Press Releases

‘The Bluegrass chapter has performed a noble service for Kentucky’s World War II veterans’
WASHINGTON, D.C.– U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell announced today that the Senate has unanimously approved a resolution he co-sponsored commending the work done by Honor Flight.
Honor Flight, a national non-profit organization, works to transport World War II veterans from anywhere in the country to see their memorial in the Nation’s Capital. Due to the work of its dedicated volunteers, veterans are able to make this trip, free of charge.
So far, the Bluegrass Chapter of Honor Flight, headed by Brian Duffy, has worked to bring nearly 150 veterans to Washington, D.C., since their first trip in May of this year.
“I am fortunate to have met many volunteers from the Bluegrass chapter of Honor Flight and the heroes they have helped,” Senator McConnell said.  “Under Brian Duffy’s great leadership, this chapter has performed a noble service for Kentucky’s World War II veterans.”
            “I am pleased to see that the U.S. Senate has gone on record as recognizing the efforts of Honor Flight,” Brian Duffy said.  “Senator McConnell’s support for the Bluegrass chapter of Honor Flight, and of Kentucky veterans, has been steadfast and unwavering.” 
            For more information on Honor Flight, or to learn how you can help, please visit