Press Releases

Northup nominated to be Commissioner of the Consumer Product Safety Commission

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell made the following remarks Wednesday at the confirmation hearing for Representative Anne Northup as a Commissioner of the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC):

“Mr. Chairman, I’m very pleased to introduce someone who needs no introduction to Congress or to government service: my good friend, Anne Northup. Anne and I have known each other longer than either of us would care to admit. Throughout that time I’ve been a great admirer of all she’s accomplished, in both her professional and personal life.

“She sits before you today as the president’s nominee to be a commissioner of the Consumer Product Safety Commission, which has a lifesaving mission to protect Americans from hazardous products. I want to thank the president for his confidence in Anne in selecting her.

“I really appreciate his desire to see the mission of the CPSC fulfilled, and his understanding that good people on both sides of the aisle want to make that happen and have a lot to contribute. Anne is very much one of those people.

“Anne’s gift is that she can easily see where and why a problem exists and what the best solution is; she’s proven she has that ability over a long career. If her track record doesn’t convince you that she is a great fit for this job, then take it from me: She is smart, thorough, persistent, insightful and a hard worker.

“Every American will have reason to be thankful that she is once again dedicating herself to public service. We in Kentucky certainly are.

“Anne represented the Third District of Kentucky in Congress for 10 years, from 1997 to 2006. The Third District includes virtually all of the city of Louisville, my hometown, and so I was one of Anne’s constituents.

“Anne was recognized as a leader by her peers in the House from her very first term. House leadership trusted her with important legislative appointments dealing with issues as varied as free trade, education, and drug abuse.

“And we in Louisville were grateful time and time again for her efforts on our behalf, and her grace and civility on the public stage.

“Anne also served in the Kentucky House of Representatives for nine years, and served her community for many years before that as an active citizen and community volunteer. But I don’t think she would disagree when I say what is most important to her, and what she has had the most success at in a very successful life, is her wonderful family.

“Anne and her husband Woody have been married for 40 years and together have six children. Woody is a small-business owner who’s here with us today, and I’m sure he’s very proud of everything he and Anne have built together.

“Anne puts her family at the center of her life. She comes from a large family—she is the second of 11 children—and she’s the mother of a large family. I’d suspect dealing with so many kids prepared her to deal with members of Congress.

“But as a mom, Anne knows how important it is to have confidence in the safety of consumer products. She knows that we must look out for consumers, especially kids. She will bring that perspective to this job, and I know she will take the responsibilities of the CPSC very seriously. She understands that the health and safety of a lot of Americans, especially children, depends on it.

“As a Commissioner of the CPSC, Anne also won’t forget that she is there not to create more red tape but to serve ordinary Americans. She understands all too well the frustrations many of us have dealing with government bureaucracies.

“And as a former member of Congress, Anne understands that regulatory agencies must respect the legislation Congress passes. Agencies like the CPSC have an important role to play. But they must never confuse their role with Congress’s, which is to make law.

“No matter which way you look at it, Mr. Chairman, the president has made a wonderful choice with this nomination, and the American people are going to gain the services of a fighter and a thinker on the CPSC as a result. Most of all, they will gain the common-sense touch of a concerned mother and proud American.

“I could not recommend her more strongly to this committee and I look forward to her confirmation. Thank you for allowing me to speak on her behalf today.”
