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Congresswoman Marcia Fudge Statement on the 80th Anniversary of the Social Security Act


WASHINGTON, D.C. - Congresswoman Marcia L. Fudge (OH-11) released the following statement on the 80th Anniversary of the Social Security Act:

“For 80 years, Social Security has provided older Americans with the support they deserve after years of hard work.  It has been the most effective program to prevent seniors from living in poverty and, for many, has become their sole source of income.

“In Ohio, Social Security helps more than 2 million residents, with 136,763 beneficiaries in the 11th Congressional District. I have spent time with many of them, and they have told me Social Security is not just another check, it is an essential economic lifeline.

“Despite the need for this important program, Congress has struggled to find a solution to continue its funding.  House Republicans passed a budget this year to privatize the program and cut its funding to dangerous levels.  On this 80th Anniversary, let’s pledge to reverse these measures and protect this critical program.  Future generations of Americans are depending on Social Security; we must not turn our back on them.”

