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Washington, D.C.U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell made the following remarks on the Senate floor regarding the administration’s need to focus on meaningful job creation:

“Over the past several days we’ve seen a number of stories about how Democrats plan to spend the year gearing up for the November elections by making an issue out of the economic hardships faced by Americans.

“In other words, instead of working on reforms that would actually help people overcome the challenges so many of them face in this economy, Democrats plan to exploit these folks for political gain.
“It’s pretty amazing if you think about it.
“We’re now in the sixth year of the Obama Administration. We all know the stock market’s been doing great. So the richest among us are doing just fine. But what about the poor? What about working-class folks? What about folks who work in industries that liberals in Washington don’t approve of, like coal?
“How have these Americans been doing in the Obama economy?
“Well, record numbers of them are having a terrible time.

“One indicator is the growth of the food stamp program. Consider this: since this President took office, the number of Americans who’ve signed up for food stamps has skyrocketed — it’s up almost half.

“And nearly 4 out of 10 unemployed Americans are trapped in long-term unemployment.
“What’s worse, the poorest Americans are the ones who’ve often had the hardest time recovering in this economy. Yes, the President took office in the midst of an economic crisis. No one disputes that. But for many Americans, a terrible situation seems to have only gotten worse during over the course of this administration. 

“So for the President to turn around and try to blame his political opponents for the suffering we see out there, well, it takes nerve. It also assumes a collective case of national amnesia. Remember: these are the same folks who gave us the stimulus, who gave us tax increases, and who gave us Obamacare. All of it was done in the name of helping the little guy — in the name of greater equality. And what’s it given us? This mess.

“Record numbers of long-term unemployed, record numbers on food stamps, people losing their health care plans, others seeing the premiums shoot up when they can least afford it. And now, another call for a government fix. Washington Democrats have shown almost no interest for five years in working together on ways to create the kind of good, stable, high-paying jobs that people really want and need.

“This is a real disservice, first and foremost, to those who are struggling the most out there — from the college graduate who suddenly finds herself wondering why she’s got huge student loans debts but no prospects for work, to the 50-year old dad who’s worked his whole adult life but suddenly can’t find a job that meets either his needs or his potential.

“And yet this administration’s proposed solution is just to slap another Band-Aid from Washington on it and call it a day. Yes, we should work on solutions to support those who are out of work through no fault of their own. But there is no excuse to pass unemployment insurance legislation without also finding ways to create good, stable, high-paying jobs – and also trying to find the money to pay for it. So what I’m saying is, let’s support meaningful job creation measures, and let’s find a way to pay for these UI benefits so we’re not adding to an already unsustainable debt.

“Unfortunately, the Administration seems almost totally disinterested in solutions that don’t put government in the lead, and it seems nearly incapable of working with those who don’t share that belief.
“And that, in many ways, is precisely why we’re in this situation.

“Because it’s only when you believe government is the answer to all your problems that you talk about unemployment insurance instead of job creation, and the minimum wage instead of helping people reach their maximum potential
“So it’s time to get away from ‘temporary’ government programs, and give the American people the tools they need to drive an economy that truly works for them and their families.

“We could start with one of the real bright spots in our economy: energy – a field that’s poised to help our economy create millions of jobs if only the administration would get out of the way.
“Another area where we should be able to work together is health care.
“By almost any metric, affordability, accessibility and even the ratio of cancellations to enrollments, this law has imposed more pain and distress than many had thought possible. Centrists, moderates, conservatives and just about any sensible person outside the Democrat congressional delegation in Washington has long understood this.
“But now, even the Left is starting to come to grips with the painfully obvious fact that the law it fell in love with can’t possibly work. Last week, one of the Great Pooh-Bahs of the Left admitted that ‘Obamacare is awful,’ calling it ‘the dirty little secret many liberals have avoided saying out loud.’ I don’t agree with this man on much else, including his broader ideas on health care, but it’s good to hear a grandee of the Left at least admit this much.

“And his words point to a larger truth: that the President’s Amen chorus had ample opportunity to speak truth to power when it mattered, and that most chose to stay silent. For that, the law’s apologists have left the American people to pay the price. Let me read you part of a letter I recently received from Jennifer Bell, a resident of Hopkinsville:

‘I have less coverage than I did before. I didn't get to keep MY policy that I was happy with. Every dollar I have to pay more is a dollar taken from my family. I never thought that in America, we would be forced to purchase something we cannot afford. We worked hard to get to where we are. Now we are being forced to pay more in order to pay for someone else's insurance. How is that fair?’

