Congressman Sean Maloney

Representing the 18th District of New York
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Maloney Releases 2014 Bullying Prevention Report Following Summit

May 5, 2014
Press Release
Survey: 18% of New York High School Students Targets of Bullying and 16% of Cyberbullying

Newburgh, NY – After hosting the 1st Annual Hudson Valley Bullying Prevention Summit where more than 100 local students and teachers attended, Representative Sean Patrick Maloney (NY-18) released his 2014 Bullying Prevention Report, which highlights findings, best practices, and prevention resources formulated by students and teachers to combat bullying in the Hudson Valley. A copy of this report will be sent to every middle and high school across the Hudson Valley. 

"As the father of two young girls, I want to make sure parents, teachers and students across the Hudson Valley have resources to combat bullying in our classrooms, playgrounds, and in our communities," said Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney. "There is no place in school for bullying and intolerance – giving folks the tools to reduce bullying will help our children, families and communities grow stronger, and safer.”

A 2011 CDC survey of New York high school students reported that during the last year nearly 18% had been bullied at school and 16% had experienced cyberbullying. According to a report by Harris Interactive, nationally 28% of middle school and high schools students experience bullying at school. Of those bullied, only 36% of those told an adult, and only 37% reported that immediate action was taken by school staff to address the situation. In 2010, New York passed the Dignity for All Students Act to prohibit bullying and harassment in schools.  

Since joining Congress Rep. Maloney has been a strong advocate for bullying prevention in the Hudson Valley. Rep. Maloney is a member of the Congressional Anti-Bullying Caucus and is an original co-sponsor of the Safe Schools Improvement Act, which establishes policies to prevent and prohibit bullying and harassment in schools. Rep. Maloney is also an original co-sponsor of the Student Non-Discrimination Act, which prohibits public schools from excluding students from any federally-assisted educations program based on their sexual orientation or gender identity. 
