Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi

Representing the 12th District of California

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Pelosi Statement on Shooting at Pulse Nightclub in Orlando

Jun 13, 2016
Press Release

Contact: Drew Hammill/Evangeline George, 202-226-7616

San Francisco – Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi released the following statement on the mass shooting at Pulse nightclub in Orlando:

"Our nation has woken to the agonizing news of the brutal attack in Orlando last night.  We are horrified and heartbroken to see such hate leveled at so many people hoping just to spend a night out dancing.

"Our hearts ache for all those killed in this senseless attack, and we pray for the swift recovery of all those who were wounded.  While many questions have yet to be answered, the pain of this attack in a mainstay of the Orlando LGBT community is surely magnified as our nation celebrates LGBT Pride month.  

"We will not allow hate and terror to succeed in blinding us with fear.  May it be a comfort to the loved ones of those who were killed, and all the people of Orlando, that so many across America are holding them in their thoughts at this terrible time."

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