Congressman Sanford Bishop

Representing the 2nd District of Georgia

Op Eds

Jul 13, 2010 Op Ed

(Published in the Albany Herald)

Mr. Sellars should have looked farther than the title of the resolution and actually made some effort to understand it before writing his letter to the editor (EDITOR’S NOTE: “Bishop’s vote helps cut ethics oversight,” In My View letter by Jason Sellars of Cairo, July 8).

May 12, 2010 Op Ed

(Published in the Bainbridge Post-Searchlight)

To The Editor:

Billy Smith’s May 8th letter to the editor, “Bill Was Rammed Through,” contains a number of inaccuracies that I would like to correct.

May 1, 2010 Op Ed

(Published in the Bainbridge Post-Searchlight)

To The Editor:

I am grateful for the opportunity to respond to and correct the numerous false assertions of the Letter to the Editor written by Lake Adams, which appeared in the Saturday, April 24 edition of the Bainbridge Post-Searchlight.

Jun 28, 2009 Op Ed

(Published in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution)

When President Obama took office, nearly 3.6 million Americans had lost jobs; millions more were working harder in jobs that paid less with fewer benefits. Nearly $8 billion in wealth was lost in retirement savings and the stock market.

Jan 20, 2009 Op Ed

Just a few short years ago, who would have thought our next president’s name would be Barack Obama?  Who would have thought that an African American man born in Hawaii with a mother from Kansas and a father from Kenya would become the leader of the free world?  President-elect Obama’s story is one that defies all odds.   It is a story of overcoming adversity and persevering against doubt.  It t

Mar 13, 2008 Op Ed

The Governors of Georgia, Florida, and Alabama came to Washington last year optimistic that a fair and far-reaching solution could be worked out to bring an end to this “water war.” I, too, was hopeful.

Sep 11, 2007 Op Ed

It might surprise many Georgians that, despite unprecedented job growth in the Atlanta area over the past 15 years, agriculture is Georgia’s largest industry, and still 1 out of 7 Georgians works in agriculture, forestry, or a related sector, according to the Georgia Farm Bureau.

Feb 6, 2007 Op Ed

I support the troops, their families, and those who have sacrificed so much in this war. And, as a member of the Defense Subcommittee of the House Appropriations Committee, I am committed to making sure our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan get everything they need -- every dollar, every dime, and every penny.
