Press Releases

We can focus on continued security in the Middle East, instead of what will happen in November

Washington, D.C.—U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell made the following statement on the five-year anniversary of the war in Iraq and the need to provide the armed forces with everything they need so that they can return in success:

“Last week, congressional leaders from both parties stood together in the Capitol Rotunda to pay tribute to the service of our troops. Though we will continue to engage in a spirited debate on the future of our national security, we can do so in a manner which honors the brave men and women who have sacrificed so much for our country. We can rise above political fights and focus on continued security in the Middle East, instead of what will happen in November. And we can spend less time telling the troops their mission is unwinnable, and more time focused on providing them with the funding they need to succeed in their mission.

“On this fifth anniversary of U.S. military service in Iraq, we must provide our armed forces everything they need so that they can return to their families in success.”
