Press Releases

‘It’s surprising that the resolution the Democrat leadership settled on calls only for a stay-the-course strategy—no change in current policy, no reinforcements for Gen. Petraeus’

Washington, D.C. – Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell issued the following statement regarding reinforcements for Gen. Petraeus in Iraq:

“We know with certainty the security situation in Baghdad has not allowed the Iraqi government to succeed, or for security and stability to take hold there. So it’s surprising the resolution the Democrat leadership settled on calls only for a stay-the-course strategy—no change in current policy, no reinforcements for Gen. Petraeus—as we begin a new way forward in Iraq.

“Though it’s disappointing the Democrat leadership blocked votes and debate on troop funding, and have criticized the new security plan without a positive alternative, we will soon have a chance to back up rhetorical support for the troops with real funding. We will have the opportunity for the Congress to vote not just on a non-binding resolution, but on real legislation that will fund our troops in the field. It remains the view of the overwhelming majority of our conference we ought to have the Iraq debate as soon as possible. It is clearly and unambiguously the most important issue in the country and we welcome a debate.”
