Congressman Rick Nolan

Representing the 8th District of Minnesota
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House Passes Nolan Defense Amendment Cutting Off Funds for Syrian and Iraqi Factions that Misuse U.S. Arms and Training

May 15, 2015
Press Release

[WASHINGTON, D.C.] – The U.S. House has passed a bipartisan amendment by Congressman Rick Nolan (MN-08) directing that all further U.S. training and equipment funds be withheld from any U.S.-sponsored military faction in Syria or Iraq once the Department of Defense finds they have misused American arms and resources.

The Nolan amendment was approved unanimously during lengthy consideration of the $604.2 billion National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016.

“We need to stop funding and supplying those who make a mockery of America’s good intentions,” Nolan explained. “My amendment simply assures that American taxpayers will stop funding the activities of so-called ‘allies’ in Iraq and Syria once the Secretary of Defense has determined that they have misused the training and equipment we have provided for them.”

“Time and again, the weapons we supply in these conflicts end up being used against us – because we have no friends in these endless sectarian wars where we have supported every side at one time or another.”

“In fact, many experts on the Middle East fear and even predict that the so-called “moderate” Syrian rebels we are training and arming to fight ISIL fully intend to use those resources against the Syrian government – against our explicit instructions and intentions - and that many of these fighters will eventually join ISIL – and use our own weapons against us once again,” Nolan added.

The Nolan amendment affects $1.315 billion in combined authorizations for the Syria Train and Equip program and the Iraq Train and Equip program – both of which provide training and equipment for so called ‘moderates’ alleged to be supporting the U.S. in the ongoing myriad of conflicts in the region.