Congressman Rick Nolan

Representing the 8th District of Minnesota
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Nolan Urges Speaker Ryan to Bring up Obamacare for Amendments

Oct 31, 2016
Press Release

U.S. Rep. Rick Nolan today urged Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Paul Ryan to immediately bring the Affordable Care Act (ACA) up under an open rule when Congress returns to Washington for the lame duck session in November.

“Health care premiums are skyrocketing, the American people are demanding action, and the urgent need for ACA reform has never been more clear,” Nolan said. “I hope we can put politics aside and make ACA reform the immediate, urgent, bipartisan priority it needs to be for the American people.”

Nolan emphasized Speaker Ryan’s earlier commitment to restore Regular Order in the House, where bills are allowed to come through the committee process and be amended on the floor of the House. Republican House leadership has never permitted the Affordable Care Act to be brought up on the House floor under an open rule.

Nolan continued:

“We could, for example, debate the merits of a public option for those not able to afford insurance under the present system. We could consider allowing the federal government to negotiate pharmaceutical prices under the Affordable Care Act and Medicare, as the VA does for our military Veterans and as many other nations do for their people. Some advocate allowing people to purchase insurance policies across state lines. There are many good, creative ideas and options are out there just waiting to be examined.”

The full text of the letter is below:

The Honorable Paul Ryan

Speaker, U.S. House of Representatives

H-232, The Capitol

Washington, DC 20515

Dear Mr. Speaker:

I respectfully urge you to immediately bring the Affordable Care Act (ACA) up under an open rule when Congress returns to Washington for the lame duck session in November. Health care premiums are skyrocketing, the American people are demanding action, and the urgent need for ACA reform has never been more clear.

Mr. Speaker, you were elected to lead the House under a promise to restore Regular Order, where bills are allowed to come through the committee process as we find common ground through discussion, debate and open rules on the floor of the House. Yet not once has Republican leadership permitted the Affordable Care Act to be brought up under an open rule. Not once have Members been given the opportunity to put their best ideas on the table to fix what needs fixing, and to offer thoughtful amendments that will receive an up or down vote.

I’m certain our colleagues on both sides of the aisle will have many good ideas. We could, for example, debate the merits of a public option for those not able to afford insurance under the present system. We could consider allowing the federal government to negotiate pharmaceutical prices under the Affordable Care Act and Medicare, as the VA does for our military Veterans and as many other nations do for their people. Some advocate allowing people to purchase insurance policies across state lines. There are many good, creative ideas and options are out there just waiting to be examined.  We simply need to sort out the best ones and advance them.

In summary, Mr. Speaker, I hope we can put politics aside and make ACA reform the immediate, urgent, bipartisan priority it needs to be for the American people. Thank you for your consideration.


Richard Nolan

Member of Congress