Press Releases

“Friends of Democracy are Cheering the People of Burma in Their Heroic Struggle”

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell made the following statement Monday regarding the recent peaceful demonstrations in Burma:

“Like millions of people throughout the world I have been inspired over the past several days by the courage of those in Burma who are peacefully protesting against the policies of the State Peace and Development Council (SPDC). Their efforts, part of what is already being called the ‘Saffron Revolution,’ evoke memories of 1989 when equally brave men and women stood up to Communist oppression in Europe and watched equally cruel regimes crumble.

“Now is the time for the UN envoy, Mr. Gambari, to seize the moment and use the good offices of the Secretary General to work for the betterment of the Burmese people. He and the Secretary General himself need to be working diligently to ensure that the momentum of the last several weeks is not lost and is instead translated into real progress toward the democratization of Burma; the release of all political prisoners, including Aung San Suu Kyi; and the inclusion of ethnic minorities in a peaceful reconciliation process. This is all the more important since the UN Security Council has until now been paralyzed on issues involving Burma because of China’s intransigence.

“Friends of democracy are cheering the people of Burma in their heroic struggle. In addition, they are keeping a close eye on the SPDC to see how it responds to the peaceful demonstrators. The world is also watching the United Nations to ensure that the international body lives up to its mandate and does not permit this precious moment to slip away.”
