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CLEVELAND, OH-- Today, Representative Marcia L. Fudge (D-OH) and five other Members of Congress sent a letter to President Obama requesting that the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) employees suspended without pay be reinstated or given paid leave while their files are reviewed.

The letter which was also signed by Senators Brown and Voinovich and Representatives Sutton, LaTourette, and Kucinich, follows yesterday's announcement by Principal Deputy Director of DFAS, Gus Gustafson that "DFAS has suspended termination actions in regard to background clearance issues for DFAS employees pending a review." Members of Congress were not notified until yesterday afternoon that these individuals would be suspended without pay while their files are being reviewed.

"I'm disappointed in DFAS' decision to suspend these public servants' pay in the midst of a tough economic situation," said Rep. Fudge. "This is just the mirage of justice, but not justice itself."

In the letter, the Members made the following appeal:
"As Commander in Chief, we respectfully request that you reinstate these DFAS workers while their cases are reviewed or grant them paid leave.  Suspending these public servants without the right of appeal, full due process, and without pay in this economic climate is an injustice that demands a swift response by your Administration.  

"Given the urgency of the situation, your prompt and thorough response is greatly appreciated."  

Read the full letter here.

On March 22, 2010 Rep. Fudge spoke with DFAS Director Teresa McKay to request greater details on the policy that has resulted in indefinite suspensions and terminations of employees for reasons such as a low personal credit score.
That same day, Rep. Fudge sent a letter calling for greater transparency of DFAS' relevant policies.

On March 23, 2010, Rep. Fudge joined her colleagues Representatives Kucinich, Sutton and LaTourette in calling for these terminations to be suspended.

Yesterday, both the Department of Defense and DFAS announced the terminations would be suspended and an in-depth, thorough review of the workers' cases would be conducted. Late yesterday Members of Congress learned that those same workers would be suspended without pay while the review is conducted.

On April 1, 2010, Director McKay responded to Rep. Fudge's her letter dated March 22, 2010.

On April 23, 2010 at 6:00 pm, Rep. Fudge is holding a public discussion on DFAS related issues with the local DFAS union. She is inviting her colleagues in the Ohio Congressional delegation, and the DFAS National and Cleveland leadership to hold an honest dialogue. It will be held at the Cleveland AFL-CIO, which is located at 3250 Euclid Avenue in Cleveland, OH.

In 2009, Rep. Fudge was instrumental in reinstating two DFAS employees, who are her constituents, before there was a general awareness that the credit policy impacted a large number of people.

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