“I hear you, Jennifer. Everyone on this side of the aisle hears these concerns.

“And here’s something else: many Kentuckians are finding that Obamacare is about more than just higher premiums and cuts to Medicare – it’s also about a lack of access to doctors and hospitals. One of the most left-wing papers in my state recently ran a big story about how many Obamacare coverage networks exclude so many of the hospitals my constituents want to use.
“A few weeks ago, the Majority Leader basically said that criticisms of Obamacare amounted to jokes. Well, he might like to think this is all some ‘joke’ – but the constituents who’ve been writing me about the consequences of this failed law don’t see it that way. I know this must weigh heavily on our Democrat colleagues. I know they can’t see so many Americans hurting because of decisions they made and feel nothing.
“Well, let me say this to our colleagues on the other side of the aisle. It’s a new year, a time for new beginnings.
“So if you’re ready to work with us, Republicans are here.

“Together, we can start over on health care. Together, we can give the American people the kind of health reform they really deserve – reform that can lower costs and improve the quality of care.

“But, just like with solving the problems of joblessness and unemployment, it’s something that we can only do together.”

USDA Adopts McConnell View that Tobacco Growers Should Receive Full Amount of Final Buyout Payment

McConnell urged USDA to fulfill its obligation to farmers

January 6, 2014

WASHINGTON, D.C. – United States Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell announced today that the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) informed him that tobacco quota holders will receive the full amount of their final tobacco payment, as directed by a provision within the Budget Control Act, by the end of FY 2015. Senator McConnell was the primary author of the historic 2004 tobacco buyout. 
Last year, USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack announced that tobacco buyout payments would be subjected to a 7.2% sequestration this year – the final year of tobacco buyout payments. However, Senator McConnell contacted Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack and Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Director Sylvia Mathews Burwell identifying a provision within the Budget Control Act that would allow quota holders to receive full payment.

“I am pleased that the USDA agreed to provide our farmers with the full final payment amount that they need and deserve, and that Kentucky farmers will not lose the money that was promised to them in the settlement,” Senator McConnell said. “Tobacco is one of the Commonwealth’s most historic, signature industries. I worked hard to deliver this buyout to Kentucky’s tobacco growers, who are some of the hardest working agricultural workers in our state. This buyout helped transition the crop to the free market and eliminated federal farm price supports for tobacco in exchange for billions in compensation paid to tobacco quota owners.”

Roger Quarles, current President and Chairman of the U.S. Growers Tobacco Company and former president of the Burley Tobacco Growers Cooperative, praised Senator McConnell for his work to secure the full payments for Kentucky tobacco growers. "Senator McConnell has once again proven to be one of the strongest allies for tobacco and agriculture in Washington,” Quarles said. “Senator McConnell has ensured that the tobacco buyout, of which he championed ten years ago, is seen through all the way. Farm families from Florida to Virginia and as far west as Missouri are elated to look forward to payment in full for the last of the payments as promised 10 years ago. And particularly Kentucky farmers and tobacco growers are most thankful."

Background: In 2004, the tobacco buyout established the USDA TTPP to provide tobacco quota holders with a final opportunity to receive annual transition payments from 2005-2014 in exchange for the termination of all federal restrictions, marketing cards and price support loans for tobacco.  Section §518a. of the Tobacco Buyout which states:  “The Secretary shall offer to enter into a contract with each tobacco quota holder under which the tobacco quota holder shall be entitled to receive payments under this section in exchange for the termination of tobacco marketing quotas and related price.” 

According to the University of Kentucky, tobacco sales in Kentucky were projected to reach $400 million for 2013.

McConnell to Oppose Confirmation of IRS Commissioner Nominee

‘The IRS has done a lot to lose the trust of the American people. It will need to do a lot more to regain it.’

December 19, 2013

Washington, D.C.U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell made the following remarks on the Senate floor regarding the nomination of John Koskien to lead the IRS:

“Earlier this year, the Internal Revenue Service admitted responsibility for an incredible abuse of power.
“In the midst of an election season, it targeted and harassed Americans for the supposed crime of thinking differently.

“An agency with access to some of the most personal information of every taxpaying American betrayed their trust. And in doing so, it showed the lengths to which this administration will go to stifle those who dissent from its policies.
“All of this was, and remains, an outrage.

“It’s the kind of thing we might expect from a banana republic or a third-world dictatorship, not the world’s leading democracy. And the worst part is, we still don’t know everything that happened — or if it’s still going on.

