Press Releases

‘As we consider new legislation this week, we must first ensure that we do no harm to taxpayers later in our efforts to help any one particular industry now’

WASHINGTON, D.C.—U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell made the following remarks on the Senate floor Monday regarding proposed auto legislation:

“Congress returns this week at a time of grave concern about the state of our nation’s economy.

“Americans are worried about the credit markets that serve as the lifeblood of our Main Street economy. They are worried about the broader financial industry. And now they are worried about the possibility of another major convulsion coming from the auto industry — an important source of jobs throughout America, including my own state of Kentucky.

“As we consider new legislation this week, we must first ensure that we do no harm to taxpayers later in our efforts to help any one particular industry now.

“That is why Republicans insist that any proposal aimed at helping the auto industry include a firm commitment on its part to significant and fundamental reform. Troubled automakers cannot expect taxpayer help without a serious commitment to change their ways — permanently.

“Any assistance from Congress would hold the auto industry accountable to essential reforms from day one. And it would include enforcement capabilities, including strict, immediate accountability and oversight. Automakers should not expect any new appropriations. And Congress will not draw on funds that have already been designated to stabilize the entire economy in order to help one sector of it.

“As Congress works to help stabilize the broader economy we cannot expose the taxpayers to new burdens without the promise of avoiding in the future the same mistakes that created these problems in the first place. This is the principle that should guide all of us in this week’s negotiations. I know it will guide Republicans.”
