Press Releases

WASHINGTON, DCU.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell made the following statement Friday regarding the latest version of the Wall Street bill:

“Americans are in no mood to have Washington tell them, ‘trust me.’ And when Democrats in Washington claim that yet another 2,000-page bill and massive new regulations on consumers are the solution to the failings of Wall Street, they want them to prove it. So when the chief sponsor of the Wall Street bill says that ‘no one will know’ if their bill works until it’s already implemented, it doesn’t inspire confidence.

“Everyone recognizes the need to rein in Wall Street to prevent another crisis. And there are reforms we agree on that will benefit taxpayers. But while we will review this latest version carefully, it’s not encouraging that a bill that was supposed to address the problems of Wall Street and protect consumers is supported by the biggest banks, opposed by small business owners and still fails to address the government sponsored enterprises that were the root cause of the problem.”
