Recent Press Releases

Washington, DC – U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell released the following statement today on President Bush’s notification to Congress of his intent to continue the national emergency with respect to Burma and the associated sanctions:

“President Bush’s decision to continue the national emergency regarding Burma sends a strong message to the ruling junta that their actions will not be tolerated by the U.S. government. It also comes at a time when the unelected Burmese government has decided to enter into a deal with Russia to build a nuclear-research reactor.”

‘Secure borders, real security infrastructure are required for my support of any legislation’

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell made the following statement Thursday regarding the bipartisan proposal on border security and immigration reform:

“It’s encouraging to see a group of Senators from such a wide arc of the political spectrum reach an agreement on one of the most difficult issues facing our nation. The need to secure our borders, and to have a real security infrastructure in place is critical; it’s a requirement for my support of any legislation. I believe the agreement is far stronger than the bill the Senate produced last year. I will review the text of the bill and I hope to be able to support it when the Senate turns to this issue next week."
