Press Releases

Washington, D.C. -- U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell released the following statement after Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid agreed to a vote on U.S. Senator Judd Gregg’s amendment, “A Second Look at Wasteful Spending” on the next bill before the Senate:

“I appreciate that the Democratic Leadership has put politics aside to reach an agreement that guarantees a vote on this important amendment. Fiscal responsibility is more than a campaign slogan, and I trust that my colleagues will stand with the voters and support this commonsense reform when it returns to the floor. I am confident that we can now move forward to pass the ethics reform bill without further delay and demonstrate to the voters that reform is our first order of business.”

McConnell is a co-sponsor of the ethics reform bill and the Gregg amendment, which gives the President the opportunity to veto wasteful spending and use the savings for deficit reduction.
