Press Releases

Let’s Finish Our Work

December 11, 2007

‘Let’s protect the taxpayers’ wallets, fund the troops, and end this otherwise unproductive exercise’

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell spoke on the Senate floor Tuesday regarding spending restraint for the remaining appropriations bills and the need to fund our troops in the field:

“It’s hard to understand the complaints we’re hearing from the other side on our supposed lack of compromise on spending.

“We’ve sought compromises all year — dozens of appropriations committee and subcommittee hearings, which is the normal process.

“But we’re now a quarter of the way into the fiscal year. Reasonable, responsible people understand the time to get the work done is now.

“We can keep going back and forth with the House, but that would only further delay our fundamental responsibility of getting these spending bills signed into law.

“Let’s protect the taxpayers’ wallets, fund the troops, and end this otherwise unproductive exercise.”
