Press Releases

“There remain two significant tests of whether or not Burma’s relationship with the United States has improved to the degree that we should even consider moving away from a policy of sanctions”

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell made the following remarks Tuesday regarding the Administration’s Burma policy:

“Early in the Obama administration I encouraged Secretary of State Clinton to make Burma a priority, review our policies toward and relations with Burma, and to see how the U.S. could better achieve its objectives toward the regime. Having reached the end of that review Secretary Clinton has decided to engage the regime in Burma in pursuit of the fundamental goal of a unified, peaceful, prosperous and democratic Burma that respects the human rights of its citizens.

“There remain two significant tests of whether or not Burma’s relationship with the United States has improved to the degree that we should even consider moving away from a policy of sanctions: the release of all political prisoners to include Aung San Suu Kyi, and the conduct of free and fair elections in 2010 that allow for the meaningful participation of opposition and ethnic groups. The United States must also insist that Burma comply with its international obligations and end any prohibited military or proliferation related cooperation with North Korea.”
