Recent Press Releases

‘My request to the Majority Leader would be to move to the National Defense Authorization Act at the soonest possible moment to allow the Senate to debate and amend the bill. If there are members on the other side who support the White House effort to bring unlawful enemy combatants into the United States for purposes of detention and civilian trial, the Senate can debate that matter during consideration of the bill. I know that many members on my side would very much appreciate a debate on the importance of keeping detainees currently held at Guantanamo from returning to the battlefield, especially in places like Yemen.’
‘So my suggestion to the White House is that if the President wants to keep traveling around the country demanding a vote on this second stimulus, that he focuses his criticism on Democrats, not Republicans. Because they’re the ones who are now standing in the way of an immediate vote on this legislation. But, of course, the President knew as well as I did that many Democrats in Congress don’t like this bill any more than Republicans do. Despite his rhetoric, he knew Republicans weren’t the only obstacle. Which means one thing: the President is not engaged right now in a good-faith effort to spur the economy or create jobs through legislation. He’s engaged in a reelection campaign.’
‘So this morning, I reiterate the same plea that I have consistently made for the past two and a half years. My suggestion to the President is that he put aside proposals for which we know there is bipartisan opposition and focus instead on proposals for which we know both sides can agree. Free trade agreements are a good first step. But they’re just that — a first step. If we’re going to tackle the enormous challenges we face, we need to come together on much more than that.’