Levin Statement on New Fuel Economy Standards

Jul 29, 2011 Issues: Energy

U.S. Rep. Sander Levin (D-MI) issued the following statement regarding the agreement on new fuel economy standards announced today:

“The goal all along has been to reach a fuel economy agreement that is good for consumers, and fair and achievable for U.S. vehicle manufacturers and their workers.  Above all, the goal has been to set a national standard, instead of an unworkable patchwork of state standards.  This is what the Michigan Delegation has been fighting for, and this is what I will continue to work for as the framework is finalized.

“The agreement is ambitious.  By any yardstick, the agreement represents a significant increase in fuel economy that will dramatically reduce oil consumption and greenhouse gas emissions and save consumers money at the pump.  

“The last year has seen a resurgence of the auto industry and it is vital that we continue the fight to build the cars of the future in the United States.”