D.C.-- Congresswoman Marcia L. Fudge (OH-11)  announced today she will fast for a day with 26 other members of Congress and Hungerfast, in opposition to the FY2012 GOP budget cuts that threaten vulnerable communities in America.   Congresswoman Fudge will join a growing list of Representatives in a fast begun by  Ambassador Tony Hall, a former Member of Congress.

Members are participating  in a "relay fast," each abstaining from eating for a day before the next Representative takes his or her turn, a small symbol of sacrifice for those who will lose much more from the cuts. The fasts began on April 7th. Congresswoman Fudge is scheduled to fast for 24 hours during the week of April 18.

"This is a small sacrifice to demonstrate my opposition to balancing our budget on the backs of the most vulnerable in our society, low-income children, the elderly, and working families.  They will bear the burden of the budget cuts, while millionaires enjoy tax breaks.

"The impact will be devastating; millions will be cut from funding for Medicaid, slashing funds to sustain care for seniors in nursing homes. Health care for children and Americans with disabilities will decrease and 200,000 kids will be kicked out of Head Start. Fifty thousand Head Start teachers will lose their jobs. The cuts are a very real threat to the well being of these Americans.  They are a stark obstacle for them to provide a better life for their children. "

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