B-04, Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510-7106
9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m., Monday - Friday
Phone: (202)224-7701 (availability inquiries only)
Fax: (202)228-2815
E-mail: orders@sec.senate.gov
Documents Available
The Senate document room provides copies of publications generated by the Senate, including bills and resolutions; legislative and executive reports, including conference reports; documents; and committee assignment lists (pdf). The document room also supplies copies of public laws and treaties. Bills, resolutions, and committee rosters are available for the current Congress only. All other items are held 10 years or more.
Many bills are available online or through a depository library.
Documents produced by the House are available from the House Legislative Resource Center.
How to Obtain Senate Documents
You can request documents in person, in writing, via e-mail, or via fax. Please use document numbers, and not bill titles or descriptions, in your request.
Active Legislation is one of several resources that will help you find bill numbers.