Press Releases

McConnell on Judge Mukasey

October 17, 2007

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell delivered the following remarks on the Senate floor Wednesday regarding the confirmation process for Judge Michael Mukasey to serve as Attorney General of the United States:

“Today the Judiciary Committee will begin hearings on the nomination of Judge Michael B. Mukasey to be the nation’s 81st Attorney General.

“Judge Mukasey has outstanding qualifications and a sterling reputation. Throughout four decades, he selflessly devoted his life to public service, culminating in his selection as Chief Judge of the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York.

“As a jurist, Judge Mukasey handled complex legal problems judiciously, thoughtfully, and fairly. The complex problems that face the Justice Department merit similar serious treatment, and I am confident that were he to be confirmed, Judge Mukasey will bring his trademark qualities to bear in analyzing them.

“Analyzing these problems requires a careful and deliberative process. It is a process that starts today, and it will continue after the Judiciary Committee’s hearings are over. It is a process that does not lend itself to snap judgments or snap answers.

“Judge Mukasey will not abandon his trademark qualities of judiciousness and thoughtfulness today, nor should we want him to.

“And it would be injudicious and un-thoughtful for Judge Mukasey to make snap judgments about particular outcomes on highly complex--and highly-sensitive--policies in the war on terror before he even gets into office. Judge Mukasey is not read into some of these programs, and is not, at the present time, fully familiar with others.

“And even if he were fully familiar with them, it would be imprudent for him to discuss their classified features in open session, while our enemies are watching.

“The Senate Judiciary Committee should be mindful of the complex problems that Judge Mukasey is being called on to solve, as well as the constraints under which he is operating. And it should treat him fairly.

“If he is treated fairly, I am confident that the Committee will report him to the floor for a prompt up or down vote.”
