Recent Press Releases

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Kentucky U.S. Senators Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul and Kentucky’s 1st Congressional District Representative Ed Whitfield visited Fort Campbell, Ky., for the welcoming ceremony for Major General John F. Campbell, Commander of 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault). The Members of Congress attended the uncasing of the colors and spent time with members of our Armed Forces.

“It was an honor to attend the welcome home ceremony at Ft. Campbell today to pay tribute to the 101st Airborne Division, one of the most respected divisions in our armed services. These extraordinary men and women leave their loved ones thousands of miles behind and put on their country’s uniform every day, with their lives in the balance. They’ve seen their friends and fellow soldiers make the ultimate sacrifice, and yet they fight on. And they continue to make their country, the Commonwealth of Kentucky, and this Senator very proud,” Senator McConnell said. “When we honor our service members we also honor their families, who endure the long months with a loved one gone and in harm’s way. This country would not have the finest fighting force in the world without their sacrifice and support as well. Earlier this year, I had the opportunity to visit the 101st headquarters in Afghanistan and today it was a privilege to be able to welcome some of those brave men and women home.”

“The sacrifice of our men and women in uniform is great – and the resolve and strength these brave soldiers carry is inspiring. I am honored to have attended this special occasion, and to have had the opportunity to speak with soldiers and their families as they were reunited. Kentucky is fortunate to have Fort Campbell, and America is fortunate to have the services of the brave soldiers who call it home,” Sen. Paul said.

“Welcoming the 101st Airborne Division back to Fort Campbell is an experience like no other. Today, we celebrated the safe return of these brave Americans who, under the leadership of Maj. Gen. Campbell, courageously executed their mission in Afghanistan,” Rep. Ed Whitfield said. “We also remembered the fallen members of the 101st who answered the call to serve their country.  We offer all members of the 101st our heartfelt appreciation for their service as we welcome them home.”


`Everyone who enters our courtrooms should have the assurance that judges will uphold their rights equally, and that they won’t overstep their bounds. Mr. Liu’s writings provide no such assurance. On the contrary, they suggest a deeply-held commitment to the view that the Constitution can mean pretty much whatever a judge wants it to, that judges can just make it up as they go along.’