Press Releases

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell made the following remarks on the Senate floor Wednesday regarding the recent passage of the Ronald Reagan Centennial Commission:

“Last night the Senate passed a bill to create a commission to commemorate the 100th birthday of our 40th president, Ronald Wilson Reagan. This bill passed in the House with wide bipartisan support, and here by unanimous consent.

“On June 3rd, we will host a celebration here in the Capitol with the state of California sending their statute of Ronald Wilson Reagan to join the collection of state statues from around the country. And, in February 2011, we will commemorate his 100th birthday.

“To his beloved Nancy, his family and all of us that believe that our best days are ahead in this shining city on a hill, I stand in humble gratitude for his service and great pride that Congress has finally agreed to enact legislation to commemorate one of the most important Americans of the 20th century.”
