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Congressman Albio Sires

Representing the 8th District of New Jersey

Congressman Sires Statement on Cairo Bombing of Coptic Complex

Dec 12, 2016
Press Release

Washington, D.C. – Today, Congressman Sires issued the following statement on the bombing in Cairo, Egypt that targeted Coptic Christians.

"Attacking innocent civilians is a deplorable and cowardly act. Families and communities should never live in fear of violence taking place at their houses of worship. These institutions have served as sanctuaries for thousands of years and I am appalled by the deliberate targeting of innocent men, women, and children during their Sunday services. Reports of 25 confirmed dead, dozens more injured, and with the death toll expected to rise, this bombing is a brutal reminder of the prejudices facing Egypt’s Coptic Christians, a long persecuted minority who make up roughly 10 percent of the population.    

I offer my condolences to the families of victims who perished in the bombing. My thoughts and prayers go out to all those still awaiting news regarding the safety of their loved ones in Cairo. I hope the Egyptian government honors its promises on the swift and thorough investigation of these vicious crimes.”