Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi

Representing the 12th District of California

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Pelosi Statement on Republicans’ Legislative Hearing Targeting LGBT Americans for Discrimination

Jul 12, 2016
Press Release

Contact: Drew Hammill/Caroline Behringer, 202-226-7616

Washington, D.C. – House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi today released the following statement on Republicans’ “Religious Liberty and the First Amendment Defense Act,” a Committee on Oversight and Government Reform hearing on H.R. 2802, which targets LGBT Americans for discrimination:

“Exactly one month after 49 people were murdered in Orlando, House Republicans are convening a hearing on a bill that would use American tax dollars to discriminate against LGBT families and other Americans.  House Republicans’ shameful anti-LGBT bigotry is a disgrace to our nation, especially during this time of national mourning.

“As we mourn tragedy after tragedy, our responsibility to confront hatred has an even greater urgency.  Republicans should stop their despicable anti-LGBT campaign and join with Democrats to protect all Americans from hate and discrimination.”

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