Recent Press Releases

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell made the following statement Tuesday regarding the vote on Senator Rand Paul’s amendment designed to fund our nation’s high-priority infrastructure needs without adding to our deficit:

"I am disappointed that Senate Democrats failed to recognize the importance of Sen. Paul’s legislation to the people of Kentucky. This legislation was an innovative way to address our transportation infrastructure in Kentucky, and would have enabled us to repair our bridges and roads without adding to our deficit. Kentuckians are tired of financing every turtle tunnel and solar panel company, rather than using the funds to repair our bridges and roads.”

‘House Republicans have passed bill after bill, many of them with solid bipartisan support, which would help spur private sector job-creation and would help get this economy moving again. But the Democrats who’ve run the Senate for the past five years have ignored virtually all of it. Senate Democrats have decided it isn’t in the interests of their party for Congress to get anything done right now. They’ve adopted a strict strategy of inaction. They simply won’t take yes for an answer.’
‘Last night, Senate Republicans also moved ahead on legislation that private contractors who do work for federal, state, and local governments have been asking us to enact as a way to protect jobs…The best thing about this proposal: not only is it bipartisan, it’s also part of the President’s bill. So here’s another example of something we could do for job creators that we know will actually become law. And there’s no reason I can think of that this legislation shouldn’t get 100 votes in the Senate.’