Press Releases

McConnell says best gift for Suu Kyi is for regime to “free her and other Burmese prisoners of conscience”

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell made the following remarks on the Senate floor Friday in honor of the 64th birthday of Aung San Suu Kyi:

“Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Aung San Suu Kyi, turns 64 today. Unfortunately, she will spend her birthday, not in the company of family and friends, but in Burma’s notorious Insein Prison where 31 political prisoners have died since 1988. Despite her apparently poor health, Suu Kyi is being housed in Insein because she is standing trial for the dubious charge of permitting a misguided American to enter her home. Sadly, Suu Kyi has already spent 13 of her last 19 birthdays under house arrest, and if convicted of these trumped-up charges by the Burmese regime, she could spend the next 5 birthdays in this foul prison.

“The best gift Suu Kyi can receive for her birthday is for the regime to display some uncommon good sense and free her and other Burmese prisoners of conscience. My colleagues and I are committed to standing with her and the people of Burma for as long as it takes for that to occur.”
