Bill Introduced Description
S.344 Jan-29-09

A bill to require hedge funds to register with the Securities and Exchange Commission, and for other purposes.

S.340 Jan-28-09

A bill to enhance the oversight authority of the Comptroller General of the United States with respect to expenditures under the Troubled Asset Relief Program.

S.298 Jan-22-09

A bill to establish a Financial Markets Commission, and for other purposes.

S.255 Jan-15-09

A bill to amend the Truth in Lending Act to empower the States to set the maximum annual percentage rates applicable to consumer credit transactions and for other purposes.

S.241 Jan-14-09

A bill to amend the Truth in Lending Act to permit deferrals on certain home mortgage foreclosures for a limited period to allow homeowners to take remedial action, to require home mortgage servicers to provide advance notice of any upcoming reset of the mortgage interest rate, and for other purposes.

S.235 Jan-14-09

A bill to amend the Truth in Lending Act to establish fair and transparent practices relating to the extension of credit under an open end consumer credit plan, and for other purposes.

S.195 Jan-09-09

A bill to extend oversight, accountability, and transparency provisions of the Emergency Economic Assistance Act of 2008 to all Federal emergency economic assistance to private entities, to impose tough conditions for all recipients of such emergency economic assistance, to set up a Federal task force to investigate and prosecute criminal activities that contributed to our economic crisis, and to establish a bipartisan financial market investigation and reform commission, and for other purposes.

S.176 Jan-07-09

A bill to improve the job access and reverse commute program, and for other purposes.

S.165 Jan-07-09

A bill to amend the Truth in Lending At, to prevent credit card issuers from taking unfair advantage of college students and their parents, and for other purposes.

S.133 Apr-06-09

A bill to prohibit any recipient of emergency Federal economic assistance from using such funds for lobbying expenditures or political contributions, to improve transparency, enhance accountability, encourage responsible corporate governance, and for other purposes.