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`Republicans offered a fully-offset 30-day extension of this bill that didn’t just cover its cost, but actually reduced the deficit. Democrats rejected it. We offered an amendment that would have provided a long term extension of the expired provisions and lowered the deficit by $55 billion dollars over 10 years. Democrats rejected that too. This should be an easy one, but Democrats are making it difficult because they just can’t seem to bring themselves to pay for legislation.’

Senator McConnell talked about BP, the oil spill and the Administration’s handling of the crisis on Fox News Sunday (June 20, 2010).  Here are some excerpts from the interview:


On the DNC BP ad and the need for BP to pay for all damages:

“I couldn't disagree with Joe Barton more: BP doesn't need an apology, they need to apologize to us and they certainly need to cover all the costs of the clean-up and the economic damages as well. And they're going to. I think it’s important to remember the President of the United States, I believe, was the biggest recipient of BP political contributions when he ran. So that's nonsense. We want to get it cleaned up.”

On raising questions about the administration’s role in the clean-up efforts in the Gulf:

“And I think the administration -- you know, the President, himself, is in charge of developing a national contingency plan to deal with oil spills. What happened to it? We know there are skimmers around the world that could be sent here. Where are they? The administration has a role to play in this and they haven't done a very good job so far.”

On the BP CEO’s yachting and the President’s golfing, and the frustration on Gulf coast residents and officials:

“All of these guys could use a better PR advisor, but the point is we need to get the oil leak stopped and keep as much as the oil off the shore as we can. Clearly, not enough is being done. All the local officials on the Gulf are frustrated as they can be. I read a story about Governor Riley in Alabama locating a particular piece of equipment in Bahrain, himself, getting it flown over and having a bureaucrat telling him it had to go to Louisiana, not Alabama. You have shrimpers on shore who want to pitch in and help. Governor Jindal has been frustrated because of the difficulty in getting permission to do things that they want to do. Let’s concentrate on getting the leak stopped, which is BP’s responsibility; we understand that. Keeping the oil off the shore, the federal government is the lead horse on that. And you know, the President has been advocating expansion of government across the board in virtually every area. If you are going to advocate expansion of the government, then you look not so good when the government you're already in charge of doesn't function very well.”

You can view the full interview in the video section of this website.