About Sacramento County | Congressman Ami Bera

Congressman Ami Bera

Representing the 7th District of California
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About Sacramento County

The Fair Oaks bridge in Spring.

My family and I are happy to call Sacramento County home. We live in a beautiful area with much to offer – everything from being America’s Farm-to-Fork Capital, to vibrant local schools and businesses, to the American River parkway. You can refer to this section to learn more about our region, our history, as well as recreation and other points of interest.

California’s 7th Congressional District:

It’s my honor to represent California’s 7th Congressional District, which resides entirely within Sacramento County. Learn more about our district here.


Learn more about the local history of our region by visiting this page.

Local Libraries:

In addition to wide book selections, many local libraries in the Sacramento County area offer free internet access and a variety of other useful resources for community residents. 

Local Colleges and Universities:

As a former educator and a parent, I am proud that our region boasts a number of distinguished colleges and universities that are helping to build tomorrow’s high-skilled workforce. Click here to see some of the higher education institutions in our area.

Recreation and Points of Interest:

We are blessed to live in an area with such great natural beauty and so many places to explore and have fun with family, friends, and loved ones.  If you are new to Sacramento County, a visitor, or just looking for information on all our region has to offer, please refer to this page for more information.