Recent Press Releases

‘Last night, I told the President that we’re all happy to look at whatever he proposes. But the truth is, we’re coming up against a hard deadline here, and, as I said, this is a conversation we should have had months ago. And Republicans aren’t about to write a blank check for anything Senate Democrats put forward just because we find ourselves at the edge of the cliff. It’s not fair to the American people. That said, we’ll see what the President has to propose. Members on both sides of the aisle will review it, and then we’ll decide how best to proceed. Hopefully there is still time for an agreement of some kind that saves the taxpayers from a wholly preventable economic crisis.’
‘Look: It’s the President’s job to find a solution that can pass Congress. He’s the only one who can do it. This isn’t John Boehner’s problem to solve. He’s done his part. He’s bent over backwards. How about rallying your party around a solution? How about getting Democrats to support something? I’ve said it many times before: We simply cannot solve the problems we face unless and until the President of the United States either finds the will or develops the ability to lead. This is a moment that calls for presidential leadership. That’s the way out of this. It’s that simple.’