“That’s because the bipartisan investigation into all this still hasn't concluded yet.

“It’s unclear to me how seriously the White House is taking this investigation. In many ways it seems to have treated the scandal more as a public relations problem to get past than a serious problem to solve.
“And now — get this — they just expect the elected representatives of the people to roll over and rubber stamp a new presidential nominee to head the IRS. They want Congress to forget what happened too, and just move on.

“They expect us to just clear the way tomorrow and let them ram through the President’s new pick to run the IRS.
“Look: The American people deserve answers about how and why this targeting happened. They deserve justice too. And I will not be supporting any nominee to lead this agency until the American people get the answers they deserve.
“But, of course, the Democrats in charge of the Senate changed the rules a few weeks back in order to ensure they could get their way on nominees, no matter what the American people think. It’s the same kind of attitude we’ve seen on the NDAA bill too, where the Majority Leader prevented other members from offering amendments.
“They’ll just do what they want – even if it means breaking the rules.
“So, if John Koskinen does find himself confirmed tomorrow, I want him to know a few things.
“First of all, he should understand that I don’t hold any animus toward him personally.
“Under different circumstances, I might very well have been able to support him.
“We had a good conversation when we met recently to discuss his nomination.
“But he’s also someone I’ll be keeping a close watch on, as will the other members of my conference. As will the American people. Because big challenges lie ahead for the next IRS Commissioner, whoever he or she may be.

“We expect the next IRS Commissioner to cooperate fully with the ongoing investigation into this scandal.
“We expect whoever is eventually confirmed to hold those who broke or bent the rules accountable.

“We expect the next Commissioner to fairly implement the laws that he or she is charged with executing.
“To his credit, Mr. Koskinen has assured me he agrees with me on a topic I feel strongly about – that the IRS should stay out of regulating political speech. He told me so himself. And I was pleased to hear it.
“And so were he to become Commissioner, I’d expect him to oppose the extremely misguided proposed IRS rule that aims to overturn more than 50 years of settled law and practice by unfairly targeting the speech of those who criticize the Administration while leaving its supporters untouched. This proposed rule, which redefines what ‘social welfare’ means in order to target certain groups that seek to educate the public, would end up penalizing federal, state, and local organizations for the supposed ‘crime’ of providing information – much of it non-partisan or bipartisan.
“The goal is clear: to make it easier to push through the back door what Congressional Democrats have been unable to pass through the front door — discriminatory policies that seek to silence those who dare oppose them.
“It’s just the latest in a long and troubling pattern of Chicago-style tactics under this administration. And it’s exactly the kind of political meddling that the next Commissioner needs to ensure never happens again.
“Let’s not forget: the IRS should be a boring place, an impartial agency of tax collectors, not the Vanguard of the Left.

“The next Commissioner needs to see to it that the organization finally returns to its mission.
“And he or she needs to root out those who would have the IRS target Americans for the way they think.
“Lastly, as I’ve told Mr. Koskinen, I’m deeply concerned about the IRS’ role in implementing Obamacare.
“The fact of the matter is, Obamacare represents a dramatic expansion of the use of the tax code to pick winners and losers. It gives the agency broad new responsibilities for enforcing Obamacare’s most onerous mandates, and to hand out nearly a trillion dollars in taxpayer subsidies. And in order to do all this, it will need to know who has insurance, penalize those who don’t, and determine who’s eligible for subsidies and how much they ought to receive – something that the agency has a very troubled history in doing with other programs.
“And if they get any of that wrong, they’ll need to come back and repossess subsidies after the fact too.
“In my view, the IRS doesn’t have any business snooping even further into the lives of our constituents — especially at a time when it’s already under a cloud of scandal. It’s just one of the many reasons I opposed Obamacare in the first place, and why I continue to oppose it.
“So if Mr. Koskinen is to become Commissioner, then — at a minimum — I expect him to hold the agency to the highest standards when it comes to protecting the privacy of the people we represent.
“I expect him to provide regular, transparent updates to Congress on the status of implementation, and to let us know of any problems as soon as they arise.
“The last thing we need is for the IRS to compound the pain it and Obamacare have already inflicted upon the American people by allowing fraud and further mistreatment to happen under its watch.

“The IRS has done a lot to lose the trust of the American people. It will need to do a lot more to regain it.
“Following the advice I just laid out would put the IRS on a better path. And, if Mr. Koskinen ends up becoming the next Commissioner, that advice will form the criteria upon which his performance will be judged.”