Congressman Sean Maloney

Representing the 18th District of New York
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Maloney Votes to End Flight Delays

Apr 26, 2013
Press Release
Calls on Congress to Avert Other Hudson Valley Furloughs


Washington, D.C. - Representative Sean Patrick Maloney (NY-18) today joined a bipartisan coalition to vote in support of H.R. 1765, the Reducing Flight Delays Act. While preserving deficit reducing spending cuts, this legislation gives the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) the flexibility to prevent furloughs and avert the closure of small airport towers around the country.


“We absolutely need to cut spending, but with the tower at Dutchess Airport in danger of closing and thousands of Americans left stranded on runways, Congress finally took a step in the right direction to fix these arbitrary cuts,” said Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney. “Sequestration is a terrible idea left over from the last Congress, and with more furloughs coming at places like at West Point, we need a real solution – not another short term patch.” 


Since February, Rep. Maloney has been calling on the House of Representatives to pass a fair, balanced proposal to replace the sequester. Earlier this year, Rep. Maloney also questioned FAA Administrator Michael Huerta, on the impact of sequestration on local airports like Dutchess County.