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Congressman Albio Sires

Representing the 8th District of New Jersey

Press Releases

Jul 16, 2015 Press Release

(Washington, D.C.) – Today, Congressman Sires released the following statement regarding the 11 commercial flights that reported lasers directed at their aircrafts as they flew over New Jersey last night:

Jul 16, 2015 Press Release

(Washington, D.C.) – This week, Congressman Sires voted in favor of several pieces of legislation critical to assisting New Jersey veterans, homeowners, and those affected by Superstorm Sandy.

Jul 14, 2015 Press Release

(Washington, D.C.) – Today, Congressman Sires issued the following statement regarding the proposed nuclear agreement to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon:

Jul 1, 2015 Press Release

(Washington, D.C.) –  Today, Congressman Sires issued the following statement regarding the Administration’s decision to open an American Embassy in Havana:

Jun 26, 2015 Press Release

(Washington, D.C.)  Congressman Sires released the following statement regarding today’s Supreme Court decision on Obergefell v. Hodges:

Jun 25, 2015 Press Release

(Washington, D.C) –  Congressman Sires released the following statement regarding today’s Supreme Court decision on King v. Burwell:

May 12, 2015 Press Release

(Washington, D.C.) – Last week, Congressman Albio Sires introduced H.R. 2241, the Global Health Innovation Act of 2015, to encourage the development of health products that are affordable, culturally appropriate, and easy to use in low-resource health systems. This bill will require the U.S.

May 6, 2015 Press Release
Update of nearly 20-year old plan critical to managing NJ’s water resources

(Washington, D.C.) – U.S. Rep. Bill Pascrell, Jr. (NJ-09) was joined by Reps. Frank Pallone, Jr.

Apr 21, 2015 Press Release

(Washington, D.C.) – Today, New Jersey Representatives Albio Sires and Bill Pascrell, Jr.

Apr 14, 2015 Press Release

(Washington, D.C.) – Today, Congressman Sires issued the following statement regarding the Administration’s decision to remove Cuba from the State Sponsor of Terror List:
