Press Releases


December 10, 2007

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell spoke on the Senate floor Monday in honor of International Human Rights Day and the ongoing situation in Burma:

“On this International Human Rights Day, I would like to take a moment to call attention to the tragic lack of human rights the world recently witnessed in Burma.

“Just a few months ago, we watched in hope as pro-democracy activists took to the streets in quiet protest against the oppressive policies of the State Peace and Development Council.

“Then we watched in horror as the Burmese regime showed its ugly face by putting down these peaceful protesters, killing many and leaving still more unaccounted for.

“Soon, the sounds of gunfire gave way to rumors of tortured prisoners and the rounding up of Buddhist monks who had sought nothing more than justice and peace and freedom.

“Unfortunately, the news cycle also gave way — to new stories and new images. And a world that had been outraged by what it saw in Burma soon moved on to other pressing things.

“But the U.S. Senate has not forgotten.

“We’re not fooled by the SPDC’s all-too-modest efforts at ‘dialogue’ with Aung San Suu Kyi.

“Nor are the people of Burma. Nor is the world.

“And so it’s my hope on this International Human Rights Day that the UN Security Council will this month turn its attention to consideration of an arms embargo on Burma.

“Burma faces no external threats. It uses its weapons not to defend itself, but to maintain its grip on power and to intimidate its own people.

“Several weeks ago, Senator Biden and I introduced S. 2257, the Burma Democracy Promotion Act of 2007, which would further tighten U.S. sanctions on the SPDC.

“A companion measure in the House is expected to be considered soon. It is my hope that in the very near future we can move to Burma sanctions legislation. In so doing we would reaffirm this body’s longstanding commitment to freedom and democracy in Burma.

“Let’s not forget the images that shook the world, nor the people who stood up against their oppressors, many of whom still suffer for the bravery they showed in those days.

“On this International Human Rights Day, let’s show them and the world we remember their struggle.”
