There is one summary for S.Con.Res.3. Bill summaries are authored by CRS.

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Introduced in Senate (01/03/2017)

Establishes the congressional budget for the federal government for FY2017 and sets forth budgetary levels for FY2018-FY2026.

Recommends levels and amounts for FY2017-FY2026 in both houses of Congress for:

  • federal revenues,
  • new budget authority,
  • budget outlays,
  • deficits,
  • public debt,
  • debt held by the public, and
  • the major functional categories of spending.

Recommends levels and amounts for FY2017-FY2026 in the Senate for Social Security and Postal Service discretionary administrative expenses.

Includes reconciliation instructions directing the Senate Finance Committee; and the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee to each submit deficit reduction legislation to the Senate Budget Committee by January 27, 2017.

Includes reconciliation instructions directing the House Energy and Commerce Committee and the House Ways and Means Committee to each submit deficit reduction legislation to the House Budget Committee by January 27, 2017.

(Under the Congressional Budget Act of 1974, reconciliation bills are considered by Congress using expedited legislative procedures that prevent a filibuster and restrict amendments in the Senate.)

Establishes: (1) a deficit-neutral reserve fund for health care legislation, and (2) a reserve fund for health care legislation. (The reserve funds provide the chairmen of the congressional budget committees with flexibility in applying budget enforcement rules to health care legislation that meets specified criteria. Under the reserve funds, the chairmen may revise committee allocations, aggregates and other appropriate levels in this resolution, and the pay-as-you-go [PAYGO] ledger in the Senate.)