Press Releases

‘There's clearly a double-standard at play here, one that undermines our ability to fulfill one of the Senate's most important and solemn responsibilities’

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell made the following remarks on the Senate floor Monday regarding the need for a thorough review of the Sotomayor nomination:

“It was less than three weeks ago that the President announced his intention to nominate Judge Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court. In announcing her nomination, the White House made much of the fact that the Judge had the lengthiest judicial record in recent memory. Last week, in a departure from past practice, the Democratic leadership of the Judiciary Committee unilaterally scheduled her hearing without even notifying the Ranking Member. Because of this unwise and unfair approach, Judge Sotomayor’s hearing will begin just three legislative weeks from today.

“As I understand it, her questionnaire is still incomplete. Among other deficiencies, she has not provided materials from seventeen cases she handled as a prosecutor. Nor has she provided materials from any appellate cases she handled. And she has not provided materials from over 100 speeches she has given.

“During the Roberts and Alito hearings, our Democratic friends repeatedly told us it was more important to ‘do it right’ than to ‘do it quick.’ Now that there is a Democratic President, it appears their attitude is to ‘just do it.’ They want the shortest confirmation process in recent memory for a nominee with the longest judicial record in recent memory. There's clearly a double-standard at play here, one that undermines our ability to fulfill one of the Senate's most important and solemn responsibilities.”
