Press Releases

‘We face a simple choice: we can either work together to confront the big issues of the day that neither party is willing or able to tackle on its own, or the Majority can instead focus on narrow, partisan issues that appeal to a tiny sliver of the populace but which lack the support of the American mainstream’

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell delivered the following remarks on the Senate floor Monday regarding the bipartisan accomplishments that can be achieved by working with President-elect Obama and the Democratic Majority:

“First, I’d like to congratulate President-elect Obama on his victory. It’s a rare honor for the Senate to send one of its own to the White House. Regardless of party, every one of us, I’m sure, feels a certain institutional pride in the event.

“I called President-elect Obama shortly after his victory to offer my congratulations, and he was gracious in congratulating me on my own victory when he returned the call. As it happened, I was grocery shopping at the local Kroger when the call came.

“I told the President-elect that I’ll be here to work with him once he takes office. I think both of us are eager to confront the challenges ahead. And I told him he can expect cooperation on the confirmation of qualified nominees to key cabinet posts.

“Faced with two wars overseas and a complex financial crisis at home, the American people shouldn’t have to worry about a power vacuum at places like the Pentagon, the State Department, Treasury or the Department of Homeland Security.

“History offers a fairly clear path to success or failure for new presidents. The path I have discussed with President-elect Obama is one that can lead to success.

“As I see it, we face a simple choice: we can either work together to confront the big issues of the day that neither party is willing or able to tackle on its own, or the Majority can instead focus on narrow, partisan issues that appeal to a tiny sliver of the populace but which lack the support of the American mainstream.

“In my view, the choice is simple. But the work that follows will not be. So I hope President-elect Obama will go after the big things, and go after them early. If he does, our chances of achieving a positive result for the American people will be greatly increased.

“We could start with some of the things President-elect Obama spoke about on the campaign trail — such as cutting spending, paying down the national debt, providing speedy tax relief, committing to a long-term strategy for energy independence, and reining in out-of

control entitlement spending that threatens to consume 70% of the federal budget in just nine years.

“These are the challenges Senator Obama campaigned on. They also happen to be issues on which Republicans and Democrats can agree. The American people are looking to us to resolve these issues. And Senate Republicans are ready to get that work done.”
