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Obamacare: Broken Promises

November 13, 2013

WASHINGTON, D.C.U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell made the following remarks on the Senate floor regarding the numerous broken promises of Obamacare:

“One of the favorite pastimes of politicians in Washington is to talk about how frustrated the American people are with politicians in Washington. After the past few weeks, it’s easy to see why.
“I’m talking about the President’s promise — repeated dozens of times — that if you like your health care plan, you can keep it. And the sobering realization by millions of Americans that it just wasn’t true.

“Some of the top fact-checkers in the country have used terms like ‘Pants on Fire’ and ‘False’ and ‘Four Pinocchios’ to describe the claim that, under Obamacare, folks would be able to keep their plans.

“In a matter of weeks, it’s gone from being one of the law’s top selling points to a national punch line. And if millions of people weren’t so frustrated and upset by it, it might be funny. But it’s not the least bit funny.
“At this stage, about 50,000 folks are believed to have signed up for insurance on the federal exchange – way below Administration estimates – while at least 3.5 million Americans have lost their health coverage.
“In other words, about twice as many folks have lost their insurance in the state of Idaho alone since October 1st as have obtained health insurance across the entire federal exchange. So this is a real crisis.

“In my home state of Kentucky, over a quarter of a million people have lost private health care plans so far, and only about 7,000 Kentuckians have been able to obtain new private insurance under Obamacare.

“If you consider that Kentucky received more than $250 million in taxpayer funds to get Obamacare up and running, that works out to about $35,000 per private insurance enrollee. That’s before taxpayer subsidies.
“So we’ve thrown untold millions at this disastrous rollout and what do we have to show for it? Millions of people losing their coverage, despite assurances from the President that they’d be able to keep it — period.
“And let’s be very clear about something: these insurance cancellations are no accident.
“It’s the way the law was designed.

“Remember: in order for Obamacare to work, millions of Americans had to lose the coverage they’d purchased on their own, so the government could dump them into the Obamacare exchanges. That way, the government could then get them to pay more to subsidize coverage for everybody else.

“That 31-year old dentist from Louisville I mentioned last week — the one who isn’t married and has no kids but now has to carry pediatric dental care on his plan? Well, he’s one of the unfortunate ones who’s now subsidizing care for everybody else. And despite the fact that the President and the other supporters of this bill vowed up and down that folks like this would be able to keep the health care plans they had and liked…the fact is, that was never true. And they knew it.
“They knew folks would lose their coverage.
“Just as the President once famously predicted that utility rates would ‘necessarily skyrocket’ as a result of his cap and trade policy, so too would health care rates skyrocket under Obamacare. The only difference is that on health care, Democrats apparently knew they couldn’t tell people how it would all shake out in the end.
“But they knew. That’s why, in 2010, every Democrat who was in the Senate voted against a Republican proposal designed to hold the President to his word.

“The fact is, the President’s health care law was designed to capture millions of middle-class Americans, jack up their premiums, and use the extra cash to keep Obamacare afloat. This isn’t some unforeseen consequence of the law…it is the law. It’s working just like they designed it. Just like what they voted for.
“So it’s hard to take seriously the faux outrage we’ve seen of late from some of our Democrat friends.
“And as for the President, well, this should be no great revelation to him either. Just the other day, the media pointed out that the administration knew for years that Americans would lose coverage. But here’s something else: at a bipartisan Health Care Summit in 2010, the President was asked directly about this kind of thing by House Majority Leader Cantor. In reply, the President admitted that ‘8 to 9 million’ would have to change coverage …and then justified it on the grounds that they’d be getting better coverage from the government once they lost it.

“So the President actually admitted during that event that millions would lose their health care … and still went out on the campaign trail claiming Americans could keep the health care plans they had.
“This is why Americans feel so hurt by this particular broken promise. And what many of them want to know is this: Why would Washington Democrats persist with it even after it became clear it was false?
“I think the reasons are simple enough.
“One, they needed to pass the Obamacare bill; and two, they needed to sell it to a skeptical public.
“And neither would have been possible without it.
“If the President had gone out and told people that if he likes your plan, you get to keep it, it would never have passed. And that’s why the President’s so-called “apology” the other night rang so hollow for so many.
“Obamacare’s problems run so deep and the broken promises are so pervasive that it is impossible to identify an ‘easy fix’. It truly ought to be repealed or delayed. But if the President is truly sorry for breaking his promise to the American people, there is a natural place to start: He could support legislation that would help restore these plans to folks who want them back.
“And he can act on it as early as this Friday.
“That’s because the House is expected to send over a bill that would allow Americans to keep the plans they have and want to keep. There’s no reason the President and Senate Democrats should not join Republicans and the American people in supporting it.

