Levin Applauds President's Call for Energy Tax Incentives

Feb 3, 2011 Issues: Energy

(Washington D.C.)- Ways and Means Committee Ranking Member Sander M. Levin (D-MI) today applauded President Obama’s call to extend and expand energy tax incentives during the President’s appearance in Pennsylvania:

“I strongly support President Obama’s call for energy efficiency tax incentives. Advanced energy tax incentives are vital as we seek to lay the foundation for a new era in American manufacturing and innovation as well as reduce our overall energy consumption.

“In addition to incentives for energy efficiency upgrades, we must renew the successful 48C tax credit for advanced energy manufacturing, which has supported more than $7 billion in investments for domestic manufacturing facilities. Other important incentives that expired last year, such as the tax credits for purchasing heavy duty hybrids and natural gas vehicles, should be brought back. These incentives are vital parts to the public-private partnership, which is essential to accelerating technology advancements and job creation in advanced manufacturing and alternative energy. We will press to keep them high on the jobs agenda.”
