Recent Press Releases

Historically, divided government has provided great opportunity to tackle the country's biggest problems on a truly bipartisan basis and it is my hope that this effort will serve as a catalyst for achieving the spending and entitlement reform that our country so desperately needs.

It’s Time to Get Serious

December 3, 2010

A number of Democrats have told their constituents that, no, of course they won’t raise taxes in the middle of a recession. They know as well as Republicans do that raising taxes — on anybody — is counterproductive in a fragile economy like ours. And they’ve said so. So we fully expect these Democrats to keep their word and vote against proposals that do anything less.

Tribute to Mayor Bill Gorman

December 2, 2010

In October a dear friend of mine – and of the Commonwealth of Kentucky — passed away peacefully. And today I would like to pay tribute to Mayor Bill Gorman, of Hazard, Kentucky, for his warm and generous spirit and, above all, for his faithfulness to the mission of promoting, defending, and serving the people of Hazard.