Press Releases

‘Today we acknowledge Dr. Borlaug for saving more than a billion lives’

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell delivered the following remarks (as prepared) on Tuesday for the Congressional Gold Medal Ceremony honoring Dr. Norman E. Borlaug:

“As a very young boy, Dr. Borlaug’s grandfather Nels once told his grandson, ‘Norm-boy, it’s better to fill your head now if you want to fill your belly later.’

“Dr. Borlaug took his farmer grandfather’s words to heart. He filled his head with plant genetics and new agricultural production methods.

“Then he took what he learned and filled the bellies of millions, from Mexico to Pakistan to India; throughout Asia and across Africa.

“Today we acknowledge Dr. Borlaug for saving more than a billion lives. His grandfather’s advice, spoken on the family farm in northern Iowa, has echoed around the globe.

“The Congressional Gold Medal we present Dr. Norman E. Borlaug with today is the highest honor the Congress of the United States can bestow.

“But as great a tribute to Dr. Borlaug as this medal is, I suspect it will not grow his worth one bit in the eyes of someone who is alive today because of his work.

“I imagine that for that person, who may be on the other side of the world, the greatest tribute is still the abundant wheat that grows thanks to Dr. Borlaug’s scientific breakthroughs.

“Dr. Borlaug, it’s probably been a while since you were called ‘Norm-boy.’ I’m sorry I just gave that away.

“It’s an honor to welcome you to the Capitol and present you with this Congressional Gold Medal. Thank you for filling bellies in America and across the world.

“Thank you.”
