Press Releases

‘We should resist calls to double the capital gains tax or to raise taxes on Americans making as little as $31,850 a year’

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell made the following statement Friday on recent calls for an increase in taxes, and the detrimental effect of those proposals on Americans earning as little as $31,850 a year:

“In a time when our economy faces challenges it is important that we remember what has made the American economy competitive: the American people. Taking money out of the pockets of hardworking Americans and putting it into the hands of Washington bureaucrats courtesy of a tax increase is not good for our economy nor is it good for American families.

“We should resist calls to double the capital gains tax or to raise taxes on Americans making as little as $31,850 a year. Raising taxes is the last thing our economy and the American people need right now.”
