Congressman Tom Rice

Representing the 7th District of South Carolina

Balanced Budget for a Better, Stronger America

Mar 25, 2015
Press Release

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Tom Rice (SC-07) released the following statement after the U.S.  House of Representatives passed H. Con. Res. 27, a budget plan for Fiscal Year 2016:

“South Carolinians and taxpayers across the country want to see our federal government manage its  money like they do—on a budget.  Today, we passed a budget plan that balances and outlines a savings roadmap for the government to follow.  This budget cuts spending, saves tax dollars, and bolsters defense; but that is not all.  It addresses issues important to my constituents, like the repeal of Obamacare, tax reform, and relief from federal regulations.

“Ultimately, the Balanced Budget for a Stronger America brings our country one step closer to completing our budget process, and one step closer to getting our country back on a path of fiscal responsibility.”

H. Con. Res. 27, as amended, cuts trillions in spending and it balances.  Due to unrest in the Middle East, this budget plan makes funds available to bolster defense spending, if needed.  The following is a snapshot, provided by the House Budget Committee, of the Balanced Budget for a Stronger America:

Balances the Budget
•  Balances the budget in less than 10 years without raising taxes, in contrast to the President whose budget never balances
•  Cuts $5.5 trillion in spending – higher than any previous House Budget Committee proposal
•  Calls for a fairer, simpler tax code to promote job creation and a healthy economy
•  Places the country on a path to paying off the debt by growing the economy and making government more efficient, effective and accountable
•  Calls on Congress to pass a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution

Repeals Obamacare
•  Repeals Obamacare in full – including all of its taxes, regulations and mandates
•  Promotes freedom of choice, affordability, and patient-centered health care solutions
•  Eliminates IPAB, an unelected, unaccountable board of bureaucrats charged with making coverage decisions on health care

Ensures a Strong National Defense
•  Provides for a strong national defense through robust funding of troop training, equipment and compensation
•  Boosts defense spending above the president’s levels while putting in place a plan to responsibly address the current spending caps and the threat of sequester  

Secures Our Future
•  Ends the Obamacare raid on Medicare
•  Strengthens Medicare by making structural improvements to save the program
•  Eliminates the “double dipping” of Disability Insurance and Unemployment Insurance
•  Prevents the president’s plan to raid the regular Social Security Trust Fund

Restores Federalism
•  Rejects the notion that Washington knows best and devolves power back to the states
•  Promotes innovation and flexibility for Medicaid, nutrition assistance, education and other programs

Cuts Waste, Corporate Welfare and Improves Accountability
•  Cuts waste, eliminates redundancies and ends the practice of Washington picking winners and losers in our economy
•  Calls for reforms to the regulatory system to improve transparency, efficiency, effectiveness and accountability