“This doesn’t have to be a partisan battle. These cancellations haven’t discriminated based on party. The people out there who are frustrated and upset at losing their health care plans are Democrats and Republicans. The President can help all of them by backing the bill the House is expected to pass Friday.
“I think that’s basically what Bill Clinton was suggesting yesterday when he said the President should honor the commitment the government made to these folks, even if it means changing the law.
“I’ve had a lot of disagreements with Bill Clinton over the years. But at key moments he was willing to cross party lines. And I think here’s a moment where the American people are expecting President Obama to do the same. Allowing Americans to keep their health plans is a promise Democrats made over, and over, and over again.
“Whether or not they meant it, Democrats promised this much to the American people – and it’s their duty to make good on what they said. Once the House acts, my conference will be watching closely to see whether the Senate Democrat majority allows a vote and will help us send that bill to the President’s desk. So will the American people.
“So my message to the President is simple. Mr. President: our constituents are frustrated and they’re upset. You can help. Do the right thing.”

Washington, D.C.U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell made the following remarks on the Senate floor congratulating Archbishop Joseph Kurtz of Louisville on his election as president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops:

“I’d like to Congratulate Archbishop Joseph Kurtz, the Catholic Archbishop of Louisville, on his election as president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. Archbishop Kurtz isn’t a native Kentuckian. He’s originally from Pennsylvania. But we’ve adopted him as our own since he was appointed head of the Louisville Archdiocese in June of 2007. I wish him all the best as he seeks to promote the Church’s mission in the United States. Congratulations.”
Washington, D.C.U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell made the following remarks on the Senate floor regarding the Senate Democrats attempt to focus on D.C. Circuit Court nominations rather than the consequences of Obamacare:

“Despite the repeated promises of President Obama, millions of people are losing their health insurance—health insurance they very much liked and were assured they could keep.  It has been reported that so far, 3.5 million Americans have lost their health insurance under Obamacare.  That includes over a quarter million people in Kentucky, a third of a million people in Florida, and almost a million people in California. 

“This is a serious problem that the President and Congressional Democrats need to do something about. The obvious answer is repeal.  But in the meantime, the legislation offered by Sen. Ron Johnson would help Americans keep the plans they have and like.

“If the President and Senate Democrats are serious about helping the millions of Americans who’ve unexpectedly lost their insurance over the past several weeks, then they should support it.  Unfortunately, they appear ready to ignore this problem. 

“Rather than focusing on keeping their commitment to the American people, they are focusing on things that appeal to their base.  Rather than change the law that is causing so many problems for so many, they want to change the subject.

“According to one recent report, our Democratic friends want ‘to divert as much attention as possible away from the problem-plagued Obamacare rollout at this formative stage of the 2014 campaign.’  Which brings us to the vote we will have today. 

“We will not be voting on legislation to allow Americans to keep their health insurance if they like it, as they were promised again and again.  Rather, we will be voting on a nominee to a court that doesn’t have enough work to do. 

“A court so underworked that it regularly cancels oral argument days. 

“A court whose judges tell us that if any more judges were put on the court, there wouldn’t be enough work to go around. 

“A court that is less busy now than it was when Senate Democrats pocket-filibustered President Bush’s nominee to the court, Peter Keisler, for two years. 

“And it is less busy based upon the very standards that Democrats themselves set forth when they blocked Mr. Keisler’s nomination.  

“By the way, it is also less busy now than it was then according to an analysis provided by the Chief Judge of that court.

“The Senate ought to be spending its time dealing with a real crisis, not a manufactured one.  We ought to be dealing with an ill-conceived law that is causing millions of Americans to lose their health insurance. 

“Instead, we will spend our time today on a political exercise designed to distract the American people from the mess that is Obamacare, rather than try to fix it.

“If our Democratic colleagues are going to ignore the fact that millions of people are losing their health insurance plans, they should at least be working with us to fill judicial emergencies that actually exist, rather than complaining about fake ones. 

“There are nominees on the Executive Calendar who would fill actual judicial emergencies, unlike the Pillard nomination. 

“Some of them, in fact, have been pending on the Calendar longer than the Pillard nomination. 

“But rather than work with us to schedule votes on these nominations in an orderly manner, as we have been doing all year, the Majority prefers to concoct a crisis on the D.C. Circuit so it can try to distract the American people from the failings of Obamacare.  
“Unfortunately, our friends appear to be more concerned with playing politics than with solving actual problems.

“So I will be voting no on this afternoon’s political exercise.  I hope the Senate will focus on things the American people care about, rather than spend its time trying to distract them.”